Stop Premades in AV!

Like i said Alliance players are usually pve players pvp players go to horde are you talking about pvp servers or pve servers?

Ye fear ward is even stronger then

I myself would have rolled horde if i didnt play with irl friends who wanted to play alliance they all only played for the pve and most quit after a while the ones that still play focus mainly on pve and are very bad at pvp 90% of the server im on earthshaker the pvp players are very bad its a balanced server tbh but horde normally win most of the time just because of the more skilled players not because of inbalance with racials.

Talking about the people that Q for BGs.

Only Blizzard has the exact numbers so we can only guess.

Again its not sheer luck that these ratios shift so hefty. The only reason, for me, are the racials.

Its not by dumb luck that 4 times more PvP went to the horde

Tbh i would have gone horde not even for the racials but just because i loved to play undead mage i played it untill mop when i went to alliance because of a real unbalanced racial the horde races just stand out more for pvp players especially mages/priests/locks/warriors.

Who wants to play a dwarf priest in pvp when you can be an undead priest even on alliance you are forced to play gnome mage i even went human i just cant stand playing dwarf but if you are horde you can be troll or undead not only is both racials good for pvp but they both look better for animations too.

Well that is maybe for you.

People strife for every so little edge. That accumulates. Also for all these “my friend wanted me horde”.

These are all contributing to the way it is now. You cant tell me its sheer luck that at an almost even faction ratio the scale tips soo much in favor for one


Well lets take twitch for example where did most of the pvp players go and where did most of the pve streamers go?

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Exactly, but why.

You cant tell me everyone got Horde because of aesthetics

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Mostly it is yes the undead animations are the best for casters and pvp players have always used tmorph or some morpher to play undead even when they are on alliance.

Orcs just make good warrior players it feels better also horde and alliance have very different players in them most of the alliance players are older and a lot more stuck up their own a** but horde players i have found normally just want to have fun with the game and play the game how its meant to be a war its usually the alliance players who cry all the time untill they have the advantages they want then they get on their high horse ^

Alliance premades are the result of a map made for the victory of the horde. Need to rework map (make full mirror) and alliance premades won’t be possible, because more allies players will play that BG.

there is 1 major problem with AV premade and that’s when they drop the cue and leave 10v40 for first 5 min if the game did not start until there where at least 35 ppl would not be a problem

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the problem for me is not the premade thing it self but the people it affects the people who are left with 10 v 40 games due to premade dropping cues, if the game did not start until it filled up there would be no problem

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yada yada yada
clearly you dont AV alliance

I collect horde mages/hunters tear all day
Other classes are run over

git gud son
pvp hapen in pvp server

Lets switch racials between horde and alliance if they mean nothing anyway.
Warstomp fits dwarfes, wotf-humans spirit, hardiness-hard to hit gnomes.

Gotta be interesting how it will affect faction balance

I still don’t understand why people are constantly brining up racials

This is about AV being done with a premade group
 AV was not meant to be premade
 there is no Join as Group option!
Stop making stupid comparisons to OP Racials

av is ment to not be joined as a group. thats it, atm no one is joining as a group, so i don’t see the issue. it is your interpretation that no group queue option means not intented to be premaded.

  1. Git gud
  2. Reroll ally
  3. Organize better during pugs and fight back
  4. Go back to retail
  5. Quit



Ha it’s phase two all over again only the Horde is on the receiving end. You can tell they don’t like it by all the how did they put it when they where dominating? A yeah “whining”.

Lets also give horde paladins then and we get shamans people will still play horde.