Yes but hunter’s mark also shows them on the mini map. Tracking is completely unneeded to see them on the mini map. If they aren’t targetable, they wouldnt be visible on mini map and then the effect of spy is even greater than tracking.
But it doesnt do so inside the combat log so, doesnt mean anything.
Nope that is just an extra window. You cant look at the log for changes while normally playing the game. You can play the game while fully getting use of the information from Spy.
1: And that
how exactly…? Did Rogues and Mages suddenly get Hunter’s Mark?
2: …you don’t know what “combat log parser” means, do you?
3: So according to you, any addon that displays information is useless, because you can’t read it during normal gameplay? I have no trouble reading Threatmeter (which also parses the combat log, btw, so I guess that should be banned too?) when in combat. I have no problem checking my timers during combat.
Do you have trouble doing that? Or is just the combat log specifically that you can’t check during normal gameplay?
- We got something much better, obviously.
2 and 3 is the same.
Stop pretending the combat log can show the information in a good way. It throws a bunch of sentences at you, which you have to read which takes you away from the game.
Common sense.
The only logical reason for defending Spy so much is being in extreme fear of losing it. Why? Hmmm
So that’s a “I don’t know”, “No”, and “I have no idea, because I didn’t actually think this through” then.
Should we file you under “Does not understand what Spy actually does” or “Does not actually have any arguments, but doesn’t like Spy anyway”?
Nice try man.
…said the guy who’s big argument is that he’s a slow reader…
Cannot be fixed.
I’m using Spy for quite a while.
Gives nice advantages over other people.
There is no surprise that braindead people think that the list below aren’t cheats and are just fine in good MMORPG game.
- Spy addon
- multiboxing
- healbot
- DBM and other.
Braindead people should not affect the game.
Game directors who make poor decisions and not fix them should be fired in multibillion company.
According to the forum posts, more than a 3/4 of people are braindead, its really surprising for me, since I though wow classic gamer is 25y.o. in average.
Keep it simple and open eyes to the facts.
Don’t cry because gaslighting didn’t work, take deep breaths and enjoy the gamebreaking addon like everyone else is.
Yeah, ok, buddy.
No you don’t.
See, despite not knowing what “cheating” means, you at least have a clue what “banning” an addon like Spy would mean.
For the numpties that don’t; Blizzard don’t ban addons. They remove API functionality. That means any addon using the same functionalities as Spy will also be unusuable, and that could be a pretty damn long list.
And it wouldn’t bother me at all.
That’s nice.
Lmao owned
Spy is really nice, as soon as I see that a Rogue has stealthed nearby I just make sure I have power word shield up and refresh it as soon as the debuff expires. Caused me to win every time a rogue was brave enough to attack a shielded priest.
Been getting ganked so much
Obviously reading the combat log is harder… that’s why there’s an addon. But it’s possible to read the log, regardless of difficulty it can be done, as described. An addon could even be made to pick out the important info and highlight it… oh wait, Spy.
If an addon is a problem, blizz just shut off the offending part of the api. For Spy, they’d have to disable the combat log part of the api. You might not care, but imagine the forum fury when many many addons are broken
That would be a massive change to classic in relation to the original. How about experience classic as close as possible to original on legitimate servers, these addons were in vanilla.
I obviously know about the log, 300 or so posts ago I explained how the addon worked.
How you explain it doesnt matter, the reality is that the addon is gamebreaking.
Ye but it doesn’t break it, works fine.
Haha well ok then gamechanging is a more appropriate term but gamebreaking gives the same image
Gamebreaking means you can’t compete/play without it. Not the case.
Gamechanging is a stretch.
Advantage is accurate.