I am pretty sure to say majority of horde does not give a F about honor gain spam and play FOR THE WIN! no matter the cost.
I am pretty sure to say majority of horde does not give a F about honor gain spam and play FOR THE WIN! no matter the cost.
only one racial as good as hordes (and really good in arena) on alliance side makes so much tryhards reroll humans, it’s not even fun.
in classic all good racials is on horde side, imagine what tryhards rolled and why
not fighting against wotf, hardiness and warstomp is already huge advantage, but as bonus you get those cheat racials yourself.
no wanders on pvp servers 80% horde, if not count fresh noobs on ally side, who knows nothing about game, i believe ratio is 90-10% already
Your retail char says that you are not even 1.7k and you’re talking to me that i am bad ? :))))))))))) you never seen Gladiator title in your whole life … big words from 1.6k player :)))))))) lmao
and btw, we talk every single AV with pugs / bots / afkers to join voice chat or follow us… they don’t replay or talk back … and btw, the 95% winrate that alliance had were premades and they can’t achive that anymore because they are not a premade and cordonated players that don’t have any kind of bad behave… you are that bad in PvP that you state pugs were winning 95% since you are saying that they can’t win anymore :))))))))))))))) they were pugs or premades ? make your mind up already :)))))))))))
Yeah sure Do you hold hands and happily sing orcish songs too
I got 1800 last season so that is me .
And from your posts you are selfvictiming crybaby pvper nothing else pretty easy to see.
Firstly i was talking how alliance calls horde having 95% etc.
Secondly get your facts right nextime.
Thridly just look at your post what you are saying literally you areason why good players go horde embodiment of alliance whiner.
No i have title Horde slayer on ali char,Alliance slayer on horde char.
Servant of Nzoth for killing own faction. ali and horde.
I have pvp 1,8k on both faction from last season in 2v2.
I got pretty high honor level and i can say i did more pvp on ali char.
All i say alliacne are weaklings putting mroe effort to whining /making excuses then fighting.
Pretty sure i did more pvp then majority of you here.
How come my comments are as trash as yours when all you do is spam “you think you did…” trash that makes no sense? No one claimed classic was perfect of course it has problems. Its a 15 yrs old game not meant to be developed at all. Big part of Classics problems are things Blizz changed and the problems that arent due to that, are problems majority of people who waited for Classic are willing to accept since the pros outweigh the cons. Also retail forums are full of QQ so even that doesnt mean we thought wrong.
We thought we did and we did, no matter the problems and bad choices Blizz made.
This thread proves it makes sense.
Look around classic forums and you will see how that quote makes sense.
Not threads confirming it i would not post in them.
Hey priest i did more pvp than you based on your char achievements.
Alliance won AVs in vanilla because where was 80% alliance population on most servers, sometimes half day long queues, and those AVs lasted for days sometimes, so fresh alliance just farmed hk’s on bridge and sometimes got managed to finish AV
in classic after AV was added it was rush for rep, all geared ally pve’rs rushed drek, and mostly killed him first.
horde didnt have long queues, get almost as much honor and rep for loose as they could get from win.
now it became actually pvp bg, horde defending all the time and impassable IB choke point makes alliance give up, cant beat enemy with gamebreaking racials and unfair map advantage
Agreed changes need to benefit both factions. Most are just one sided
What you want war mode buffs /buffs in pvp so you have more hp and dmg ?
Your faction is your issue.
I tell you what horde got 0 buffs beyíond making your group BEING 40 instead of 10 seems like buff for your faction.
I enjoy or all horde comments saying ‘git gud’ but had a different view when premades were about. I’m still having fun on the game but PvP/wpvp wise for alliance is a joke. Gonna be getting a team of mages together to sheep these fp campers until they miss their que should be interesting
I said same to horde.
Pretty sure you will find some raging at me for same thing.
I play both faction.
What is your excuse now?
As i stated up what i have done in pvp on both factions.
i give you 10 lives over me and you can’t achive what i did since TBC :))) and btw, this is my second account … if i show you all my chars and titles… your body gets in parkinson :)))))))))))
What happend to your first?
Pretty sure banned as most of pvpers got.
Who would have thought for what hmm.
We talk about current/lil past.
CUrrently right now i am more pvp than you.
Tbc was over 10 years ago means nothing.
Removing the numbers from queue was a benefit for both sides, if you played as an alliance pug you would understand this change was not only for horde, but prevending the queue dodging which made us, pugs start with a huge disadvantage.
I remember some games started 5 vs 40 and didn’t even filled after 10 minutes. Furthermore I can say actually since Alliance premades moved to wsg, it made Horde queue longer which one can easily claim the patch was not meant for Horde. The change was being made not to protect Horde or Alliance pugs, it was an exploit, glitch in the queue system which effected the game quality negatively.
This queue patch, maybe over the last 10 years, a patch that I can agree or clap that new ActiBlizz made, intentionally or not. Premades disrespectfully, willingly, knowingly dodged queues and left the rest of the majority of the community with negative consequences which rendered the AV almost unplayable.
Please report this 15 years ago and try retail if PvP is your thing, classic is all about pve in design.
So you didnt even read what I wrote to you, because I answered this whole post of yours already. Plus this thread is complaining about changes Blizzard made that wasnt part of Vanilla.
Alliance always was PVE, horde PVP. Just look at the racials.