Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

You guys are clearly the example of those inconsistent hypocrites who defend those addons more than their own life, but who should Blizzard introduce these features as part of the client start nerdraging left and right ‘keep it nochanges wtf blizz or I will unsub’. I’ve read plenty of threads of people refusing an automatic built-in dismount who then ALL use all one addon for that, literally all and I mean literally literally.

I’m sorry for your lack of comprehension. Allow me to re-iterate. Basically I said one player can setup the combat log to be capable of doing what the addon does, except for that it would require reading enormous amount of prints in the chat which often go so quick that you have to scroll up. Again, GL doing it constantly by hand. And your reply was ‘hey but you can setup your combat log to show all the relevant messages!!’, basically captioning my first post. Not sure what is confusing you there tbh.

Ban it Blizzard.

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That’s quite a bit of assuming there, sunshine. And a massive miss on all of it.

And some irony thrown in for good measure!
See, you’re displaying your ignorance of how much you can actually customize the combat log. If I want it to show only spells successfully cast by enemy players, I can. If I want it to only show ranged attacks by enemy players that miss, I can.
If I want to keep both the standard filters, and make a third filter that colour codes spells according to their magic schools with enemy player names in bright pink with timestamps and stretch the window clear across my screen, I can.
So again, no. It doesn’t take some kind of superhuman reading speed to see what’s going on in the combat log.
Does Spy make it easier? Of course. Just like pretty much every other addon that isn’t exclusively cosmetic makes things easier. And yet… you’re only whining about this particular addon. Why? Simple and blatant ignorance.

Now if Blizz suddenly decided that “Hey! This thing that’s been available since Vanilla? Let’s ban that because some numpties think it’s some magic IWIN button for PvP!”, it would make little difference to me or anyone else using it. Because if we’re really desperate about keeping tabs on every enemy player nearby, we can (and this is the important part) already do that with the combat log!


The real question is - how do you want blizzard to ban this addon when anyone can make another one in a minute?


I have yet to see one doing it with the combat log. Fancy being the first?
I don’t give a damn about the addon itself, I don’t use it neither I will, I am all about the retards claiming they COULD do it without facilities, but hey they just dont want to. The same way all those #nochanges idiots could dismount manually, yet they don’t. This is just so average it does not surprise me anymore even.

Blizzard does not ban addons, they just remove certain functions which are used by the addons they want to limit. So nobody can make another one in a minute, or in a year.

So you want Blizzard to either remove the combat log or prohibit reading it for addons. Thats probably not gonna happen.


Well, you’re gonna have to give me at least a few days to get all those complicated variables set up…

No, wait… it takes 2 minutes.


I think the addon is just fine. Should not be banned / removed from game.

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OP said spy could ruin WPvP in classic, has WPvP actually been ruined by Spy? Classic has been going a while now, should be enough time to know if WPvP is ruined.

Not sure which is sadder. Defending something, or defending something while doing the exact opposite of it. Thanks for the amusement

For sure, mate. Defending something is super sad. Like wtf, why would anyone defend anything, right?
Thats some woke logic right there.

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You should talk about logic in front of the guy who says tracking enemies through combat log is easy but then uses the addons, which he doesnt want banned guess why, lmao

Neither are as sad as your desperate attempt to avoid admitting you’re wrong.

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Maybe its because the addon still makes it easier?
I definitely wanna talk about your logic, it seems seriously underdeveloped, this could be a problem.

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Wrong? I can bet my nuts you are TOTALLY AWARE how it is legitimately undoable to track manually the combat log prints, trying hard to make the addon look as it’s ‘not that much of an advantage’ only because should it get disabled one day you are totally uncapable of doing what the addon does, despite your poor attempts to make us think the opposite.
But yea, feel free to prove me wrong.

Its also undoable to swap all your gear in one second. Should we ban Itemrack?
Or to remember all the quests info. Should we ban Questie?


So in addition to the combat log, you have difficulty understanding how links work too. :thinking:

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Yes, because I totally don’t know how to setup filters. Keep dodging the main point instead lmao. In the brightest case, you are just trolling and I’m done feeding that. :wink:

Yeah, we’ll just ignore that someone not only explained how you could easily set up your combat log as a scanner for enemy players, but posted screenshots of how easy it was, and just call it “trolling”. :wink:

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The ability to customize your combat log was an integral part of user interface from day one, there is a difference between Blizzard not being ok with reading and customizing your logs and not implementing extra functions and customizations because they have more important things to do, I mean the first damage meter developers used to test MC was player made. Saying that this is not ok because you can’t click on your interface to customize your logs is not a valid argument because you can still write script command into chat log and customize your interface, which any person can do without addons, and all it requires is a simple copy paste from a template.