Not strong hate but maybe flying wasn’t a so good idea in long run.
Arena: because of all balancing that coming from this mode.
Titan Grip: boring, ugly and uneeded talent. Which add utterly nothing to fury warrior gameplay and make rage generation sluggish.
Super easy initial PVE content (classic is not great either but still harder than what we have at Woltk start)
Vehicle gameplay in raid
Arthas everywhere (stop talking)
LFG and 5 men instances designed to be finish even by the worst PU in 20 min
“Heroics” 5 men were a joke
Buff raid stacks
Start of class homogenisation (“Bring the player not the class”), nearly every class gained CC, aoe touch every target in range, etc… Nobody should be jaleous
Yes, thats why people in BG que (which is also an LFG tool), cos LFG killed WoW community.
Thats why people join X-realm discord made premade groups with rush rush gogo mentality AV farms…
Sidenote: not lfg killed WoW community, the players did.
It’s not about WF giving the best secondary stat.
It’s losing a great gimmick, the additional attack.
Which is something many people, including me find alot more fun to play around with.
Just getting some additional haste is bland and boring.
Cataclysm, where classed started to prune down, everyone had the same buffs, debuff, mages and BM hunter got shaman BL, just to make 10 man raids viable, which after mop its got recked down so bad…
Excuse me but how is this bad change? Is it better to bring certain class to a raid even if that player is total trash and decline someone who actually knows how to play?
Tell me how is warrior in Wotlk the same as mage? It doesn’t make any sense.
Even if classes have similar single target/aoe dmg they got different ways of delivering it, totally different rotations. Some are melee, some are casters, some are ranged, how can you say they all are the same is beyond me.
Sorry but this just allowed players to stick with their character throught expansions which is good. WoW should not be about being forced to play certain fotm class. It should not be about “bring a class, not player”. They changed this philosophy long ago and itnwas a good change.
It’s not about philosophy , it 's how it have been done. No class homogenisation isn’t not good for the game.
In retail, basically all melee dps have the same tools (a bit of regen, some gap closer, aoe and mono dps). Between my paladin ret or my dk unholy/frost, yes colors of buttons changes, rotation change, thematic change too, but it don’t really feel different.
Horde pally and alli shamans basically cannot be left out, shaman BL way too powerfull to only available to horde. Alliance high end raiders basically would rerolled for horde to get the buff. So they made the deal that both faction will have access to bl + paladin buff.