We need dual spec

I’m fine with dual spec, it’s not bad to pay 50g each time.
But It’s a little QoL upgrade to pay (would say) 1k gold for dual spec and voilà,

Dual Spec swap in rested Areas limitation is the way to go.
It’s the same limitation as “HS” then “check your class master” then “summon back”.

Don’t make fake problems. This don’t break the game or something else like people are trying to say/push for the “#nochange” argument.

So… No different to having alts, except you dish 1k gold upfront.

You’re overthinking this big time. You need to remember that DS or not, you’d still have to get the gear to replace another player’s main, otherwise any raid leader would simply go with the main. The stunning majority of guilds will not give gear to alts or for offspec easily, because mains have priority (at least until they have the content on farm and mains don’t need gear anymore). This is the primary reason why I don’t think having DS would be expected, and I’ve certainly not heard stories from Retail about it ever being expected.

Normally DS would be used exactly like alts are used now: farm something, cover for someone who can’t come/needs to drop out, run alt raids, PvP. So for regular guilds that don’t go for world firsts, DS would most certainly never be a requirement.

Sure, but you still can only use one at a time. Otherwise you simply go for a hybrid spec, don’t unlock DS, and save yourself a grand.

But the social interactions aren’t going anywhere. Really, DS is not very different to having an alt.

That’s not going anywhere either. Even right now, without DS, you could still have someone log an alt as another possibility. I covered our guild AQ40 on my tank when one of our regular tanks was undergoing surgery. With DS ingame, it still could have been me covering, or one of our fury warrs who have tank gear switching to tank, and us inviting a dps. I don’t see anything weird about this.

I get the impression that you consider DS to be some alien, malicious concept that would destroy the game, and it just isn’t that. In principle, it really isn’t all that different to having alts, it just lets people do other things on their main rather than an alt.

Well, I didn’t.

TBC needs more gold sinks not less, so …no thanks.

There are much better ways to introduce gold sinks. Deal with botting and gold buying epidemic, no raw gold dropped from raid/dungeon Bosses no raw gold from PvP or heroic quests, increase repair costs,reduce vendor value of equipment all these do not penalize one section of the gaming community while reducing the amount of gold getting injected into the economy

DS is a gold sink though. I think I’ve explained it at least twice in this thread alone.

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I would love dual spec so much. I’m maining shaman and I would love to be able to wander around as enhance and heal in dungeons.

Please god let it happen.


Completely disagree. That would have no impact on bots, it would just annoy players.

The second comment was to combat gold inflation into the economy by reducing the methods of gaining raw gold will lower inflation in a way it doesn’t impact players in a huge way as it’s only small amounts which no single player will miss but which accumulates to alot of gold serverwide which has nothing to do with combating bots which is the biggest issue

I understand what you’re trying to do…

… but this is not the way to do it.

It would. You would be removing passive income from raids/dungeons/questing, and increasing wipe punishment. That’s a 100% reliable way to piss everyone off.

You would get the exact opposite of the result you want, because now the regular folk would have to spend way more time farming gold, whereas bots would just carry on farming 24/7 anyway.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people decided to not bother and just rolled private servers. It’s exactly like the “let’s tax the rich more” leftist twitter speak: they don’t realise the rich would just leave, while the problem of “who’s gonna pay for all this” would still remain, and the same people who wanted the idea would end up being the ones to pay.

Just add more talent points to the game so everyone can have all talents!

These two points, along with what’s covered in “an expection” heading, but not in way I can directly quote from what’s been said, is ultimately where to point of contention between yourself and DS/No players.

It only took us 400 odd posts in 3 different discussions to get to it. Probably because 99% of posts here are people who refer to anyone who doesn’t agree with their point as some form of uncontrollable idiot.

I really can’t see away that the 3 areas wouldn’t develop in a manor to which I’ve already mentioned. Some people won’t care if that happens. Others probably want these developments.

The ideas suggested previously 10k or even 20k costs huge cooldown etc. are ways to mitigate this.

I suppose you can console yourself if it doesn’t go in the game at. And I’m 70%/30% it won’t, but I’ve been before wrong before. That you can still respec on the current system, all be it costs 1,000s or 10,000s of gold over the life time of TBC.

How to add gold sinks:

  • dualspec at 3k, 4k or 5k or what ever cost (most players will never spend this much on regular respecs anyways)
  • ingame cosmetic shop for gold
  • add 310% flying at a cost of 10-20k
  • add barber shop for gold
  • add race change for gold
  • wow tokens

Don’t want to use hyperbole but…

That’s a deal breaker to me. And probably a lot of players. While i don’t want some of the others i’d live with them. That goes in the game, I’m not going to even argue the point. i’m done with TBC and WoW in General.

yeah it was just one suggestion of several. Personally idgaf about these things. I just want dualspec, even slap a 10k gold price-tag on it and I will pay.

Would you pay 20k or even 30k?

Once we get to these figures we’re not too far away from just re-speccing every day for what one would expect will be the lifetime of tbc.

Isn’t the game more fun over all when not everything is done in the most optimized way? People not having the optimal spec for something will be fun.
I like the idea behind making a decision for a spec. You choose what you want to do best and what can be done with less optimal specs --> make up your priority and it will provide you with more character identity.

Good question, hard to say. Probably not.

I understand where it’s coming from, I just think it’s extremely unlikely that DS would become something required in raids for the reasons I mentioned. Otherwise, we would have heard complaints about it from Retail long ago.

Not really a good comparison. DS was removed from retail years ago and each spec is just interchangable. Bored of being frost? Press your arcane spec. You can do it anywhere, you just can’t change your “talent” points outside of a rested zone.

And before that awful system was implemented (MoP I believe?) the price of DS was reduced down to 10g so literally everyone had it anyway.

It’s also worth noting that by the time DS was added, there was no such thing as a “meme spec”. We got DS in WoTLK, where every spec was viable in PVE. Class stacking was still a thing for world first races, but for everyone else; every spec was viable.

TBC is different. Every spec may have a few good points, unlike Vanilla, but it still isn’t balanced.

Oh, I think it is.

Sure, but it lasted at least 2 expansions. That’s plenty of time to hear horror stories about how it’s mandatory, or people are being pressured to get it, and yet there were none to my knowledge.

It makes sense there were no horror stories when you think about it. It’s a tool to give people extra options, but it definitely would not be mandatory in raids, just like having an alt is not mandatory either. Quite the contrary: normally guilds give mains priority over alts and offspecs.

Unless of course someone in one of these guilds who go for world firsts… in which case, well, they knew what they signed up for. These guilds are already using multiple alts, and rotate them as needed.

Well, that’s not what we’re asking for. I’ve mentioned the 1k upfront payment so many times it’s probably gonna be engraved on my tombstone.

And before someone asks. No, we’re certainly not asking for the current Retail implementation.