Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

I agree on this, however it is not as how it should be.
Just because there are people that only think about themselves has resulted in everyone just needing on everything instead for their own greed.

What I’m arguing is that the system should be used as intended, which it currently clearly isn’t as there are too many a-holes in this game only caring for their own personal gains


Why are there boe.

So if you get lucky enough to have a world drop you can’t use, you can give it to a guildy, friend or sell it.

That doesn’t mean you should just take it away from someone that would use it there and then…

Also not everyone is lucky and they will never see their BiS BOE drop, so in the case someone finds one while farming they have a chance to buy it instead.

Well no, you still don’t even understand my stance, it seems, which is kinda hilarious because you get it SO wrong.

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No according to your argument that is exactly what you are saying.

I think you two should agree to disagree and stop responding to each other in this thread.

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I agree, it should be used as intended. But experience tells me it often won’t, so safeguards are reasonable. In Vanilla, needing on BoE epics (and sometimes blues) was standard practice on my realm. Not just because of a-holes who’d ninja, but also in case of mistakes or people who didn’t really understand the system.

That doesn’t sound very fun though.

Well, you are wrong. Let me explain once again what my point is.

If you need the item as much as everyone else - roll “Need”. If you need it less than someone else, roll “Greed”.
That means, for BoEs: everyone should roll “Need”.
While for BoPs: everyone should “Greed” unless they can equip it in which case MS>OS applies.

Hope it makes it even clearer.

UPD: the extent to which you need the item is of course determined by how much value you’d get from it.

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Yes, that means you don’t need just for the gold. That’s called greed.
You can need on the item if either; everyone agrees/agreed to it or if it’s for your MS.

Warden Staff drops and there is no tank druid in the group: Everyone Needs
Warden Staff drops and you have been grouping with a tank druid: Druid Needs, everyone else Greeds.
Anyone needing in that case is just a ninja-looter.

That’s how the system is meant to work, however it’s been completely screwed over by people that only care about themselves and literally need on everything BoE that drops, even though those items are actually needed by a user in the group.

MS > everything always, not just BoP

There is a HUGE issue with this, value is personal.

For some people that 100g it fetches on the AH means nothing to them, while for others it means the world.

In the same fashion the 5g you get from vendoring a BoP item might be worth much more to them, than letting another player in the group get it instead.

That’s why the Need and Greed system exists, so you can instantly see what is meant to be done.


You desire gold, you don’t actually need it (specially all the people that are running BiS and still rolling Need on BoE just for hoarding gold)

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You only need level 58 and quest greens to do MC. You definitely don’t need expensive BoE gear for it.

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with that logic no-one needs anything and everything should be greed rolls then

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BoEs that worth 200g+ should be all need or all greed rolled imo. Simply because such stuff in 80% situations won’t be equiped by the guy why needed for himself. I see such people nonstop in world chat. War selling edgemasters, rogue krol blade, mage Freezing Band, paladin Skullflame Shield and it never ends. It can’t be just an accident, most if not all of these people most likely ninjaed loot.

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Needing for an alt = greed. Not very hard is it. The alt was not present and during the kill.

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Maybe thous are the guys that need roll in their party and one who gets it sells it?

The logical thing for you Need=Greed types to do would be to let one man gather all loot and then share equally after the dungeon was done. If everything is money everything should be shared equally.

I agree that there are many many scummy people that pretend they need it and then try to sell it instead, that’s why you demand they wear it there and then.

In my case the BiS gun dropped and I was already using a gun as well, the gun was worth about 130g on the ah at the time.

I asked politely “Hey do you mind if I actually need on this? It’s BiS for me and I’m already using a gun as well”

They just said “Omg no BOE = NEED always I need for gold”

that’s the literal definition of greed.


I’ve made a habit of being the last to need/greed on those items depending what others do

From what I remember from vanilla and playing with a group completely made out of vanilla players, the thing usually is that if a BoE drops they would say “Does anyone need it?”
If not, then everyone just need, else only the person who needs it.


Why such obsession with gold in this game?

What for do you need gold after you get your epic mount?

I literally see people playing AH for hours to make silver “profits”. I bet they all broke irl.


Only if you want to use a strict literal definition of the word, and since you do then yes, you really should be advocating for that. Personally I don’t take it as literally as you do.