Thank you for making SPs unplayable

aw, it’s okay buddy. Just took you 5 year to achieve 2.4, while admitting that it was “NPC simulator, which elevated you”.

What 1500 rounds blud. I have 430 on destro and 200 on demo. So not only you have a reading comprehension, you can’t even do a basic math. sheesh, my condolences. Keep your head up champ, don’t let that discourage you.

Oh wow, congrats. Don’t remember asking tho. Talking about bringing irrelevant comparisons.
On this positive note, I have to go, so cya next time. arrivederci :heart:.

Am I supposed to be embarrassed that I wasn’t 2400 rated at 14 years of age? :rofl:

Go on, amuse me with the ‘PIKABOO WAS RANK 1 AT 14!!!’

Yup, because Warlock is a disgustingly broken, easy to play class that requires little thought process to yield results. This was demonstrated last season too, where 2k exp Warlocks got to 3.1+ playing Demo in solo shuffle :slight_smile:

Across all your characters, you played 1500 rounds across 5 characters and couldn’t even hit 1 2.1. Tragic.
Oh that includes the extras you played on your alt Lock btw.

‘I have to go’ - 20 mins ago

is already typing a reply

Rent free :skull:

I couldn’t care less what age you were. Fact is that you were a hardstuck for 5 year. Pathetic.

Good. Congrats on being boosted. Keep up the good work champ.

Took you 5 year to break the gap of 650 cr :sob:. Also having 1.5 k games across 7 char isn’t that much. Why are you hiding your chars bozo :skull:.

That’s you still responding to me after exposed of telling lies, proven to have clueless arguments, having non-existent reading skills and self exposed of being boosted by demo. Not even talking about of you being challenger-rival for 5 year :skull: :skull: :skull: yikers.

Ty, it’s fun having NPC’s play your character for you. Alas, I rerolled SP and got even higher. NERF SP!

You’ve been playing arena since 2018 and your best achievement is Rival II from Solo Shuffle and your best regular arena achievement is 1750 in 2s, with 0 coming from 3s :skull:

1.5k games of SOLO SHUFFLE as a predominately DPS player ‘isn’t much?’ Must be fun being unemployed :skull:

What lies?

Coming from the person that thinks Warlock ‘is only designed to do damage’.?

Oh no! When I was a 14 year old school kid I wasn’t very good at World of Warcraft! Yikers! You on the other hand are a grown a$$ man that still has no idea what they’re doing after 5 years of playing arenas and playing more games of an inflated welfare bracket with horrific queue times than most players do in entire expansions :skull:

Oh, so you are sp. That says a lot. What’s name of your main I wonder. You spriests have this habit of hiding behind low lvl chars. Really interesting why :skull:. Brainfromwish? No, must be a bozo named Vookum :skull:.

Unlike you, I had enough self respect to not play whole SL or BFA :skull: .

If you knew how to read you’d notice. Lemme refresh your goldfish memory :skull:.

Coming from a guy who thinks that warlock is for setup comps :skull:. Surely MLD isn’t a caster cleave comp, you are doing setup goes :skull:.

Not sure what you wrote you lil clown, but your country clearly have failed you when it comes to basic education. Chill out, your already damaged hairline is slowly crawling back as you are typing this nonsense and pretending that you are insulting someone. My man hit glad first time in BFA, after being hardstuck rival for 5 year, and pretends that he is the hero this forum needs :skull:. It gets even better when he thinks that bringing up excuse of “being 14 year” matters for anyone. What stories you gonna come up with next? That you won Nobel prize when you were 18, for being the most delusional person in the world? You are hitting new lows every post :skull:.

We’re scared of 5+ year experienced arena playing grown men who are salty that all they can manage in the year 2023 is Rival II after 1500 rounds of the most inflated bracket in the history of the game

You played in half of the seasons of each expansion? Another factually incorrect statement? Add it to the list.

…Where did I say that?

When did you hit yours?

I don’t care if it matters to you or not. You think you’re making a valid point by saying ‘lol it took you 5 years to get to X’, when during that time I was a teenage school kid that couldn’t care less :skull:

Just so you know, the instant you yourself talked about why SP we’re better than Afflic with CCs you compared them. So even if you dont believe you actually did… You did.
And when you said “warlocks is designed to just do dmg” is quite false, otherwise they would have removed their stuns, their fears, mortal coil etc. A demo warlock could setup kill windows due to their insane amount of CCs for example, afflic warlocks could also do a CC chain with mortal coil → fear → stun or any of the like. So calling something only doing one thing are false. If you did not mean it that way, then its your wording of it that is wrong.

