“please continue to report them”
Wauw… I feel sorry for the community team tbh. People have been reporting this in droves & nothing changes for WEEKS.
It’s not feasible to expect a reported botter or cheater to be gone the same day or even days after that. But weeks, MONTHS pass & the same names keep popping up in the /who searches.
This is a joke… Please use some of the cash Blizz is getting from subs / players in WoW classic to improve the cheat detection & hire back some manpower to start actually handeling all the reports.
Even lifting a little bit of the veil and SHOWING what’s being done (without revealing to much info off course so it can’t be abused) would go a long way to calm people / gain some trust.
Now we are left in the dark if any productive action is being taken against the situation. This post is just adding fuel to a bonfire of disappointment & failing trust.
Don’t tell us to keep doing what we’ve been doing for months & not seeing any improvement, SHOW us what Blizzard is doing to fix this.