Agreed it needs to go
Everyone had the good addons as soon as they were available when vanilla was released, I had loads of pvp addons.
Stop crying that you wont be able to hide behind a tree and nuke players in total safety anymore.
You have litterally confirmed what i am talking about thanks.
Its a cheat for everyone who doesnt want to be unaware of rogues.
Spy doesn’t break wpvp in retail, no one complains about spy there - why would it break wpvp in classic?
It’s just reading your combat log, you could leave combat log open and manually do what spy does yourself.
Blizzard’s stance is that an addon is ok if it just makes something easier, that you could do yourself anyway.
The spy user has no advantage over a player that is manually watching their combat log.
And if a player is spamming, I assume there’s a report player option in classic?
Who need spy in retail, u have litterally all the mobility on every class, classic is COMPLETELY different to retail.
Do not post a comparrison please, play classic and you will see, having a log that shows when an enemy stealths near ur area is a VERY big advantage in classic.
Who cares about retail ill just vanish and fly away you dont have that in classic, very little movement very little get out cards.
But you have that info in combat log anyway… what’s the diff?
A big difference, this scans and locates on mini map locations and shows Coodanites of the enemy location, also giving you a warning.
this shouldnt be allowed it ruins the fun and ruins the adrenalin in world contested areas.
This proLFG trolling is tiring. Blizzard will think about and decide, as they did with the LFG addon.
I was against the LFG addon, not against this one.
The location is your location, which you already know. The minimap location is where you were. This is what addons are for, qol.
The location i know by looking yes, but it can also be used to alert all nearby allies to the location by using coordinates.
Ive said enough on the matter i have made my point quite clear.
If you use the addon your just litterally killing the game for yourselfs by not having to use your brain or concentrate.
A player could just manually type their location in chat, or maybe classic macros allow co-ords in chat at mouse click.
Spy addon is just doing it for you, as all addons do something for you. But you can still do whatever it is the addon does yourself.
As I said, spy is getting all its data from your own combat log. There is nothing it does that you can’t do yourself.
As a stealther, I could potentially not like spy… but it’s actually fun to wonder if they know I am around. Spy doesn’t track me in stealth, just says what combat log says, stealth player detected.
Try it and you will see that all the things you report here doesn’t mean much in reality. Unless an enemy is camping the coords are valid for 10-20 secs. Besides, the reaction from people in local defense is often “so?”.
Exactly and that’s why I tell those who complain to try the addon themselves so they can see that most of what they complain about isn’t even true.
Telling people to ‘stop crying’ is quite a pathetic argument.
I was surprised to see an addon like this exist. I happily read about Blizzard breaking the functionality of other addons that were a plague on this game for so many years (decursive)
This one seems highly break-worthy, I am surprised blatant cheating like this is allowed to happen.
So you could have 100% uptime with your eyes on your combat log(which is being spammed by all kinds of things, filtering out only the relevant info ofc) while out and about all the time? While just playing your character to the best of your ability and keeping your eyes simultaneously on the situation and world around you.
That is beyond impressive, teach me sensei.
Ahhh so this is why people have some really pro gamer reflexes of running away as soon as i go into stealth the moment i see something red 50m away from me.
They often even face the other way, are way too far off to notice me (especially cause i still go into bushes on top of everything just to be sure) yet they still suddenly start preparing or run for their lives, even mid mob fights they’d otherwise complete.
I heard about this addon before, so i was wondering if it was the cause of that or what i saw was just a weird concurrent happening. But nope, as i feared it detects and alerts people that someones going into stealth nearby.
I suppose if this addon is gonna be allowed to stay, i better start staying in stealth all the time if i wanna keep the surprise factor of my stealth class…
I use the addon and it does not spam any channels unless you manually click a name an chose “post to >”
I does per default share data on private channels unless you opt out. This is used to tell you if other Spy! users has spotted somebody on your KoS list.
I can see why you would not like this feature since you like to gank lowbies, you wouldn’t want somebody at your own level tracking you down.
Please cry more - the addon is litteraly a rewrite of the addon we used in vanilla
you just dont like it, because it helps people not being ganked by you…
/spit /gesture
It’s theoretically possible, that’s Blizz’s stance on it. The purpose of an addon is to provide qol for something that everyone can do, but might be a chore to do without the addon. All addons do this. If you ban spy, ban all addons.