War within beta!

Besides the fact that you are unable to provide any argument, it seems like you have only appeared here to attack people trying to feed the community with logical arguments. We are trying to have a civil discussion here, not the child park piss fights… Also, I am not a Blizzard defender myself, and I am not trying to defend them. I usually criticize them either here or in US forums for any games. (You can see me also on HS forums or Overwatch forums usually getting temporarily banned for criticizing Blizz or devs lol) It is just, let’s say, I know what “beta” means or what “stress testing” means.

beta test

: a field test of the beta version of a product (such as software) especially by testers outside the company developing it that is conducted before commercial release

beta test transitive verb
beta tester noun

My dude, you are not promised a finished and polished game here. IT IS BETA, capiche? A BETA. Your passive-aggressive forum message would be a bit more meaningful if it was a release of a new expansion and your childish crying would be on point only then.

But, to be fair to you, these kinds of problems are also happening in every single release of a new expansion starting with TBC, right? Because that is interesting, it is not rocket science to be able to connect the dots here, if Blizzard is even unable to release an “arguably” finished expansion, how would you expect this Beta release to be as you have desired? lol

Just think about it and stop sharing your non-sense thoughts and put up a logic if you want to discuss.

Well this in Blizzard after all. No communication on exact start, only vague date that are already fcked for some regions. And for ppl tryin’ to even start typing about PST - in the past they VERY strictly stated US/EU start dates/zones. It was one time when both started in same moment - WoD launch. So NO, its not “they ment PST”. 5/06 is 5/06, not 5/06 Canadian New Scotia timezone. Stop talking what u think as facts. And grow the fck up - ppl have right to be angry on blizzard coz Beta Access was very widely advertised as Epic feature. So its part of what u payed for. Sh1tty situations are your fault for not slapping their hands for actions like that in the past.


This thread needs cats.


okay old man

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A god kitty has fallen. All venerate Smudge the mighty.

Dude! What did you do to that cat? D: >O< xD

come beta lets go

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another patch

Well it’s 1 hr 22 minutes left till June 6th for me xD

you lot are bare dumb fam, mans has paid for a beta you get me? that means as a customer they should have tested this for the last wekk for rollout and on top fo that they had the USA server to find out whats wrong did they have the same issues?

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A case of, “Good, I Can Feel Your Anger.”

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In the meanwhile, you can check wowhead for new class updates and tier set bonus releases!

Or just watch cat videos in 🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Do you know what “beta” means?

So they had to test the beta with a pre-beta or something? Lol. Do you know what a beta is?

“I Can Feel Your Anger. It Gives You Focus, Makes You Stronger.”

Alpha just finished.

They did, it was called the Alpha…

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why there is no queue anymore ??

it means i paid to get in on the day they advertised, yes

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