What happened to player attitude?

I think it all comes down to personal experience. In mine experience, there is definitely a toxier environment, and a lot of behaviours considered normal in classic were kinda of rare in vanilla (example reserving items in dungeons). There are far more new, younger gamers than old vanilla players, and it shows.

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The people you’ve encountered are just BfA-tourists. They’ll be gone from the game soon enough. Vanilla players, in general, were forced to behave or they would be exiled from end-game content. These turds you’ve encountered have yet to learn this.

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I have found most people to be as decent and nice as in Vanilla / TBC. But I have also found a lot of players … No not a lot, but still … that are so obsessed with money that they do not care about gameplay, fairnes, kindness … any positive attitudes at all.
For instance.

  • I stand on a chest or right next to it, fighting mobs. Fellow passes by, sees me and chest. He opens it while I fight on, and then /laughs at me.
  • Fighting mobs for Quest items, Warlock Fears mobs in my general direction, watches me die and farms on.
  • Reserving or Greeding on loot, because “everything is money, dude”.

In the end those G are only pixels on a screen, but the hurt and /or fun you’ve had in-game stays inside your head.

What is it the tip on log in says: “A little kindness goes a long way.”

Yep, the amount of greed and selfishness has exploded.

Making strat groups and then saying “all orbs reserved”
Needing on anything BOE, because in their eyes BOE = gold
I had the same with a chest once, some douche just came and took it.

I see so much anger in groups as well if someone doesn’t just keep pulling or if you try to, god forbid, cc a bit. Or if someone pulls by accident they shout and scream that it’s a waste of time.

Always have to tell them “stop calling people names” in chat because it’s just so damn toxic

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That’s just the current internet generation, has nothing to do with classic or retail wow.

Why would you join a grp that announces that something is reserved? I’d either not join at all or need anyway.

Just gotta be lucky and join a decent guild I guess.

But classic looting systems DO promote and give possibility to toxic behaviour/ninja looting without any consequences for the offender whatsoever. That is why retail personal loot is a thing.

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Gotta agree with the people saying that it’s to do with the ‘zoomer’ generation too.

Just to add to the topic, does anyone else notice the way a lot of players don’t even use character names anymore? e.g. “mage water”, “mage sheep”, “go tank”, instead of their character names? I don’t remember that in Vanilla at all :x I find it rude when someone hasn’t even said anything through chat the entire run, maybe not even ‘hi’ and then out if nowhere they are just like ‘priest do this’! Maybe I’m just an old fart though!


True, even forming a sentence is hard for these people.

I think having 20k people on 1 server doesn’t help, when there were 2000 people you would actually have more of a familiarity with everyone and you would know their names better.

Now you’re just 1/20000 and people don’t give a crap

I don’t care about your name, I care about the role you’re playing. In the heat of the moment I don’t want to learn your name just to let you know that you need to tank mobs off me.

We are part of a zoomer culture now where everything is “Go Go Go” do everything fast and people are generally more toxic as well.

If you are playing terribly and it’s in the ‘heat of the moment’ sure. But I find it weird you saying ‘learn your name’ when you can just literally move your eye a centimetre to the *left for a split second and look at the name lol. Or are we too lazy for that now?

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I remember this, very rare in Vanilla occurrence. And then only if someone had a very strange name or in dire need. Eg “Tank pull” if you were swarmed by a zillion mobs and would be killed if you had to look at tank’s icon and type in name :wink: Normally long names got shortned.
Maybe also partly because if you shift+click someones name in chat, their realm is being added to it? I do not remember this before battlegroups/crossrealms, but I might be wrong.

Yeah, as a person that turned 39 recently apparently I’m part of the oldest millennial generation. I was 27 back in vanilla WoW, as was the average WoW player back then. Millennias is not people born around 2000, it’s people tat was teenagers and young adults at the time.
That said so far I haven’t encountered any real as*holes. A few on the brink the first 2 weeks, but after that everyone have been nice. I do not play on a regular PVP realm though, which is why I assume I don’t have to interact with most of the douchebags. In vanilla I noticed a HUGE different in attitude, especially against female gamers when I switched from a PVP realm to RP- PVP.

you make a good point here, I hate that it’s this way… Why is that still in the game I wonder, it’s not like you will link someone from another realm…

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Cant believe people are this naive or unintelligent, you cant compare the playerbase from 15 years ago to the playerbase today, the entire internet gaming community has changed and obviously that will affect any game you play.

Classic is not a time machine back to 2005.

Here’s the thing… I don’t care about your name. I care about your role. If we’re discussing something as friends, then I would agree that using names would be in order. If we’re doing a dungeon or whatever, then your role will have to suffice.

That’s what he is saying, people used to care about that. That means you’re part of the problem. I’m guilty of it too sometimes if the name has stupid umlauts and weird characters in it no sane person would be able to type or understand.

However in vanilla, your name was more important as most people at 60 knew each other some way or another.


OK, I understand your reasoning and it’s a sound reason. But the OP wanted to discuss why WoW isn’t as friendly anymore and the whole lack of naming characters is contributing that’s why I brought it up. This lack of care is one thing sucking the life out of the online gaming communities.


That’s completely false. I have been playing this game since Closed US Beta in 2004 and people used roles when calling out people back then as well. Your name was only important if you were a guildmate or already in the friends list.

Don’t make up stuff that didn’t happen just to fit your narrative, and don’t say that other people are “part of the problem” because you disagree.

If you want something to change - BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.

I played since 2005 and yes it did happen, maybe it depended on the server, but on my server people were called by their names, I can still remember many of the names from that server as well.

Used to be easy to just shift+click on a name, easier than typing “mage, tank” etc.

I can say the same to you “don’t make up stuff to fit your narrative”


Not on Stormscale, Ravencrest or Shattered Hand.