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Thank you, couldn’t be bothered to go through all his bull :poop: again. The way this guy contradicts himself without even realising it is hilarious

So I am right and it’s you vookum. Lil bro thinks that hiding on low level alts to hide this boosted char is normal :skull:. Also might as well provide any proofts that i am grown man, oh wait you can’t lil keyboard warrior. Shocker, lil bro is lying yet again. :skull:

So me having 0 pvp achievements in S2, S3 of BFA, S3 and S4 of SL doesn’t mean anything. Another expose of you lying :skull: it gets worse with each reply.

So what is warlock doing in MLD? Lil bro has no idea of game, swiping credit card had it’s toll on your sanity I guess :skull:.

Not your concern clown.

[quote=“Steller-ravencrest, post:86, topic:445912”]
I don’t care if it matters to you or not. You think you’re making a valid point by saying ‘lol it took you 5 years to get to X’, when during that time I was a teenage school kid that couldn’t care less :skull:

I think you are getting it twisted. Let me remind you what was that comment referred to.

What is the subject about? Shocker. It’s about getting cast off while being trained by 2 melee. Do you have to cast fear on affli? Yes. Do you have to cast Shadowfury on affli? Yes. Will you get cast off of this 2 when you are trained, maybe yes, maybe no. If you get kicked on any of this you are locked on shadow, which means that you can’t cast anything. Now, let’s talk about SP, since you clearly don’t understand what is instant cc and what is castable. Do you need to cast Silence? No. Do you need to cast Psychic horror? No. Do you need to cast Psychic scream? oh wait, no. So when you are being trained by 2 melee you can use instant 3 CC and don’t be in danger to be kicked on your main magic school? Sheesh. As I said and not only me, spriest had a support role to set up kill in spriest/rogue/hpal in AWC. You don’t use affli lock in a same way, also affli lock has no stun afaik. So where am i wrong again?

‘I had enough self respect to not play whole SL or BFA’

You played 2 seasons of SL and 2 seasons of BFA. Half the seasons of both expansions. Open a dictionary and look up what ‘whole’ means.

Aidsing everybody with spammable CC, short CD CC and doing very high amounts of damage?

Imagine having 0 3v3 rated achievements trying to talk about 3v3 comps ffs :skull:

The answer is you never have and never will.

Imagine needing to pay for anything in this game :rofl: your jealousy is beautiful, keep it coming <3

Mortal coil. Teleport. Gateway. Theres alot of different things you can say to contradict it. What do SP have that can get you out safely behind a wall?
Its the way you argue with “these are superior because I dont have exactly the same” that is weird. Aff locks have other ways to prevent dmg from meeles than SP. They even had curse that made the target unable to crit.

So I did not get it twisted, its the way you are comparing them without adding the other abilities Aff locks have to avoid melees because it did not benefit your discussion in terms of melees hitting you.

SP do not have gateway or teleport on short cd luxury. What they do have as luxury is 10% less dmg taken passive and Fade.

What I pointed out, we’re you saying you did not compare SP and Afflic/warlocks when u did quite outright neglecting what warlocks have compared to SP. They are good in their own ways, but saying SP have luxury over afflics felt weird.
Im not saying Afflic warlocks are a setup comp, they are a dampening comp. But they have the ability to defend themselves sometimes better than SP.

You trying to explain “insta vs castable” we’re abit funny though.

Why would I do that, if you need to do that. Whole expansion = 4 season. I played 2. So where am i wrong lil bro? Your communication skills are on pathetic level.

What that has anything to do with it set up comp lil bro? You can cast fear all you want, throw coil every 45 sec. Oh wait you can get kicked on those. That ain’t instant silence into instant stun into instant fear you lil boosted clown :skull:.

Lil bro thinks he is a prophet while can’t even google what word “whole” means :skull: .

Imagine having to hide behind low level alts to post on forums. First it was vivimademe, now it’s steller, what is next lil bro on vookum? iamclown? I wonder what’s your excuses for that lil bro, I also wonder why your character can’t be found too :skull:. Either way, you already ended up in my ignore on your last alt after exposed of being total clown, congrats on this one too.

What that has to do with the argument that you brought? Nothing. You told me that I compared CC.

Nice, so you are gonna throw random arguments. Is this your way of “i just got exposed of being wrong, gotta get out of this sutation”? I repeat. When you are being trained by 2 melee and rsham, as OP stated, you can still throw your instant CC on spriest, while if you get kicked on fear on affli you are locked on everything besides soul rot. My point still stands. Noone said that warlock isn’t tankier than spriest. Why do I have to repeat myself so many times.

Wrong. OP brought the scenario, I put affli lock in it and added that unlike affli your cc is instant, so you can still play a huge role and set up a kill as a support, even if you won’t get any damage cast off. My statement is correct.

