Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Open your combat log and show there a guy who flies above.
At least an one row bouta him.

So you gank lowbies and if they get help you just hide in a safe spot and wait till high levels leave the area.
And this addon just let them find you easier.
How unfair.

Ita a huntard after all. He cant have others with a tracking system like he has. Even if it doesnt work at all like that.

lol, wpvp won’t be ruined by any addon like this at all, it will be ruined by the horrid faction balance on all realms. Also, if phase 2 comes out eventually anf me dying will have an effect, I’ll check on this :slight_smile:

They fix desursive by protection API from doing anything with Casting/targeting. where you want them to protect the API from doing anything in the combatlog ? no dps meter, no Castbars no wa’s ect.


Why should the enemy be the only one prepared for the fight and not me as well?

Note that I don’t use the addon, yet I understand why you would. Earn your kills and don’t get them cheap.

That’s coming for a warlock, taking 50 minutes to prepare for each fight with health stone, soulstone, demon armor and summons. Maybe a spellstone if going against a caster.
And yes, it should be okay to use if the combat log displays it. Stealth out of range or buff up in town ffs.

Here some suggestions how to still lay an ambush: Wait for your target. Sit in stealth outside of bootybay and ambush unsuspecting travellers from both directions. You’re not a backflipping anime rogue from retail anymore who. Is faster with stealth than without anymore. Buff up and have your stuff ready before going into attack mode.


decursive is incompatible with the modern API.
they didn’t break it for classic. they blocked the necessary functions in 2.0.
and for good reason.

spy on the other hand does not rely on bot automation or other exploitable API functions.

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People like you are the ones who ruin Classic by constantly crying to Blizzard, begging them to remove things that YOU dont like.

Please stop yourself.


still no reply on this topic from blizzard?

Their silence is your reply.

of course no reply as you are requesting something idiotic & hard to enforce on top of that…

The addon taps into combat-log… in short if you wished to prevent this type of addon you would also disable damage & threat meters at the very least…

not to mention it only spots players who use an ability while within range… all you have to do if you wish to not be spotted and make it more of a surprise as they expect to spot on “spy” is simply to get close before you use an ability or gain something from a buff…

whats next ? tinfoil hats ? whats your next non-blizzlike idea ?..
their silence is the kindest way of not hurting your feelings even if you are being rather foolish and inconsiderate.

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Spy ruins many strategies for rvr, which is the most fun there is to find in vanilla wow.

Well, classic has been out for a while now. Is wpvp in classic ruined as op predicted?

Yes. Wbosses are not even out yet and it’s already a mess.
You know at least half a minute in advance that the enemy raid is coming. You do not even need a rogue or far sight to scout ahead or an alt account doing /who scanning. You just use Spy.

If threat/dmg meters need to die to preserve the integrity of PvP so be it, and this is coming from a primarily PvE player.

… when idiots respond before thinking…
blizzard can only prevent addons based on name or hinder functionality

  1. the name is easily edited even by normal people… thus this method is impossible.

  2. hinder functionality… you do know it taps into combat log right ? hinder that and you destroy all damage & threat meters and much more than you are able to fathom…

Also even if spy didn’t exist any half brained fool could look in the combat log without having the visual display… only thing you accomplish crying without thinking is appearing like fools…


… when idiots respond before thinking…

Have you tried looking at your combatlog with everything enabled in a 80 v 80 type of scenario? Your own raid’s passive regen and auras fading would blow your mind.

Besides that, I think you’re right. I’m not an addon developer so wtf do I know. They managed to disable the LFG tool without much fuss afaik and the global chat took no noticable damage from that.

Its customizable, so you can set only the things you want to be displayed there.

Also, in 80v80 who’s using spy?

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40vs40 and I can tell you everybody is using it. Even tho it’s hard to get rid of it it should be gone