TBC Classic ERA

I ask because i see tons of post asking for TBC era, but really few want fresh TBC.

Why would you choose an ERA version when you can have a fresh experience? Ofc it’s going to be ERA after all phases are over. We don’t even have TBC atm so fresh is the only option imo.

Yes as copy character is over and done, frsh would not be worst option here, but for Wrath, no fresh but possible clone untouched chars from Cata.

I thought you like leveling, why do you want to clone max level characters?

Because I have only one I took to TBC. I like to have him back to his fellows in Era. I tried remaking, but is not the same. Had I known no TCB/Wrath Era servers and Cata coming, back then, I would have stayed him Era side as well as all other ones. He my main, now I lost many many hours playtime and many happy memeori.

And he only level 60 now. I was on small break, but stop level when Cata announce, so in Wrath Era he need levels :wink:

Open one TBC classic server please. I really like classic, but TBC is when more specs got viable


Agreed! We need more people to vouch for this


Agreed! Bring back TBC


You have my vote as well. TBC Fresh without boosts would be amazing.
Imo, if they implement the faction-locking mechanism they had in SoD, (and maybe address the needing-5-shamans-per-raid issue, but thats a stretch goal), TBC would literally be THE perfect expansion.


It doesn’t make any sense to keep 20+ dead era servers running and not roll up a few TBC ones. Remember guys, vote with your sub, I’ll take a big break until they release this as I’m sick in participating in beta servers and failed experiments.


Tbc with double spec so we can pvp and pve without problems


#Drakgar-firemaw This change is the only one that would realy improve the experiense. IMO

TBC server would be great and the players deserve it. I vote for Fresh TBC server as well.


Please Blizzard, give us TBC again




Just bumping this up one more time before my subsciption runs out. Blizzard, there is a huge demand for TBC servers, please at least consider this!!


Bring back TBC


I’m looking to invest my time in a permanent classic version and I think TBC or WOTLK era would be the one. TBC HYPE TBC HYPE


I would immediately move to a Tbc-Wotlk server rather than Retail.

It’s not about nostalgia or the memories . But Classes and spec don’t have any difference from now but were better .

Engaging leveling experience . Now i have 15 alt’s max lvl and didn’t even saw 1 guy say hi…in so many Lfg …a yes World is dead and only the cross-server now you actually see stranger that somehow …never talk because that the World of Warcraft has become .

At the end gameplay-experience and values are higher in those gametimes rather than now that has Become Anti-social.


Ah the loudest Wrath lover who wasn’t probably even there in Ulduar and pre nerf of ICC.