Just the simple Wrath implementation would be fine. 1k gold upfront.
This really doesn’t need to be any more complex than that.
Just the simple Wrath implementation would be fine. 1k gold upfront.
This really doesn’t need to be any more complex than that.
Exactly. Just damn, im so sad seeing selfish room raidloggers being against this change, to not allow People who actually want to pvp when they want as in wotlk, to play both parts of the game. If no dual spec then warmane TBC(outland) was basically a better and a FREE server then classic burning crusade. Back then i was 90% time pvping because of constant respec requirement to be able to PvE. If you wanted to actually do both, thanks to constant gold sink you’d spend on doing stupid dailies in queldanas etc instead of being able to actually play the game as in lich King. Thats actually the answer why warmane tbc was the most succesful private tbc server aka nostalrius of tbc. Dualspec+doubleseals. Btw, phasing idea is godlike by blizz, outplayed all pirate at this certain point
newsflash: flexibility and convenience are not necessarily good things for a game in the long run
I suppose if you really want to dual spec it’s already in the game. It just costs 40 gold (iirc) a pop. To re-spec if you did it every other day/every day that’s 7.3k/14.6k gold per year depending on frequency.
Do melee loose their weapon skills?
What’s being asked is for that cost do be reduced substantially. Say TBC ran for 2 years and someone re-specc’d every day 30k gold going out the economy.
So that’s a 97% decrease in the cost of what the activity would have cost first time round.
And players seem to be a lot more wealthy this time round.
I’m against it going in the game at all. But i think if it HAD to go in 1kg is just not enough 20kg is probably a little steep. 5-10k, closer to the later maybe, does test the meaning that it doesn’t become a meta. And I expect most people wouldn’t pay up. Means the player that really want it have a way of getting it and players that don’t want it don’t see it on every player on day 3.
It’s 1k in wrath. Why should it be more expensive in tbc? Do you have any idea how much 10k gold is in tbc?
The first part of your question i’ve already covered.
1k is a 97% decrease, players seem to have more wealth.
10k is roughly twice the cost of epic flying irrc.
Some players have enough for both already.
What a weird argument. Makes no sense.
It’s not an argument. It’s quote.
If you really really want dual spec that bad, would you not be prepared to farm 10k?
(no pun intended ;))
No because it’s a ridiculous amount of gold and the only thing I can take from you is that you’ve never played either tbc or wrath or any expansion where gold actually had any value and was hard to get.
Literally no expansion, ever. Then?
I played though TBC, currently i have around 5kg gold in classic around 4k gold in 1k in mats. I’ve 2 epic mounts, 5 regular . And i’m probably around average of wealth in my guild
You may have even more?
I’m going to assume you’re aware that quests provide extra gold in TBC at max levels, i could go on but i’d feel i’d be patronising you. There’s hundred of hours of gold making TBC tips on youtube.
Are you being sincere that 10k is such an unobtainable amount for you?
no, but I’ll be farming 5k for epic flying and I’d be fine with maybe 2k for dual spec. anything above 2k is utterly ridiculous and even talking about 10k or even 20k for something like dual spec is just crazy
Meaning you could obtain it, you just don’t want to?
I’m glad we can agree that an amount more than 1k is something you would.
Honestly. Your determination to this point; i think you could and would farm 10k for Dual spec if that’s what was required.
First, exactly, NOT as in WOTLK. you’re perfectly correct.
Second, every single class trainer is in org, where you queue arenas from. Don’t be a lazy selfish snob and run the distance from arena master to class trainer. Nobody is preventing you from pvping between raids but your lazy self.
ah yes, back when there was a purpose to doing world content other than pokemon collecting.
just go back to retail already, it has all what you’re asking.
I’m glad that we agree, TBC is tremendously good, let’s not introduce any unnecessary retail nonsense.
Then continue to be snob raidloggers as all other whiners at this topic and pay for this yourself. I had enough of dailies in tbc to just respec, no thanks. Or i know the thing better, if dual spec is release, if running for respec and grinding is an atmosphere content for you just SEND the gold to other guy every time you respec! Love this content - share the gold. I see you have no clue what it is because casual raidlogger. No one, who played arena it tbc, would be against dual spec. If anyone show me that guy its easy to say he’s, uhm, quite strange yes. Paying for tbc which will be not better then some warmane cuz some raidlogger behaved selfish, kek. Get my 15 bucks for private tbc with no dual spec(what a joke)
Aren’t you one of the same people that keeps saying there’s to much gold in the game and the economy is ruined?
Respeccing is the best gold sink the game has. The only advantage to dual-spec is not having to place all of your points and relearn ranks of abilities.
I’d be fine if you could save your spec and easily select it, but still had to pay the respec cost.
That passes gold to other players, it doesn’t take the gold out of the game.
I see you have no idea how gold actually works. Here’s a hint: giving gold to other players isn’t a gold sink.
You’re not in any position to be questioning the personalities of others.
You’re entitled and you’re throwing your punches in the wrong direction, you’re attacking without knowledge of the subject base.
Fortunately, nobody is going to take Spongebob’s snail seriously.
Although I’d love dual spec for my arena/raid spec switching, it would genuinely make it so much more convenient. I still don’t think they should implement it: there’s offtank/DPS specs for example that would just be dead and irrelevant if you could just switch spec mid-raid, and removing those more niche and interesting specs is IMO bad for the game.
I like this solution, but on retail for example people already hearth out and then get summoned back in just to change a few talents, since dual spec of the same spec is gone on retail now.
We have Warlock summoning into instances in TBC, people will just do that. (Though I guess the same argument can be made for no dual spec, that people will just change spec mid raid anyway)
How is passing gold to other player is different from wasting it after spending an hour for dailies? Make other player smile! In retail tbc you have too much activities to spend gold, if you think about no changes is good there - nah. Reality is - the Best private tbc ever had it along with seals, since its not just a goldsink for a pvp player, its simply farm gold+queue instead of pay once and go to heroic for one hour, then one hour pvp. Shortly - you think you do, but you dont
I’m definitely strongly against dual spec.