Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

I suggest you read my initial statement, as I quite frankly can’t be arsed to keep repeating myself if you can’t be arsed to read what you are responding to.

Certainly, it helps and I see that you think it’s fine. However, what it does might be too much and and I think does warrant discussion.

Yes, it helps… that’s what addons are for. You yourself have pointed out that a modified combat log could be religiously studied to achieve player detection. Yes it’s an inferior method. That’s the definition of a valid addon, it makes something more efficient, but can be done without the addon.

You can only target them and pinpoint their location via spy if they are in range. If they are in range, you can see them anyway.

The coords the addon links are the coords of the player using the addon not the coords of the enemy lol. So this addon gets info from combat log to announce what is around the USER in a 100yard radius. Even damage meters detects players activitys around you without being party or same faction but this addon give that extra ui to target them easier or to make a list of them.

Lets say the player#2376 kills me and i want to find him . I write down the name on paper or notepad addon, i put the meter on activity page and when i see his name on the meter i press the target marco. Ggwp


Unless they are hiding behind solid objects or through means of other geographical peculiarities.

And that’s really my personal gripe with this addon. Sure you could monitor your combat log. But the point is that you automatically get notified of everything. Of what you realistically won’t be able to spot, of things you might miss in your combat log because you’d never bother to keep reading it all the time.

And I believe that is a bit too much in a game with an open world full of asymmetries where every honor kill is soon to advance your PvP rankings.
Of course you are free to disagree and you certainly made your voice heard, but personally, I think the complaints about it are reasonable and some looking-into-it on Blizzard’s part might be needed.

Okay, behind something you can’t always see them, unless you can zoom out a lot.

And that’s the point of all addons.

Well, they have known about spy for a looooong time. Their stance on it seems pretty clear.

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This addon existed in vanilla. I just sneak from longer distances, they can only detect if you go into stealth. Not that you already are in stealth.


The addon is full of prerequisites to be legal.
Lets analyze all it does.
1st : stores informations like other addons. In this case it stores names.
2nd : extract this informations from combat log. Like damage meters ,dbm etc.
3rd : when the info from combat log cross with stored informations it warns(like pve and pvp addons) or it simply read and display specific combat log info(players activity => name of the player).
4th : lets you click on the ui to target the player . This is happening via target commands. Actually is like creating fast the macro for you . Like battleground targets addon.
5th : displays this info on chat automatically like i say again dbm.

So to stop it from working you need to.

Stop addons from saving informations.
Stop addons from reading combat log
Stop commands like /target working in pvp
Stop addons from displaying info on the screen and chat.

This addon is actually reporting specific informations from combat log in a friendly user ui.


people say “oh but its just combat log” while completely ignoring the visual and sound warnings - something the combat log definitely does NOT do.
some of them even said they use combat log as their standard chat window to try and make excuses for this gamebreaking “addon” which i would classify as a cheat.

getting visual and loudible sound cues to warn against an attacking player is not something that is possible using the combat log.

ban it.


WHAT IS GOING ON??? HOW IS THAT HACK STILL NOT BANNED BY BLIZZARD?! Thats not an addon, thats a hack that gives u big advantage over players that are not using it.

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IMO it’s quite simple. If an addon only enhances your gameplay but does not directly influences other players game, they are alright.

If an addon you use directly (negatively) influences other players game, they should not be allowed.

This addon warns you of other players, directly influencing their game by allowing you to prepare for them. Should be removed.

Don’t know or even care if it was in Vanilla really. Vanilla and #NoChange is about the game itself. Not about Addons, or their could not be any newly created addon since what, 2005, allowed in the game.


Then all addons that can access combat log would also be blocked. Well done, you just destroyed a lot of addons.

My solution to Spy was not rolling a rogue.

And I will not roll a rogue until Spy is banned/disabled. The #1 advantage that rogues have in wPvP is taken away from them by an addon that didn’t even exist back in vanilla - that’s a “no, thanks, have a nice day” from me.


Thing is, I don’t use Spy, but I also do use Weak Auras and have set up a weak aura that tracks enemy CDs.

This happens sometimes when I don’t even know the person is there and can easily be set up to track when someone uses stealth. The only to stop this from working is to make it so the game does not write when a class uses stealth into the combat log. You would have to break the combat log to change this from happening.


If it reads combat log only then explain how it detects those players who fly over you ?
How it detects those players who just pass on mount without any regen buffs ?


Cos retail is funserver and most don’t care anymore what is going on there.

Spy does far more than just read the Combat Log.

If it reads combat log only then explain how it detects those players who fly over you ?
How it detects those players who just pass on mount without any regen buffs ?

As you can see, it literally does things for you, which can be compared to botting (like fishbot, which is bannable).

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Nonsense, combat log is being read.

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Then how does it detect players flying above you on taxi or those just running past you?

Those players are inserting data into your combat log.


the addon does nothing than display the information you already have in a different way.

you could do the same with a weakaura if you cared to write it.
its combat log information everyone has access too. its neither a hack nor is it unfair to anyone.

well, unless you are of the opinion that the way data is displayed to you can be an unfair advantage.
every UI altering addon falls under that category.

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