Morally and ethically, I side with the view that Need = for equipping and Greed = for selling, but this mostly only happens in guild and/or friend runs.
Practically, in a PUG, all should need on blue/purple BoE’s by default to ensure as equal footing as possible.
Could be. Or it could be that you just didnt bother spending like 5 minutes to actually think about it before posting.
Someone who needs a BoE to wear doesnt need it any more than others who want to sell it.
“Someone who needs a BoE to wear doesnt need it any more than others who want to sell it.”
It literally does. It’s the entire concept of need vs greed. This should be a basic understanding of how the loot system works. Needing on something you can’t even use so you can sell it is being a douche bag and a ninja.
I agree that regardless of whether an item is BOP or BOE, needing for main spec takes priority. This should be established before the dungeon run and people should always be asked to equip the item. The exception to this would be if the person is underleveled for the item.
Not in the sense of greed. + Don’t take it out of context. Semantics or not the discussion is wether people should need or greed. Gear that up’s your character by equipping it is a “need” scenario. Item drops, gems, recipes ect that you intend to sell for the accumulation of wealth outwardly defines ‘greed’. There’s nothing more to be said about it.
Just for clarity : Oxfard Dictionary : Greed.
‘intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth’
This post is so ridiculous Im not even sure what to begin with.
First of all, greed absolutely applies to gear just as it does to gold. Especially with BoEs since they can be traded.
Secondly, this whole thing about what need and greed means is completely irrelevant. These options could be called option A and option B, and it wouldnt change anything. What matters is the mechanics of what these options do, which is: a high prio roll and a low prio roll.
You are saying that being able to wear a BoE somehow entitles one to have a higher prio on it over people who intend to sell it, and thats simply wrong, because the value of this item is the same for everyone.
Read the purpose of this thread. It in fact does if the person uses it as an upgrade and equips the item, that by the mechanics of the game means it has a higher value to that player. Gold is a secondary resource, gear is the main objective. It’s snowflakes like yourself can’t see past the point of mememe. Hence why I can see you rolling need on every boe possible to feed that greedy little pig inside you. Oink oink oink.
If the BoE equates to 300g and there is a supply of them on the AH.
The value of that item is 300g, to all party members, including the one that wants to wear it. How? Because he doesn’t have to buy it for 300g.
Equally, say I was in that instance and I can sell it for 300g, then that may let me buy other BoE BIS items that are worth 300g, e.g. devilsaur set. Is it MORE valuable for me than him, as I can get 2 BIS items for his 1 BIS item?..HE IS THE GREEDY ONE!!! (jk)
BoEs equate 1:1 with gold. If you think that for him it is more valuable than 300g…then why hasn’t he bought it for 300g already…he doesn’t have 300g, then it saves him 300g, that is all it does.
So you are saying that a BoE thats worth 200 gold is worth more than 200 gold if you can equip it? Interesting, interesting. Thats some economy magic right there mate.