Sub cancelled - will come back when flying does at max level for gold

yes im doin this way (i like mechagon. i think is one of the most interesting zones in the late wow :slight_smile:
Im really happy to be near the goal. After with the classic release ill take a hiatus from retail to come back near the end of BFA to farm achievement (with flyin is faster) and old ones.
And finally ill have steady fun
PS: i never ever quitted cuz i didnt have flyin.

Or I just have more fun myself with flying than without, not caring about others at all, while going out in the world doing my emissary and some nazjatar/mecha (world)-quests. I really do not care about how other people do their herbings.

Meh, i will unlock it as painful as it is. I am already 7/12k Unshackled and 11/12k Rustbolt.


Flying is nice to have, esp. for when leveling alts and in general it saves a lot of time+makes things more relaxed.

You can take it at a relaxed pace or grind it hard. I grinded hard and burnt out a little with the forced daily routines into the two new zones. Glad to have it done. I don’t mind the path finder setup.

Not long to go, hope you get it soon ^^

I get it but flying is not content, it is s convenience by definition.

Also you arent losing it. Before BFA you couldnt fly in BFA content either…

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There were questions about flying a lot earlier in BFA too. Like this from November 2018.

The first I found when I fast searched the forum. There were probably also topics and questions about getting flying earlier in bfa. There are people who have more fun with than without flying. So sure we did Bfa content without flying, but that does not mean we did not wanted or were not missing it during those times.

For you it is convenience, for some others it is more.


When zones are designed around flying, flying is essential to appreciate the zone as it was meant to be played. Take Nazjatar for example. All those drops and cliffs etc. it’s a very vertical zone, and without flying it’s just painful to play, especially when you’re under-geared.

If flying had never been added to the game at all, ever, then Nazjatar and all the other zones in BfA would look and play very differently.

So no, flying is NOT just a luxury or convenience, it’s an integral part of the game which is designed around flying.

Also, most people going into Classic will know that a. it does not have flying, and b. the landscapes, buildings etc. were not designed around flying, and it won’t be an issue.

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Yeah, I too enjoyed my time playing Classic, happy to see you did as well.

I too would be pretty upset if the game wasn’t all that amazing, and then feeling like having to do chores (Not enjoyable tasks, but chores) in order to start flying? Well… Kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Funnily enough, I think some of those people would find Classic to be far more enjoyable. They might not do things very quickly yes, but will probably have more of a fulfilling time with it.


Very much this. You know zones from the old world? Yeah they aren’t exactly built with multiple slopes and canyons everywhere to funnel people down one specific road to get back up, but navigation through them came with you reading the quest text, looking at the map and then figuring out from the two where you might need to go. And exploration helps as well.

Not sure if this is a threat because you feel spiteful towards Classic, or if this is a troll.

Again, I wonder if those people will feel more happy with how Classic does questing… Hopefully they do.

That will practically kill the Retail version of the game. Good idea.

I think that’s been the case since… I don’t know, Cataclysm? Or when ever they introduced quest tracking.

Thank heavens for Classic, am I right?

What more is it then? With specificity

Complains flying is too tedious/hard/timetaking to get, then says it would be fine if you could grind mobs for rep.


It is adding a lot more fun. You can go to spots you could not go before and the world is also more beautiful from above.

I can only speak for myself here, but for me it is part of my class. It is my flying form and also nowadays also my class mount (that i am not able to use at all when flying is not released). For me it is about the feeling of taking off and flying where ever i wish. Being a shapeshifter and living the life of it. I am a roamer, spending most of my time in the open world doing anything i feel like that moment, everything from fishing to questing or to randomly grinding mobs or exploring places. Sometimes i just sit on somewhere high as a bird and watch things and chat with my friends. When no pressure from pathfinder i don’t even know what i am going to do when i log in the game, i just take off and fly and see where i end up to that day.

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There were BIS enchants behind some of those dailies so to say they were ‘optional’ is rose tinted glasses at it’s best.

Interesting, i admit i had not considered that it interfers with the idea of class fantasy. As a druid that is probably pretty miserable…

Fair enough on that point, for that class, i think you have a good point.

Though i would say the idea of a druid paying gold to learn to fly under any circumstances is kinda wrong. Though this is all past relevent only though

Thank you for understanding! I agree about paying gold thing too, originally we got flying forms via quests but after that it was either gold or pathfinder. Fantasywise it does feel silly that druid would need to pay to keep using her own forms in new environment but i quess it’s just fair considering everyone else had to pay as well.

As i said they were optinal and those rewards were not as huge as lets say “flying”. Also can you link that bis enchants from the Argent tournament ?

Not from Argent Tournament but you wouldn’t have got into a raid without the Sons of Hodir shoulder enchants as they were BIS for most classes

Lol. You could get exalted with sons of hodir in a single day. Unlike bfa which needs several weeks.

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No you couldn’t. This was only possible after catchup mechanics were implemented.