Two New WoW Classic Realms Now Open In This Region

I’ve updated the OP here.

The new realms are now open.

are we getting any paid server transfers? i dont mind rerolling for the time being but id like to play with my friends eventually!

Cool, I’ll move there right away if I can bring my character


Like, are all the ppl in your fcking company actually braindamaged ?!
Im not even sure if this si serious ? Yes i really wanna leave my char that i put 50 hours into and start a new one just becaues youre f
cking retarded and cant fcking fix your servers, at this point i would gladly give you fcking 30 eur for f*cking transfer, but obviously setting up transfers is such a big problem right ?

F*cking apes


Camn down mate. It is a game, do not get so hyper that you get a heart attack

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There are still medium pop servers, so I’m really confused why you keep adding new realms.

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Because they know those medium pop servers will have hour long queues in a day just like the other ones

Give every account one free character transfer as a get out of jail card. (aka blizz f***ed up card) so that we, the paying customers, can decide to switch realms now or later on down the line when they become low pop

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Yep that’s not a lot of time :slight_smile:

Oh, its just 9 hours queue again. I’m waiting since noon time to enter the game, say hi to ppl around and go to sleep. Repeat tomorrow. Great classic experience. Hot fixes you say?


My realm has been medium for days now. People just need to go to less crowded servers, it´s really that simple.

There are hundreds of posts here saying why its not that simple.

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In a year from now, we will see many servers empty.

You are guessing about an unprecedented thing, almost playing a game of divination. At this point no one knows how classic will evolve.

But the issue is also, that these new servers allow people to jump to a path of least resistance, as with gaining Rank 14, scarab mount…

With transfers in the future, those 2 things alone can rebalance servers. Concerning the ranking system and correct me if im wrong, but it will be porportional to the server population, therefore more pop equals more ranked players each week.

This all happened before and destroyed a crucial part of WOW, it would be sad to see it again. A server should be someones home, for the entire time of it´s chars life.

What i recall is crossrealm/sharding and lfg/lfd/lfr destroying a crucial part of wow. The game survived to low peaks in server population, with transfers, merging and new content.

Still from 15:45 Cest im waiting to get on gehennas where my guild is aswell. At the moment I have a 6600/243 minutes que. When I logged in at 15:45 CEST it was almost 13k que… :frowning: Lots of our finnish coalition members left because of these bad ques. :confused: please fix this :slight_smile:

Yet on the other realms we have about 10-20 mins during rush hour because we didn’t follow the stream of people to the same realm like we were sheep :laughing:

I didn’t follow the stream of people to Migraine, I followed Blizzards instructions to go there to avoid queues


(+2 GTM)
I got que at 15:00-15:30 and I still in que… 5h-5.5h…
Thanks Blizzard. Can you back my money?

yeah well, we decided a week before start from the pvp servers, which were available before the start of classic :s “cheers”

They didn’t point everyone there, they pointed people to several different realms and a major amount of them decided it’d be good to barr up the same one.

Yep and it was perfectly foreseeable queues like these could be a thing.
Plan around it!

I come back from work at 6PM and when I login to classic, I need to wait 4 hours just to login to my account and then its already 10PM
and I need to sleep at 12, because I need to woke up at 5AM yeah that’s sucks blizzard!