Fine by me, if stealth gets removed from the game as well.
I seem to recall back on the vanilla days, that we could see in the combatlog when a rogue (stealthed) applied poisons…
might be wrong tho
Why this attitude that I am receiving? Simply because I think that one things leads to another which it does. Why do you think people min-max so much for instance when it comes to DPS? Because it matters and so it does in these type of scenarios as well. To the point that it’s too much effort for some people to even write in a chat and it turns into a 1v1 all the sudden. Stop trying to belittle people and please be more polite.
less crying cuz you can’t gank people so easily… whiner
I’m not going to sugarcoat your reasoning with compliments.
Look, you told us the addon is too much to be in the game and I simply pointed out that your arguments for your claim were so bad it’s laughable, because it really is.
Spend more time making sure you have well thought-out reasons and arguments for your claims, otherwise they will crumble in the pressure of the internet immediately, as you can see. Now you’re all defensive about it and you blame me instead of acknowledging your mistakes.
I don’t really care about being sugarcoated, it’s just weird for me that you are, in my eyes, the one that doesn’t seem to understand my point of view on the matter, but instead of behaving like a normal person you deem your statement to be written foolishly instead.
For me it is odd and well, laughable, that you don’t see how much of an impact it has. Go on and attempt to write the coordinates of every enemy you see in the diseried chat you want and come back and tell me that it wasn’t annoying enough to the point that you ended up eventually even not wanting to announce every single alliance or horde player you saw.
So you feel miserable because your life as a nolife ganker is wasted because of an addon, when you admit you like to make other’s people life miserable?
That’s just so coherent ^^
Other addons output to chat, ban them too?
In retail you can make a macro to output location co-ordinates and target details to chat. I assume that can be done in classic too, since spy can do it.
The spy addon is not doing much more in chat than what you can do with a macro. You could ouput co-ordinates with a statement like '‘rogue detected at 23,33’ for example. But the addon gives you qol of not needing the macro. Working as intended.
On retail everything is pretty much already automated and there’s barely any social interactions outside guild. You can join a mythic pug in the first few weeks for your own realm and not say a single thing as a normal raider. And I respect that some people enjoy this silent playstyle but it also enforces it willingly or unwillingly upon everyone. I would dare to say that this is one of the main pillars that were destroyed to hold up WoW as a great MMORPG game, but it’s nothing that happened directly. Overtime all the QoL made this fall. Whether you like LFR or not, you have to admit that if it didn’t exist probably a lot more PUGs would happen, people would put in more effort into raiding and so on forth. Consequences is the problem here, not the QoL themselves.
I do highly doubt that a lot of people will make a macro to point out a target’s details in a chat, because of two things:
- People are naturally lazy whether it is from all these QoL combined or not.
- It requires effort, effort to create the macro (or potentially copy-paste it which let’s face it is what most likely would occur).
But I am more than happy to be proven wrong on this point because if people actually used a macro it means they indicate effort. Feel free to try out using a macro for a day that does this for you and I will yield with pleasure on the macro statement.
Skills aren’t just gear or who hits first in Classic but it’s also all other things. Some people in this thread pointed out that they already are looking in the combat log. If they are then that is great and it’s part of being skilled. The average player won’t even bother. I don’t bother looking in the combat log unless I die without knowing what happened.
And no, addons that output in the chat isn’t the issue either, I think it’s very ignorant of you to state especially when I state clearly “this addon” and not talking about other addons so not sure why you would want to bring that point up. Addons should be looked individually and seeing what (again) consequences they bring to the game.
For all those that adores this addon you shouldn’t worry. SendChatMessage is most likely going to stay and so is COMBAT_LOG_EVENT. But I still hold that creative solutions like these (being creative isn’t wrong, I know someone will point that out if I don’t state this) are the ones that increase QoL and in total decrease interactions between players. No one should be denying that because it simply is the truth. If you don’t have to do it, then it’s a QoL and a decrease to interaction.
Never heard of it, but omw downloading it now
I’ve tried the addon to see how good it was and while I love the KoS feature I think it’s a bit too good to be considered “fair”, especially detecting players who enter stealth near you.
I know you could read the combat log by yourself but who the hell keeps his combat log open 24/7 (it’s a rhetorical question, by the way, I know someone is gonna respond “ackchyually I do that all the time while I’m out in the world” and no, both know you don’t) while he’s questing?
If Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it I’ll keep using it because I don’t want to be at a disadvantage but I think the game would be better off without it.
Doesn’t matter if they would, it matters that could. Nothing stopping them doing the macro + leave combat log open. Spy just does it for you, as all addons do something for you.
This addon was in vanilla, the golden age of wpvp, so these complaints are unfounded.
Another reason for it to be removed.
I would say that popularity of a method being used does matter quite a lot. Let’s just say for the sake of an example that most people wouldn’t bother using a macro because “effort”.
- 10% of all players use a macro to automatically send a message through a macro.
- 40% of all players use an addon to automatically send a message through the addon.
It’s easier to install an addon through Twitch client because it’s just one click. Only a few players are using a macro for it. That means that 10% has advantage versus 40% has an advantage. Now these numbers are fully theoretical and can’t prove anything. However throughout a simple guess, it’s safe to say that a lot more people won’t bother with a macro because effort of finding out how to make it versus where to copy it (theres no twitch-platform for macros for instance so people would have to copy it from a forum somewhere). Anyhow back to the numbers and popularity mattering is because it grants an advantage to a certain amount of the playerbase so thats the point Im trying to make.
For me, vanilla is where effort in terms of these small skillsets matter a lot in winning and being more knowledgeable than your opponent. Someone reading the combat log is in fact more skilled and I would’nt want to take that advantage away from them (again I’m not one of those skilled players, in fact I suck at pvp). I mean in terms of effort, I know some people that find it too annoying even installing new addons and all they have to do is search for an addon and click “Install” lol. Now imagine having to drag and drop folders into Interface folder for those people. One could say that’s a skill by itself xD
Gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone with spy set to auto report in zone chat. Non issue.
You are only upset as it stops you from making people “miserable” your exact word.
It was fine 14 years ago it fine now its fake rage.
LOL …i a remember spy addon were in wow vanila , is harmful it just make u aware if someone aproach you and is in your vision area/sight , it wont tell u if someone is stealth etc, stop teh cry this addon were back in days and is 100 % legit
- The addon that gives a lot advantages is legit - weired.
- People defending cheats and stuff that gives advantages are not good players and cannot be counted as memebers of gaming community.
- The amount of people defending cheats and stuff that gives advantages - is huge - its weired.
- Hansmage given fully detailed messages where he described everything for even half-blinded people. If you can’t accept the truth - it is because you’re not a player.
Spy can only do what any player can do themselves.
As far as I can remember, if a member of the opposing faction is stood still, not doing anything (hiding) then their combat log will be empty, null, and void of info therefore spy will not tell you or anybody else anything about them.
After playing on pvp server for some time (maybe say 6-8 months) I saw once a chat message, after asking about it I got spy installed.
It doesn’t spam channels, it doesn’t cast your spells for you and it doesn’t make you more skilled.
Best feature I remember is the kill on sight list for those lame gankers who wait till your mid fight with a mob. Add them to the list and happy hunting!
Most people complaining about this addon sound vastly misinformed.
First of all, no, it doesn’t show you the enemy location - the coordinates it sends are YOUR coordinates, obviously.
Secondly, as said above, the addon doesn’t do anything the player can’t do themself, it just makes it faster and more convenient - that’s what addons do.
If you don’t like that its possible, campaign for the changes to the combat log, not for a ban of a single addon that is easily replaced by another.