When is rogue gonna be nerfed?

it’s not about reading comprehension. It’s about understanding that context is important. Wow arena forums are not the place to embark on several page long essay type responses. Don’t you agree?

For the same reason we don’t start from scratch in science, we reference previous research to continue progress. What you claim is old, and you neither buy my arguments or buy my references, so from here I claim that you are not convinceable. You won’t change your mind regardless of what I say, because you have decided a priori that the success criteria is in the CR, and thus you have made a model of success that the only way I can provide you with a solution to the model, is to reinforce the model, and so the model becomes self-sustaining. What I have tried to explain to you is how your model of success has issues, but you don’t buy the literature and you don’t buy the arguments, and so there is nothing left for me to do here. Believe what you want, its your life, live it like you want and live the consequences of that.

This is why I mentioned prejudice. You have decided from the start that I am wrong, so regardless of what I say, you have decided a priori that your mission is to prove me wrong. You don’t even continue on the arguments I make, you just ignore them and restate your position. It moves us nowhere.

This is why we have athletes to do the sports, but have professors in health, autonomy and physical activity. We recognize that researchers here are not suppose to run as fast as Usain Bolt, but can still provide Usain Bolt with knowledge about his body, health and training methodology to maximize his running output. In the same manner, we can recognize how developers can analyse the backbone of WoW while AWC players are the athletes that push those boundaries.

I actually work in a FinTech company as a software engineer that works with risk management and mathematical risk models. The answer is chaos theory, for the same reason that we can predict the boiling of water in a pot on a stove with great accuracy, but not predict the weather with same certainty. The problem is both a statistical one, but also relates to the many-body problem of physics where our models have a hard time predicting many-bodies when the interaction between the bodies are all affecting the bodies. This is what machine learning (and especially deep learning models) might help us approximate better. So no, one cannot predict the stock market. Its too chaotic, and also any predictions of the stock market becomes a part of the stock market, so the stock market changes based on the number of people utilizing the model that predicts the stock market. So the stock market predictor is always one step behind the actual market.

This is also why in physics we often make so called black box cases, so that we recognize that the deterministic aspect of models require the initial state of the system within the black box, and that external factors might affect the result.

Nah. It is easy for you to state that I know nothing. You can just write it! So your challenge is not arguing against me as a figure on these forums, instead the challenge is the authors I provide. But how do you argue against me providing authors of my arguments? A strategy which is an integrated part of the scientific research methodology?

Well, that’s easy for you, just ignore them, or tell me that I am hiding behind authors! Now the authors is not a problem for you anymore, and you can easily win this argument war! But this is meaningless statement. That I am referencing Newton for his research on mechanics is not me hiding behind him, it is me stating that I don’t need to sit here and prove to you the motion of the planets, because it has already been done by a previous researchers, so by providing the author I am giving you a chance to get up to date with the knowledge and research in the history of mankind. The forums here are not large enough if I have to provide the mathematical proofs, axioms and research papers on empirical data. In fact, if you dont want references, then I need to reference all empirical data too, all the code used to analyse it. And even IF I did that, I am certain that you would find another reason as to why you are not convinced, because in the bottom of all this lies one truth; you have decided a priori that I am wrong, and nothing I provide here will ever change your mind.

No. Discussing the truthfulness of physics also should not require pages of material, but so many people are not convinced of it, and so in the pursuit of truth, one is often forced to outline pages of pages of material, because we live in a high knowledge society were the success of the modern world is a collection of hundreds of thousands of peoples work before any of us were even born. Whether it is in a research forum, a debate club or here on the fora, if doubt requires it, then research and knowledge must provide it.

This whole topic is going way beyond wow arenas because someone here is trying to hide his inexperience ans likely inability behind knowledge of other fields.

If you have the ability to achieve something, then do it, and then tell people “hey I did it”. Don’t be the person who runs around saying he could but never did.

Also when I read in “I know a lot aboht the class and PvP” and then “45s Kidney wouldn’t nerf the spec” … I am torn between tears and laughter.

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I think you need to brush up on your reading skills. I am not arguing I could get high CR. I never mentioned that. In fact I am arguing that there are two components to analyse here, one which is experience (CR) and one which is numerical, and I am only interested in the numerical one, because I have recognized that I do not have high CR experience.

First, you picked out part of the sentence instead of picking the entire story. I actually said that 45s would be a nerf, but by removing the CP condition (thus having a max kidney shot on 45s CD) would be an improvement because CP stacking is expensive as an Assa Rogue. This is a suggestion though, so I am not claiming this is THE TRUTH, lets debate it and find out together.

However, a forum is ment to debate. That you quote me and mention that it makes you laugh, thus signifying how stupid you think the statement is, you are not participating in debate, no you are here to ridicule. What value does that bring? Your alternative is to say “I disagree with you because…” but instead we are here now 30 posts later with me still having to defend myself from the two main arguments you guys throw at me:

  • How can someone without high CR even speak, get good before you talk.
  • What you write is so stupid it makes me laugh.

Imagine if scientific papers worked the same way. All arguments would never be debated, just a constant omg imagine saying that, this guy cant even fly and he thinks he knows how to build a rocket to get to the Moon, LMAO.

I hate rogues but that is not the reason why they should they be nerfed, they should be nerfed (assa) cuz their kit is overloaded with insane cc and dmg. By far most overperforming class over the years.


I agree! Have any ideas how to tune down our kit but still retaining the Assa class fantasy and core gameplay? :slight_smile:

But science does not develop further either if you always stop at the level of knowledge that you have already achieved.

At the moment you have the level of knowledge of an elementary school student in terms of WoW PvP, but act as if you have already completed your studies and are therefore able to make suggestions for improving the balance.