Where did I state that warlocks have no tools at all to avoid any dmg? You porting away won’t kill anyone, you gating away won’t kill anyone. You pressing instant CC on spriest will. Also as a ret player who is pretty much ranged, you should understand that porting away doesn’t stop melees getting to you.

Not sure what you mean by we’re you. Comparison was about school of magic and what you can contribute while being trained. Reminder that there were a times when in AWC out of top 12 comp all 12 were spriest/assa/X comps and in most games spriest was the one being trained. That didn’t make spec outright useless.

You came to me with this argument. So I think my answer provided enough information. I don’t need you to tell me how to press portal or how to press gate. Point was about your impact while being trained by 2 melee/healer.

Indeed. It’s cringe that i have to explain all this to you, but here we are. Somehow you can’t comprehend what’s difference between castable vs instant cc in a circumstance that OP described, also somehow you think that pressing instant silence into stun into fear, while being trained by 2 melee, is same as pressing gate or port on warlock to avoid damage. What in a world you can compare this 2?

HAHAHAHAHHAHAH. Yeah man, that hard casted mortal coil. LOOOOOL

Because you still played and played at a hilariously low level

If I’d have played for 5+ years like you have and my best achievement was rival II after 1500 rounds of solo shuffle and 1750 in 2s from 2020 I wouldn’t even be commenting at all. So I admire your shamelessness to be piping up to vastly superior players to what you’ll ever be :clap:

Difference between priest fear and lock fear? CD. Locks’ aint got one. The range of our fear requires us to be much closer to the target. You know what that means? We need to actually run to the target we want to fear, and guess what happens then? Competent partners actually try to prevent the Priest from landing the fear. Magic! Oh, and our fear is an aoe one which has a target cap, so a Demo Lock’s NPC army can actually RNG the actual player from not getting feared at all. 9x out of 10 our fear is used for setup. Yours is spammed because it’s off DR. Well, not exactly yours, because if you pressed it more you wouldn’t be an 1800 Destro from 600 games :+1:

You’re welcome for the free coaching.

Are all DK’s in Rextroy’s guild this slow? You’re on Ipanic’s level of delusional lmao

Small correction: our target cap on psychic scream has been removed this patch, I believe.

As for lich, how is priest fear anywhere comparable to locks? Do you think you can successfully fear an enemy healer when you’re being trained? Lmao, maybe on low mmr if the enemy healer doesn’t position properly or if their mates don’t peel

Mortal Coil is not a CC guys, all it does is tickle you. Thats what that “defensive answer” is. You said you compared CCs but you ignored one to prove “Luxury”.

Yes. Trained by 2 melees with Resto Shaman that insta tremors so the Insta Fear Helps Godly Much. So even if you want to “defend” by using the OP statement, it still falls due to tremor totem otherwise you wouldnt call Psychic Scream a luxury.

You put Affli lock into it to CoMpArE, even saying SP has luxury over afflic. Its literally you comparing them. And if you rly feel like you can setup a kill as a SP when you have 2 literal melees training you with most likely perm slows… True! Almost like Aff locks do not have any kind of insta CCs themselves… But if you feel like psychic scream are so good, you can just spec into it yourself on aff lock :thinking:

Comparison we’re both between school of magic on your part and CCs. Afflic also we’re not useless when they we’re trained.

I never did. If you are going to compare CCs and such things in a 2 melee + resto shaman situation you usually bring up more than only the things benefitting your story otherwise it looks more like a half story.

You seem to be allowed to compare only the skills/spells you deem needed in your story while everyone else who point out something towards you are denied and “cringe” because it does not benefit you.
I responded to you CoMpArInG and you IgNoRiNg spells like mortal coil etc. So not rly my fault.

It isn’t comparable. That’s what i am saying. Doesn’t matter what is the circumstance. You never risk to get kicked on shadow, while on affli if you get kicked on fear you just stand and watch.

You never risk getting kicked on shadow? Say what? SP has to hardcast 90% of spells, one of which is shadowfrost school which if interrupted locks you out of both shadow and holy

Edit: I see what you meant now. Well, my point remains. You won’t fear a healer if you’re being trained anyways, so it doesn’t matter if it’s instant or not

Yeah I see it now you’re right

Because Lock fear is 1000x better lmao.

This had some substance last season. It doesn’t anymore.

Hes comparing the “CC” effect of non-instant casts like Fear and Shadowfury while ignoring Mortal Coil into the mix vs 30 yard instant Psychic Horror stun, Silence and Psychic Scream which is not effective in OP’s scenario. Silence on healer is, rest is meh.

But its also ruling out everything dmg wise.

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