Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Spy add on 100% ruined the pvp in classic… It lets you know they’re near by.

That information is too strong. Granted, all it does it takes combat information and displays on screen but thats too strong.

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Ahh, Spy. No other addon in the world gives us easier access to those absolutely delicious rogue tears.

Really quite scrumptious.

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ClassicLFG works fine for me, never noticed any change.

Cast bar addons

That addon that pops a huge icon in ypur face when stunned, feared etc. And show the time in numerical.

Threatplate addon that can distinguish the look of a enemy players hp bar vs a friendly vs a mob.

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Yes, but I do not have target macros for everybody in a zone the moment I enter it? I could have, but this addon is beyond providing a “convenience” at this point.

It’s more like 10 or 15 yards, and either way 20 yards is different compared to everyone within /targeting distance.

Could you provide a wowhead classic link for this potion? I can’t seem to find it.
Shadowmeld is almost completely useless because of this addon, if it just beeps and warns every player that a night elf used Shadowmeld within /target-able distance he’s a sitting duck.

Addons that let you see if a Mage is casting rank 1 or a full Frostbolt or if a Shaman/Druid is casting Hearthstone are quite good but they do not quite provide a completely unsurmountable advantage like this does if a player using spy meets a player not using it while contesting a quest or any zone resource, the player not using it has almost 0% chance.

“no changes” isn’t to be taken literally, they introduced layering and you can’t polymorph mobs someone not in your group has tagged, for this I think their reasoning is that it’s something that they would have fixed back in the day if it became an issue and they were alerted to it, but also something that any commercial game developed would have fixed.

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You disregarded the point why exactly? And yes it is 20 yards for name plates, you would know this if you bothered to understand the interface options. You can lower the distance yourself but you cant go above 20 yards max.

Do you enjoy making it clear that you have no clue how to play NE as well?

If I’m using shadowmeld its usually when the other faction cant see me do it.
Its not some old school rouge vanish, of course your not going to run up to horde and go “LOOK AT ME < I USE SHADOWMELD… NOAW YOU CANT SEE ME!”.

You CC them, leg it out of visual distance and then use it.

Or alternately you sit in ambush waiting for the target to come to you.

Loving it far more than stone form for levelling. Cause it also lets you drink and eat in stealth whilst in dungeons.

Now your just spewing forth opinion like its fact. You make it sound like this adding makes you a unstoppable killing machine. Which on its own is just freaking hilarious. Go on post on the addons main page asking how many people found it 100% made them win every fight. Ill wait whilst they all have a good laugh and tell you how wrong you are. :smiley:

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Right, but you can no longer use terrain like houses, walls, hills to prevent someone seeing you or targetting you which to me makes it akin to using wall-hack in Counter-Strike.
It removes the biggest challenge and skill-moment in world-pvp which is having to use your eyes to be aware of the world and your surroundings.

I use spy all the time.

It doesn’t give me X-ray vision.
It doesn’t let me see you with a unlimited range.

But do please show us how wrong we are, load it up and demonstrate these amazing hax that don’t actually exist via a short vid, hell even go find us some existing video already on youtube.

Cant be that hard can it, or could it just be you have no clue how it works and are just assuming everything you post?

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fact: using /target allows you to target things you could not have seen or clicked with your mouse.

Fact: You have no clue what you are talking about.

But here I’m feeling generous, see how it actually works and stop being a muppet.

Going by the amount of criticism of wpvp on Classic forum, complainer types have bigger problems than Spy lol.


look at those dedicated defenders of the addon

As a druid - I use the addon myself - and the spy addon is the least of our worries.
Its QQ by pooor players - I’m not even that great at PVP, but knowing someone is stealthed literally is not help to someone of PvE resto spec like myself -as usually they don’t come alone and by the time you see they’ve stealthed they’re already behind you and ganking you. Spy does not give me any magical powers to avoid rogues or hide from them -the rogues will still attack and likely win as they only attack you if they think they can beat you prepared or not.

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Not sure if you are trolling or smthng. If you just have no idea dont bother talking. Every time my name pops up that i have gone into stealth all i get is random flares and blizzards/rain of fire everywhere.

Ok. I’m just wondering. How am I often dead by enemy player when hiding behind trees or something not nearby any area where a player would generally go to? (at least 60yards away from roads etc.)

Just wondering since I’m in a place where I would never have looked into.

Also I’m a hunter with aspect of beast on and no pet summoned. When I went hiding I didn’t see any humanoids in my tracking range.

Just wondering since I spent some time to find a nice spot to afk :slight_smile:

I probably didn’t have these issues in Vanilla when playing NE hunter since I had shadowmeld for extra afk protection.

Also when people say “this addon was in vanilla” do they mean end of Vanilla or during the Honor system release vanilla? Imo addons were quite limited when the honor system was released.

And at the later stages of vanilla the world pvp was not that common anymore since most people spent their pvp time in bg’s etc.

Anyways based on my experiences this addon doesn’t feel so nice. Have to see more cases how things work.

Anonymouse sup? Can you teach Blizzard some software engineering?

and Greybushy did you manage to

??? You gonna need it soon I’m afraid but you said it’s easy so np

Looks like you mighta got a patch: https://www.wowhead.com/news=296592/in-game-combat-log-range-reduced-to-50-yards-in-classic-wow

I set it up when I was teaching your dumb @ss how to do it.
And no, I’m not. But don’t let that stop you from celebrating whatever you think just happened.

50 yards is still a longer range than the maximum hunter shot range. So the addon is still valuable. Even more in areas thich with vegetation or with other elements that block sight.
The utility of Spy hasn’t changed.


Uh, it has though. It has lower range now, so therefore less utility. But you’re right, its still valuable, of course.