and doesnt that make the dual spec unnecessary?? u could do the same thing without…prob most super tryhards will do…its just a minor QOL when ur out in the world…im neither for or against it but just sayin
No, you could change on the fly in WotLK. It took 5 seconds of casting time to change, and aside from your mana bar being reduced to 0 upon changing spec there weren’t other penalties such as a CD or w/e. It was very common, in fact, to swap specs during raids and even dungeons. Though you couldn’t change specs in Arenas, ofc.
here mr edowar worded it quite nicely ''it’s a casual friendly QOL change that won’t disturb the experience!!
(you know it! more casuals = more groups for dungeons = more subscription for Blizzard = healthy server population)’’
yes and i replied to him with the implication that he lacks proper attention span. he didn’t read the thread, he just barged in and said “this will be gud ty very much happy bye” like some idiot that barges into the middle of a discussion and repeats points that have already been refuted.
its not a “quality of life”-change, its a f***ing upgrade, call it what it is.
‘‘upgrade’’ is a bit of a stretch…and tho im not bothered by it…or better yet by the lack of it since they havent hinted anywhere that they would implement it i dont think its anywhere near as bad as ppl make it sound
A few weeks ago I made a post about one of the problems with Dual spec.
Here’s a question. In a gold figures, what is the maximum people who want it would be willing to pay? 1k, 5k, 10k?
I ask as if having dual spec requires such a big investment, it doesn’t become an auto choice. This therefor mitigates the effect on the rest of the game?
how you can classify dual spec as anything BUT an upgrade is just baffling to me.
Oh yeah, it absolutely would be an upgrade. And a greatly appreciated one at that.
I would rather have respec extra fee from 50g to 100g+, it makes perfect sence if you think about it in economy perspective.
Dual spec isn’t going to happen. The idea is to keep the game feeling as close to TBC as possible with changes to break meta slaving and some QoL changes like arena team sizes.
Dual spec isnt a QoL issue and the people that think it is dont seem to comprehend that it alters gameplay approach dramatically.
It’s just so far off being a thing to me it’s not really worth the discussion.
What exactly do we “NEED” it for?
Whether it improves the game or not is entirely subjective. Objectively though, we don’t “need” dual spec. Some people may want it, but if we actually NEEDED it, it would have been added in the original game.
You’ll get dual spec in the expansion it was released in
This is not some small change! This is an expansion feature that belongs to WOTLK, and it should stay there.
If dual spec is that important wait for wotlk.
We’re asking for DS, because it would be a great addition to the game.
Those who complain that it would affect gameplay are simply catastrophising. It would potentially make the lives of tanks and healers much better, and so these tanks and healers would potentially be doing more on their chars than just raidlogging.
How this could possibly be a bad thing, I’ll never know. Certainly better than server-wide logouts to save world buffs for the last 2 years now.
Dual spec was introduced in WOTLK.
Yes, we know. That’s the whole point of these threads: it was a fantastic addition, and the fans liked it so much they’re asking for it 1 expansion earlier.
Again. It would incentivise players to do more with their chars than raidlog. Much needed improvement after almost 2 years of server-wide logouts to save world buffs.
I don’t get it. People cheer for bad ideas like 400ms lag AKA spell batching, but try to suggest a good idea, and all hell breaks loose. Do you guys hate fun or what?
It’s a curious event that happened within the Classic community. I really doubt they would mix WoTLK with TBC code or code it independently, kind of messy for the project. At best they would reduce respec cost.
But the key thing is - dual spec idea got really popular lately. There is a lot of topics, even various surveys. Classic content creators that usually don’t cover wannabie-topics suddenly are surprised by popularity of this and when they did a survey across their Classic communities the results were also positive.
So it’s interesting happening - dual-spec got popular and has mostly positive reactions. Will it get pushed further like Fresh TBC time will tell. IMHO it’s way less likely to succeed due to codding needed - but it’s curious to see how and if Blizzard will react to an idea that gets a big positive community backing (not every idea is good though).
3rd tank will be Feral Druid for most guilds for obvious reason.
You people are a joke.
You are asking for a game that already exists.
Go to Retail, it is the perfect game for you.
“You think you do, but you don’t” - we all laughed at this guy, but he was bloody right. Absolute joke of a playerbase.
you people are so cringy it is unbelievable