Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

If you want to greed BoEs just set the rules at the start of the run. Then you can call out ninjas. But it will still be hard to know if the guy ever equips it.

I think everyone should need. Even if the item that drops is an upgrade, the person that needs it probaly prefers the gold anyway.

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Gold usually comes with a number attached, stop trying to compared 1$ to 1000$.

and in this particular comparison, BoP gets removed from the game vs the BoE that goes to someone who wants to use it.

No , you trolls set the rules for need if you do not want to get flagged, trust me, you will get flagged by way more people by not doing this then people who will not set rule for greed, like it even needs some rule! :joy::joy:
I am seriously starting to think that you guys just troll , I can’t believe some stuff I read here. :rofl:

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Yea i need potions, mats, etc so might as well need on it all…

In many cases people already have BiS gear and they would still need the item because they are just greedy for the gold. So your argument is flawed.

You would still need even if you have BiS gear just because you want gold even if you don’t really need the gold.

They are worth exactly the vendor price, just because you have your own mental price associated with it doesn’t mean the value is actually different.

Anyway it’s clear we have different morals and no matter how much we argue we will never agree.

I just know I’d never want to play with your type of person that is so selfish they’d deny other people their upgrades.

You know who could use it? The person you stole it from

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I skipped most of the comments here, cause they all seemed illogical and even stupid sometimes. Just to make it clear something that should have obviously been clear for you and for every other veteran player for a 15-years old game: WoW Vanilla relies on human element way too heavily and if you really truly believe that you won’t meet any greedy/selfish or unfair players in the 40 or even 5-men group full of random people, then may I wish you the best of luck for you in your WoW Classic journey and your gaming experience in general. Always hit Need and if something goes wrong you can always re-roll it. You have to realize that no one cares about you, your loot or equip, when it comes to money there is no room for dignity, honor or anything else like this.

This discussion has to be stopped now. Period.


GL rerolling, none of the people here will ever give it to another person if they won it

Haha. I think I just have to stop taking you seriously after you say something like that. Have a nice day.

Prove me wrong, you can’t

If you ever get into a gbid raid and see people SUDDENLY bidding higher than vendor price, then you might realize something, but until then - nah, I’m done arguing with you.

I have never been in such a raid and have never seen one either.
Every BOP item has a different value to anyone in the game. Just because you think something is worth 50-100g doesn’t mean someone else thinks it is.

You are not arguing you’re just spouting bs

The only value a BOP item has that is consistent is it’s vendor price, that’s all it’s worth to anyone not needing the item

Another obvious thing that is not that obvious for you: re-roll applies to fair players only.

Of course it does… no greedy pos would ever reroll for something they won.

Glad I met mostly decent people in-game, just 1 group had to ruin it.

I am going to try this one again.
If your BOE set is worth 10k
My BOE set is worth 1k

I need on your BOE item that is worth 1 k and win it, now I have full BOE set and you have nothing .

Next droop my BOE droops that is worth 50 g , now I have pair of socks and you have full BOE set , while we both could have had 1 BOE item.

I understand there are ways around it to farm gold, which would be *** move, but so is NEED.

I think you messed up the numbers in your example because they don’t make sense.
But I get what you’re saying, yes, different BoEs have different value. It doesn’t change anything in the way that loot distribution works though.
If your BoE is worth 500g and my BoE drops that’s worth 400g and you win it, well guess what you’re still 400g closer to getting your BoE. Yes, it doesn’t let you buy your BoE right away, but it still gives you a value of 400g just as it would to me. So there’s nothing wrong with you rolling on it.

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Or you could just let the other person have it and then 1 of you have the item they need, instead of no-one.

Also you still have to sell it, which it might not even.

So why be so greedy instead of making someone else happy with their item?

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Lets say the item is worth 400g, and 400g is roughly 8 hours to grind.

The item is worth 8hrs of labour. Don’t care if you spend that on your flasks, repairs etc. It was still 400g…8hrs of labour etc. same for all.

If that player needs that item, then go buy it. Just as the player who won the roll can now go buy what they need. The only way to steal that gold is to insist you have some ordained priority over others to 400g.

Don’t mind if BoE rules were agreed at start. Or players want to be charitable. I have never taken items for gold, I tend to follow what the group wants to do. But logic is clear. Need roll on BoE, stops the devious exploiting anyone, and is fairest to all members of the group. Guild / friend runs do what makes you and your friends happy.

You’re basically asking me why I don’t do charity when I could make someone happy.
I make gifts when I feel like it, not when someone compels me.

Why do you demand salary for your work when you could make your boss happy?

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No I’m asking why you are so greedy that you want to steal away an item someone else needs right now.

You see playing the game as work? I think you need to find a different hobby then. That’s not a good comparison. You work for a certain amount of predetermined money.

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That is like rolling twice, when it was already rolled when boss drooped item, well keep it up guys, this conversation is starting to get somewhere, 100 more comments and we might see some serious progress.