Top 10 tips to be become a better player

And lastly

  • Have a cyrillic name and counter raider io threads

We get it, weā€™re just pointing out how amusing and ironic his choice of wording is.

There was no need for you to go off on your strange little tangent there.

Meh, its too blatantly trolly.

A good troll creates doubt and makes people do the whole ā€œIs it?, naw it canā€™t be, but I think it is!ā€ routine.

You leave no doubt, theres no subtlety.

For this, I award 3/10


Median 70% logs. And you havenā€™t killed anything more than most pugs canā€¦ Oh dear.

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He is apparently posting on an alt or another character to preserve his identity.

And keep his identity a secret.

But he isnā€™tā€¦

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This is incorrect, it is not keyboard delay, this is queue time in which system registers and queues your next spell. Actually you want this to be highest possible number because:

  1. If your spell A has cast time 2s, setting spellqueuewindow to 120 will only register and queue another spell if if you press it between 1.88-2s of the cast of first spell

  2. If you set it to 400ms it will queue spells pushed between 1.6-2s of your first spell cast.

  3. You can override queue if you press another button before first spell ends.

few case scenarios (lets assume all spells have 2s cast time for simplicty):

Frost bolt -> you press ice lance at 1.5s of cast -> ice lance immediately fires when frostbolt ends

Frost bolt -> you press ice lance at 1.5s of cast but decide itā€™s not good, so you click another frost bolt at 1.7s -> another frost bolt starts casting when first one ends.

TL;DR it is not correct anymore, keep your spell queue windows high.

Nah, thatā€™s a guy on my old server whoā€™s down in the records as saying ā€˜Kick the lowest dps, apart from me!ā€™ and /w me after someone else kicked him from a hc in mop telling me how he was going to destroy my reputation. Honestly it was news to me I even had a reputation.

Although, I will concede I would rather raid with that guy than this anomaly thatā€™s trying to masquerade as a human.

Reminds me of entrepreneurs who give TED Talks. They want to share with everybody their secrets to success that donā€™t work if everybody heeds their advice.

What did I even expect :man_shrugging:

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Apart from you ofc.

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Of course you are.

Iā€™m in the process of leveling 14th and 15th character :slight_smile:

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Who are you?

the only thing that would makes you a better player?
is to quit this game and play a proper one xD

Hi best mage EU + 7 alts that likes your own comments and agree with yourself while everyone else is a noob.

Thereā€™s one:

All of his forum posts are like that. He has 6-8 forum alts in his disposal in case people dont agree with him.

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A summary of my last relationships.
TY Hinata


Very constructive and usefull feedback.There is high probability that noobs dont use forums

Im somebody who doesnt like online bullies like you . Somebody who doesnt like her friend being trash talked. Somebody who doesnt think its ok like you do to tell others to kill themselves over a game . Im somebody who has morals and manners and knows how to empathise and not a person like you thankfully.

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Yeah, thatā€™s a well disguised troll post.

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Easier said than done.

Here are 2 examples of many.

  1. In BGs some random warrior killed me, so know what I did, I killed him and only him, 10 times in a row, know what he did on the 10th time, he logged out.

  2. This Druid healer was doing a good job of healing his team so I decided to turn my attention to him, monks have this ability called Disable which slows the target and it makes an obnoxious sound when applying it, the most annoying thing it seems for druids is not being able to move around freely so they like to shapeshift to break CC, so guess what I did, yup spam Disable on him, dps then joined in and we killed him, he got so mad, he came looking for me to 1v1, a battle of attrition, so I reverse our roles, I made him dps whilst I just stood there and heal, four of his buddies came, they killed me, he then teabags me, the BG ends and we won.