Two New WoW Classic Realms Now Open In This Region

Until we get a means to swap realms with our characters, the situation will remain the same (long queues on high-pop realms). By opening a handful of new realms, Blizzard can at least act as if it’s the players’ fault. I guess I’ll be staying in the queue for now.

There is so many people and even guilds ready to switch servers if you just give us the free transfer! Doesn’t have to be harder than that :sweat_smile:

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Like stated above, it was perfectly foreseeable.

You sir, make no sense.
“Plan around it” - plan around what? blizzard telling us to move, so we move, then that server fills up, we should move again? How about we actually play and invest time in our characters. Thats what Vanilla was about - character investment.

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Like I said, these things happening were perfectly foreseeable to be able to happen.

If you don’t plan accordingly and spend what you consider “too much effort”(which is barely any time at all compared the amount of days you will play it if it’s something for you) you should also be able to deal with the consequences from not doing so.


I guess my classic experience will be a new lvl10-15 character every other day on a new realm so I can actually “play” the game, well, not with my friends, but that’s just how things are right now.

Next time I’ll plan accordingly, just like some of my friends, and take off a free week so I can avoid these hellish queues. Oh joy.

This is frustrating, still in Que from 6MP, and now its 10PM. Amazing blizzard well Played.

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Seeing as it has for the most part settled on the lower realms you don’t need to do this every other day even less at all. Same for your friends who also have the same queues.

Two new servers and the queue of firemaw still the same :man_facepalming:

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Yeah, and new servers won’t fix it.

Blizzard told people to move from Shazzrah, so they did. A major amount picked Firemaw. After that, blizzard realized their mistake and made more servers. Unfortunetly, people dont want to keep moving out because its a problem to organize with friendgroups and guilds.

So now we have 30-45k people wanting to play firemaw, because blizzard told them to move from Shazzrah. People won’t move again and adding more servers wont solve the problem.

What would solve the problem is to make servers which helds enough appeal for people to move; Spanish servers and perhaps the ability to move the charecter people have already made. If we cant keep our progress, whats the point?

So, the next weeks time will be interesting.


Yeah, me and my guild wanted to go shazz but decided to move to firemaw, as blizz said.

And now blizz want me to move again? Oh no, i wont move again.

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Everyone shouldnt move to the same realm, that was the point. People follow each other like sheep and do the same mistake several times.

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I have already moved once based on Blizzards recommendation. My whole guild relocated in fact. Now, due to the queue times, I have only spent 6 hours in the game since launch but many of the guild now are in the 30’s and simply will not move, and I will not ask them too. I cannot play with my friends, and I am paying to sit in a queue.

I am well aware I am able to move to another server myself, but WoW is a social game - my social is on a server I am unable to access.



Probably still not enough servers, but even it was. This is not a solution as long as the sentence doesn’t end with “… Players will receive 1 free transfer for Classic only that will expire within ‘x;’ amount of time.” Make them use it, or lose it. This would give players a very strong incentive to move to less crowded servers with their entire group of friends or even entire guilds.

Just my 50 cents on the 6-7h log in ques, that are surely going to cost you players if you don’t act fast.


You need to offer free transfers from the overcrowded realms to these new ones, otherwise it won’t help much.


People wanted to keep in touch with their friends and join a sprawling community, what a bummer! :sweat_smile:

Said friends could have also chosen a better queue along with you and the other realms also had “sprawling” communities, way more than enough :smiley:

Sure, i will reroll for 4th time on low pop realm and hope it’s not going to change into full with 8k ppl queue very next day.

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Judgement already have a nice community with helpful people