Spell Batching WORST Idea Ever Implemented

We do not mind, hunters suffer the most from this bug.FD+Trap have to be instant, without that it is unplayable.Spell do not works perfectly, i can confirm that in so many cases Feing Death doing nothing, not even animation, there is few kind of bug in same spell, SpelL Batching + Spell Bug, stop talk about Hunter spell that u never used before, and all that in name of Hunters.Let Hunter Talk about Hunter problems, you can not know better than US who playing and played hunter last 12+years… you are so annoying.

I think I know as much as any other player how the environment works

It isn’t ideal - but Blizz seem to have no interest in speeding up the combat engine

Every player class would benefit from lower latency

I get you’re going on the technicality of it “working in classic”, but this is most clearly not how it was working in vanilla; hence the outrage, adding to that the patronising “it might resist” doesn’t really help and only inflames (but I’m sure know what you’re doing ;))
This thread title is describing the cause of the issue while the OP goes on to explain the result.
So that leads us back to spell batching and the fact that I don’t think I have spoken to a single person that likes this over what was.

Also with this spell batching blink gives u immune to intersept stun for some time! ofc it wasnt like this back in vanilla for sure

Its WORST for hunters, stop generalizing things.

I suppose some good comes of this, I mean you can hit an Ice trapped target without breaking the trap! That’s one exploit you never could pull off back then.

Agreed, someone needs to stop spellbatching and his provocative posts.
Rebble rebble rebble!

yeah u also can hit rogue that just vanished ez

Without Spell Batching Game would works perfect.I can not realize who gave them idea to simulate a LAG as “Authentic experience”. You have to be mental for that idea.

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I’d imagine the “mental” person was in charge of budget. Imagine the cost saving of only processing the spells of hundreds of thousands (millions?) of players at 2.5 times a second versus idk say 30 times? I bet they’re laughing it up right now :smiley:


Interesting thread, didn’t know what spell batching was until i read it here.

Lag as “authentic experience” ?? :rofl::rofl:

I don’t recall any significant lag unless the servers were running bad lol !

In all seriousness, who came up with that. Is that why i see latency in Quartz addon jump between roughly 100 and 500ms while the so called in game latency meter is lying to me that i have only 7ms to the gameserver?

I’ve noticed strange things happening such as tonight, one of the hunters shooting at my sheeped mob, it stayed sheep until his 3rd hit, he didn’t miss any. Or like being able to hit something with a frostbolt that runs out of my reach, funny yeah, most funny in pvp too.

But i don’t think that shooting a sheeped target that doesn’t break it is working as intended.

The hunter that hit the sheep I’m guessing landed an auto and multi in the same batch the sheep landed and the third (bad huntard!) broke it as it fell in the next batch (though that would be some extreme rapid fire?)
I distinctly remember being able to hit targets that moved out of range after cast (more so on mage), but it depended greatly on the speed they were moving and the distance at which they reached once the shot/spell would land. I guess with the extended spell batching window in classic, the opportunity to not have it fail from “out of range” error has increased.

I’m trying to give a level perspective - it probably doesn’t come across that way

Some classes at suffering more than others because of reliance on combos to lose aggro - Rogues vanish is a good example

But the issue isn’t the spell mechanic - it’s artificial lag - and it pretty complex to resolve - because it isn’t just there for the sake of it - it’s also there so that the game engine can be as accurate as possible in terms of the location of active mobs - Player and NPC

In the current state it’s definitely too long - but if you read up on it you do get a better sense of why Blizz are reluctant to make a knee jerk change

Targets leaving range but still getting hit by your attack is leeway - I described it earlier in the thread - and it cuts both ways - so an attack can hit you way after you expect it to

Players will notice it most often riding through NPCs

If they don’t want to remove the artificial lag they should just let traps be placed in combat. Imagine if a mage warlock whatever could only poly, fear, stun out of combat? That’s what hunters in vanilla have to deal with. It’s not gonna make hunters OP it will bring them to same level of any other crowd control.

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It kind of sucks but we did ask for it


I don’t know about how long youve kept track, but yes.

I don’t know about how long youve kept track, but yes.


“Oh lord I love you guys”
“This is amazing. Classic team exceeding my expectations with every update”
“Pvp will be great again! thank you!”

Agreed! The game runs like garbage and the feature should be removed now.

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