Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Just here to say Mwuahauhahah!


I agree bro

Even when I hide they still manage to find me because of this spy nonsense. They even know where you are when your dead. Wtf is this?
I remember back in vanilla me and a friend would hide in the woods and watch them ride by. It’s was so exhilarating knowing you got away.
Now I just accept my fate.

I agree it’s still crap, it’s a lot better now thanks to this change though. Not perfect by any means but we got a huge improvement this morning :slight_smile:

Well we was heard people, 50 yard range of the combat log is still a little far for my likeing but its a start, now lets get the spy addon targeting issues sorted too, once detected you can click on a name from the list of your addon and auto target them, even if u cant see them ive seen it in so many vids ect. PLEASE BAN THIS ADDON!

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I’ll tell you what happened, they reduced the usefulness of the addon reducing its range within which it works, so that once you get alerted you would probably already be so by watching your screen unless you are retarded (I’m not ruling out such possibility - almost a certainty - after reading your posts).

That’s all because, fortunately, Blizzard and especially the Classic team seem very capable of understanding when someone’s arguments are more than poor. :joy:

They nerfed it via combat log rather than disabled its functionality. A good sign they took both arguments into account :slight_smile:


…says the guy who can’t use a link, thinks he said things he demonstrably didn’t, and doesn’t understand how the combat log works. :+1:

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Funny when coming from one resorting to a machine to work the combat log for him :wink:

Yes, point out that I use an addon. That’ll show me…



Today, 25.11.19, after 50yd combat log fix i see interesting things.

  1. Staying ~40 yd off the road, in stealth, Druid level 60 with 5/5 Feral Instinct (hard to detect). Not just entered stealth, being there for several minutes.

  2. A rogue 54 rides by, but suddenly dismounts, enters stealth. He never been here since i logged in, no other players yet been here, so it is not possible to expect anyone in this place.

  3. I move aside (not in its general direction). I see him (from around 10 yd) stealthing directly to my exact location. This location is not a point of interest, flight path or anything, its just where i stood.

I do not beleive in occasional coincidences.
Stop this meta-gaming bull-t please.

Whether or not what you’re describing is true (I highly doubt it), it has nothing to do with Spy. Read the damn addon’s functionality to learn what it actually does, it has nothing to do with improving stealth detection.

Spy can not do that. If what you say is true (I doubt it), the guy is using a way worse kind of cheat which is not an addon.

It might be spy. Possible mechanics:

  1. Server heartbeat happens, my character got talent auras reapplied. Enemy player appeared <50 yd and sees

  2. in his combat log “PLAYERXX got Predatory Strikes” or something

  3. Was able to instantly target (not manually ofc) PLAYERXX before client checks and resets targeting

  4. Since he saw “blip” - he can see location where PLAYERXX was when combat log record was processed.

Why the hell at all he needs to see something, that does not damaged him ?

Tested it already. Auras like that no longer show up.

  1. Not if you are stealthed, they can’t see you no matter what.
  2. I really don’t think stealthed player’s actions appear in the combat log.
  3. If a targeted player goes to stealth you lose the target.
  4. What blip did he see, was he a hunter? You said it was a rogue.

Doesn’t matter, if it alerts you that people near you are entering stealth it gives you an unfair advantage , devalues stealth, basically gives you a warning, and that also causes a problem for low lvl players trying to avoid being ganked, as soon as stealth is used everyone start spamming every ability ever to find you , its just unfair and if you defend this addon you’re just protecting your unfair advantage.
This addon should be removed .


I agree. Even if said person would be stealthing out in the open close to his/her target it’s a problem imo, because the person in question don’t even have to turn their camera towards said stealther to know about it.

Problem is also that it displays coordinates for players activating stealth making it useless against hunters and similar that just instantly flare the area. Combat log does not display coordinates of someone when they enter stealth, imo that should be disabled from the addon. I don’t care at all if people use spy but if it affects pvp in ways that the regular combat log or /tar mcaros can’t. those features should be disabled / not allowed imo, coz it does give advantages that you can’t get without Spy. Blizz, cmon.