No one is getting camped for hours, the only time i have ever seen that was with sod incursions because the dev’s thought it would be a good idea to stick both factions together in 1 little corner of Ashenvale, it was extremely silly,
constant never ending interference borderline harassment that you speak off doesn’t happen, and if it does its very rare,
and tbc actually added something to help, on the slight off chance that a player from the opposing faction:
see’s you,
decides to engage
kills you
then decides to stay and camp ( this is a big one, most players engage in the pvp then move on, very very few players actually camp )
tbc added flying mounts, its almost impossible to body camp someone when all you have to do is release spirit and mount up,
this is coming from someone that mostly plays PVE servers.
For me: early 2020 - this here toon. Create to see how was life on now in PvP server (I began PvP in 2006- to flee after camping) … and have all bad suspicions confirmed.
the point im trying to get across, is if you really want tbc, focus on tbc, focus on the reasons why its a good version,
stop focusing on what type of server it could be, the whole " i want tbc but no pvp " isn’t going to look good if the devs decide to give it a thought.
Yup. My pleasure playing - HC is my favourite playstyle and have been for many years - is ruine if only PvP server. And as Blizz is favoured PvP server, if only one, sure to be PvP
I think best would be 2 servers, then everybody happy.