Unfortunate dark side of WoW Classic

God, it is the same as him selling it on AH for 200g, then buying one for 200g and equipping it. It is just 200g to him or to any one else in the party.

It does, because it becomes bound. Do you not know what alternate cost means?

https:/ /kids.kiddle .co /Opportunity_cost

note the link :wink:

In this case, equipping it costs him 200g as he could have sold it for 200g instead. Don’t make me start explaining trading and commodities in Apples.

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Okay let’s break it down.

Say now his resource pot holds 500g. For the sake of this argument.

A BoE drops that’s BiS for him/her. (Let’s make it non bias)

That BoE BiS Is worth 400g.

Instead of having to spend 400g on a that item that just dropped and they have every intention of equipping it. That ultimately saves that person 400g.

Because that person hasn’t dipped into their secondary resource (gold) they can then use their gold; as you previously stated to further their progression in filling item slots with a devilsaur set right?

In what way does that not hold greater benefit for that person? He doesn’t lose 400g yet gains the item to equip. Keeping in mind the context and purpose of the Need & Greed buttons as well as the purpose of WoW. If gold was the primary purpose then I get what you mean, but it just isn’t. (It depends where you are placing value. As stated before gold isn’t the primary purpose. If it were then time would ultimately be the greatest commodity…) Again that is not the context here and if it were, the item still grants a greater value to the person being able to equip it than it would someone else putting it onto the Ah.

Furthermore none of the above factors in time, cost and cut of the AH process/trade chat spam.

And if it were to flip and if gold was to become the main objective. Gearing means being able to accumulate gold faster. If we were to apply that here. It extends the value of said item for that person allowing them to kill quicker for higher gold gain… That’s not taking into account professions ect. (that’s also if said item was for the purpose of a dps role rather than healing/tanking)

Careful not to belittle. Economics has never been a difficult subject. It’s people with a pretence that try to make it so.

Finally, the discussion was about greed or need not gold gain. Why have a Greed button if everyone is rolling need for the purpose of greed.

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You really don’t understand…

Say he has 500g and before the run he bought the item for 400g and equipped it. Then during the run he got the item from the roll and sold it for 400g…guess what he has the item and still has 500g…

The item is EQUAL to its market value.

BoE items are GOLD.

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its simple - unless established before run started just roll need.

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Seems anyone but Ninjas! :slight_smile:

Oh, but you do care. And some others. Don’t act like your selfish actions are better then mine.

And someone who would sell it wouldn’t lose 400g either, but would also get 400g from selling the BoE.
BoE worth of 400g = 400g from selling the BoE.
400 = 400.
Equal value in both cases.

Completely irrelevant, and besides, how you can even talk about purpose in a sandbox MMORPG is beyond me.

Uh… no it doesn’t?

That is rich, coming from someone who struggles so much to understand a simple concept of interchangeable goods like “BoE = gold, gold = BoE” and calls everyone who disagrees greedy pigs.

Well guess what, not every item in game is BoE. Need/Greed system works just fine for BoP items.

But naming/shaming is part of vanilla experience.

If you have proof, since we are on the classic part of the forum this rules shouldn’t apply.

To me it seems perfectly logical that someone who can equip it, and actually needs the item to improve their character, has prio over those who can’t and will just sell it. I’ll never understand the reasoning that we all need gold and should therefore need, and that that is obviously the way to go. To me that’s a crappy attitude.


I’m not sure what causes confusion for you here. You do understand that we’re talking about BoE items that can be sold and bought? That means gold and gear are interchangeable, so even if you don’t believe gold itself can improve your character, it can absolutely be used for getting gear that gives you better stats.
That’s why a BoE item gives the same value to everyone, whether you wear it directly or use to sell and buy another piece of gear, so there should be no prio on rolling from either side, wouldn’t you agree?

why not - he may need gold for milion of reasons . starting with eipic mount ending with buying set from AH for RP

who are you to judge his needs.

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Because you say so?

BoP items are worth gold too, why don’t you apply your logic there and see how far you get. Your reasoning doesn’t stand within the context parameters of vanilla wow. Sorry, they just don’t. Again, gearing is the objective…

Because I literally explained why in that same post above.

You were the guy telling us economics isn’t hard, right? :slight_smile:
Vendor price doesn’t reflect the actual value of the item (except things like Shadowstrike etc), unlike the market price of BoEs. So then its not equal value for everyone.
I would’ve thought someone as smart as you would understand this.

PS: gearing it only the objective if you choose it to be btw. There’s no objective in sandbox MMOs.

But surely, as a baseline wether the BoE goes on Ah for 300g or a BoP sells for 10g, it’s the same ‘value’ to everyone. According to your logic.

Maybe you should take some logic courses before trying to follow my logic.
For a BoE its value is 300 gold for everyone.
For a BoP its value is 10g for everyone who can’t use it, and much, much higher for someone who can.

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Again, the gold value is the same for everyone…

Again, careful with the insults little boy. Your logic is flawed hence the inability to agree with it.

Well the real value of a BoP is higher than the gold you get from vendoring it, or people would do it all the time.
Unless you’re willing to claim that all BoP epics should be vendored, just for the sake of the argument.

Well I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, its just frustrating to see when people find it so hard to understand something that’s really not that complicated. Yet they draw unfounded conclusions about my personality simply because I happen to think another way of loot distribution is better and more fair.
At times I think I’m being trolled here by people pretending to be dumb.

You are so wrong, you will be featured on SciManDan soon.

BoE has a market value with supply and demand, that brings them to the value the community are willing to pay for them. BoPs do not have this…do not try and compare, just makes you look really stupid.


There’s nothing complicated about it. The value of equipping the item is greater to someone who can equip it (As an upgrade), rather than it being in a raw gold form.

This applies to BoP and BoE, since you claim the gold value is the same to everyone. Surely it should apply across the board, thus reinforcing the ethic behind the NEED & GREED options.

As per the topic up for discussion.

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