Great example, not realizing that it will support my argument, not yours!

Beside that they still can’t tell them how to best mentally prepare for a competition etc. which will have a profound impact on performance you can only know when you experienced it yourself, all the supporters have one thing in common! Can you guess what? They are experts in their field and have proven this with various studies, works, etc. through their degree and years of practice!

They will first have applied their accumulated knowledge in practice, at least by at least assisting other experts at a very high level, or by working their way up from the bottom going through all levels from amateur to professional!

NOBODY relies on the testimony of a supposed student who has no practical experience! And that for a reason…

And in our case, you are from my perspective, with all respect, not more than a freshman. That’s why I kept telling you to become an expert first!

Great, but that was another wall of text not answering my question. Unless you’ve had some success in the stock market yourself, no one will trust your investing tips.

But still a majority of people invest their money into the stock market, as it obviously gives the best return.

Nobody can predict what exact card will show up in blackjack next either, but by counting cards and using an optimal (mathematical) strategy, you can increase your chances to over 50%, which means that you will end up with a profit if you play enough games.

Same for the stock market, you can’t exactly predict what will happen, but with the right strategy, sufficient capital allocation and investments in more secure companies, the chances of earnings are increased by a lot!

But that wasn’t the point. The point was, that you trust the strategy of Warren Buffet a lot more, than you would trust someone, who lost all his money!

I never said you know nothing. I said you know nothing about PvP above low ratings!

I will challenge with the authors, as soon as you link me a book about WoW DF PvP based on the current patch notes, written by proven experts in that field! Until then, you are trying to hide your lack of knowledge by acting smart and well-read. And that is actually something, that deserve disrespect. :slight_smile:

And please don’t always reply with a wall of text. That doesn’t make you appear smart, just like an annoying talker who has no idea about the subject. No one wants to come to a scientific consensus on whether or not you are qualified to suggest improvements!

Rather spend the time in arena than creating 10min forum posts i think that would help you more.

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had the duud on ignore for some reason that cant remember but now looking this post i think why

propably some similar debate somewhere some time ago

the post had some valid points about rogue and now theyre all drowned on philosophical debate if someone can give game tuning advices without playing the game

Thanks for your subjective opinion. I get it. You think I don’t know anything. I have known this judgement since the very beginning. I am done arguing this topic. Lets decide you win. I am but a student!

Thanks for your subjective opinion. I get it. You value empirical knowledge over all else. I have known this judgement since the very beginning. I am done arguing this topic. Lets say you won. All knowledge is now only empirical and anyone without proof of empirical skill shall hold their tongue, for they know nothing!

I could share my knowledge on stocks here, but I know where this is going. So:

I get it. You value only words from successful people. The lesser ones without achievements should not speak, because what value is found in the 95% below the best! I have read this judgement from you since the beginning. And I am done arguing it. Lets say you won. Only successful people may now speak. And I will hold my tongue, for I am but a worthless student without knowledge and without skills!

Yes. This is the prejudice you have. But I am done arguing. Lets say you won. You proved that I am nothing, that I know nothing, and that I was silly for even thinking of debating on these forums. You proved that I am but a fool hiding behind my fancy literature, when in reality I am just a noob. You won. Congratulations. I will disappear from the forums, and you can forever think back at your glorious win.


And now you’re acting like an offended liverwurst. This is getting more and more ridiculous!

I value mostly words from people who have proven to know what they are talking about! Doesn’t mean they are always right, but at least they have something to support it.

But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t value words from people without success. I mean, I read your posts, didn’t I? But after thinking about it. the conclusion I got to was completely different than your hoped effect. That’s when I started to check, where your conclusions were coming from and I found the reason pretty fast.

It’s also you who is defending himself here, trying to give his words and opinions more value, by saying that it is not a requirement to prove to be an expert for being an expert. And while that is true, if you write something no expert would have written and missing the prove of being an expert on top of it, aren’t you asking too much to still “trust” your expertise?

And again, you give yourself a lot more value than I do. I don’t want to offend you with that, but man, seriously. Do you think we battled here? And that it would have been somewhat glorious?!

I just tried in several different ways to make you understand my way of thinking, but somehow you made a battle out of it.

What ever, enjoy yourself. If I hurt your feelings somehow, I am sorry.

You argue having enough “skill” to justify your points, but in the end skill in arena is measured in rating which you lack.

End of story.

Oh and …

No you didn’t. Proof :

You may be wrong on Assassination, but about that you are on point.

Your one and only justification to your words is “I main Assa Rogue and have played the game a long time so I know”. Well, as it happens, I main Assa Rogue as well, I have played the game for a long time too, AND UNLIKE YOU I have ALSO successfully put my knowledge in practise up to high rating. According to your own way of giving people the “right”, my words simply weigh more on the topic at hand. We can therefore conclude this very annoying thread.

Nerf dmg slightly or nerf kidney for assa rogues xd

lol you have ppl on ignore

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i mean have u seen this post XD

but blizzard isnt reading eu and they are not going to tune rogue after all these years anyways with anything that is fair so its okay can treat this as a general thread to talk about anything

i was reading and then decided this guy is crazy and hes 1,2 and thinks assa is not op i mena did someone tell him its not a class issue? idk


but yea rogue is “bit” overtuned and like usual could use some changes like we see blizzard keenly doing on other classes almost weekly basis

there was some good suggestion on gcd changes on post from Zaggra

they should set kidney 30 sec and set more gcds to rog and remove shiv

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is he saying that rogue shouldnt be played like warrior with daggers?

i guess thats a sound advice if want to avoid dmg :smile: