I have read it. I just don’t agree with it when it comes to BoEs.
I’m not sure if you are being serious at this point, you manage to ignore most of my arguments and basically repeat same thing over and over, as if it should make it more convincing. Well guess what, it doesnt.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re taking the roll options too literally.
Literally? LOL
I take the roll with common sense first. You know? Like…there are people which i’m playing with. Potential future in-game friends. If I see one going like “sorry, i will Need because I need gold, even if this is BiS for you”, that guy will end in my “blacklist” 100% and surely I won’t party with him anymore.
Epic boe, and blue boe is always need. ALWAYS!
Thats due to the simple fact no1 is able to ninja it and as in this ex sell it…
Greens.and blues (bop) is rolled for if you need it or not.
What makes you think gear is more valuable than gold?
I can’t think of any counter argument except to thin out players you want to play with.
Who the f wants to be in your parties anyways
If its a bossdrop i greed to sell, and need to use. Trash greens are same, greed to sell and need to use. I think is same for everyone.
Its tha boe that trash drop that makes for disputes usually. Thus agreeing on need prior to starting dungeon is better for all.
Jagarde… Do what you want. Noone cares. And in return no need to call the rest of us entitled greedy and selfish. Everyones free to have an oppinion. Not only you.
The issue is me before all…
The naming of NEED and GREED should indicate what purpose you intend to use the item. Need meaning you need it and it’ll better your character. Greed - intent to vendor or sell/disenchant. It’s all part of the fun really isn’t it? Some people are just D!cks.
Its pretty simple, state loot rules before you start the run, If you dont, its FFA on the epics.
I never pug dungeons, so in guild runs its easy to reroll if someone clicked wrong. But im pugs, if it is in someones bag, its theirs.
Agree on boe epics before you start, and you save yourself a headace and/or shaming if something drop.
The upgrade > gold priority is not really sensible for BOEs.
By that logic, if I’m well geared and an epic BOE drops and it is a minor upgrade for me with like +3 strength compared to my existing item, then I can Need -
But for the other guy in group who’s all in greens, he can’t Need it even though with the money he gets for it, he can buy his own BiS way bigger upgrade than me.
Bind on Equip items are designed to be sold off. That’s why they exist. If they were meant for just gear they would be BoP. As they are, they are intended for most players to sell them. So, imo, everyone should Need on BoEs.
Either way, the best solution is for party leader to state loot rules early on the instance. If you are leader, state them yourself, if you’re in someone elses group, just ask what the rules are.
Expensive BoE equals gold and gold is needed for end-game character progression. Everyone in a pug group have equal right of getting an item that lets them upgrade their character. So, always need on expensive BoEs.
I’m the exact same. Everyone need BoE epics in PUGs to avoid ninja looting.
It’s crap that we have to do it but as soon as a BoE purple drops. Everyone gets the dollar signs in their eyes and will make up whatever BS they can to take it to sell it.
Since you can always trade them afterwards, I will always roll NEED in such a situation in a PUG.
I think this guy gets it. I mean if BoE were meant to be need rolled only by those players who really need to equip these items why would BoE gear even exist? If we all are decent human beings ofc it would be best to let the ones who really need it roll need for it while everybody else pass on it but that is not the case. Blizzard decided that BoE gear should exist so that everyone can use it for what they want. Am I wrong?
Playing semantics like that with the words “need” and “greed” doesn’t really work.
Selling a BoE is a pretty good use of it, because you need the gold it grants.
There’s no perfect solution.
If all greed - a ninja can press need.
If all need - someone who wants to wear it, gets left out. Also, must discuss beforehand, otherwise people who press greed (because that’s how its done on low lvl) get taken advantage of.
Discussing it with the group is defo a good strategy, but I’m now tending towards “all need” after a ninja incident.
Btw, does Blizz act on ninjas?
I know if it’s masterloot and the ML broke lootrules they will.
For Group Loot, I’d imagine they’d just say “Oh, well hurp durp he can click need he has every right to click need hurp durp no purblurms heer” even if you’d discussed it beforehand.
Well, this thead proves without a doubt that this should be mentioned at the start of your dungeon run or bad stuff will happen.
Personally I’m okey with everybody need rolling for BoE epics (debatable for blues). The BoE drops are random in nature and most likely not the reason I’m running the dungeon in the first place (as those are most likely BoP). They are an “added bonus” to the run.
Back in the days I usually waited to see what people did and it almost always ended up with all rolling need, which I think is fine, even if the epic was an upgrade to me.
Good thing you’re not on my server. That’s just idiotic.
So everyone needs to make it fair? How is it fair for the guy that actually needs the item? He has no say in the matter. People should NEED on an item if they intend to use it and GREED on everything else.
“Everyone need” is just plain dumb.