When will the Horde bias end

didn’t you say the horde was dead few threads back please make up your mind and take your meds

Blizzard’s writing is bad. I offer resistance against it. If the Horde wants to be strong again my ideas need to be implemented.

Not only a strong Horde, but it must also be competent (and not necessarily evil all the times, but they must be able to show honor to the Alliance when they really deserve it…). We must remember these two things too, otherwise even if Blizzard write a Horde that it’s very strong again, but just evil and then the war ends just like in MoP and BfA, it’s all wasted efforts and a repetition of the story anyway :sweat_smile:

I’m also not against the return of a loyal and competent (Orc?) Warchief leading the Horde at least during a faction war, Councils in war tend to be not very effective for all the different opinions of their members and long time needed for the strategical decisions to be taken…

Well, they never said that there won’t be a warchief again. Should a warchief be needed, they could name them, just as they selected Horde embassadors in the Shadows Rising novel.
And if they replaced the Mak’gora with a no-confidence vote, they could also keep the warchief in check, should he push the boundaries.

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there will never again be a warchief in org that’s the very reason the council exist we’ve had 2 warchiefs go nutters and abuse their position for their own personal goals so far and that’s just in the new horde heck we don’t know if you can even mak’gora a council member they might be sitting for life :stuck_out_tongue:

The Horde suffered in Bfa. The Alliance didn’t. That is unfair and needs to be changed. Stormwind becoming a raid and at least 20 alliance leaders need to die. That is not up for debate. If Blizzard actually cares about the Horde they will give us some well deserved victories to make up for all the crap they put us through in Bfa. I want real victories. Like the attack of the alliance on Zandalar. And I will not stop until I get what I want. Remember this.


20 alliance leaders to die wtf the horde never losed that much and Blizzard will never do that no matter how much you cry, grow up! how old are you dude? 30? Go touch some grass and realize what you do every day, its ridiculous… at least if you were rping, but it seems you are not since you have a whole YT channel talking about “Alliance players deserve to suffer and bla bla” and you really take this serious, its kind of creepy to be honest.

Don’t feed the trolls. Or, in this case the descendants of dark trolls.

The Horde did lose that many people since TBC. Only if the alliance also loses that amount of leaders things can be fair again. Blizzard owes that to the Horde.

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Alliance didn’t lose everything. They are just so extremely booring and default at literally every aspect of the entire faciton, most if not all people don’t rly care what is actually happening to the faction as a whole.

That being said, there is a complete lack of understanding who won what and when.
If lore had the heroes of azeroth in consideration, knowing the alliance as the ultimate dead faction, where currently there are more Zandalari than dwarfs/gnomes/kul’tirans and mecha gnomes combined, then it would be rather logical, that the alliance loses more, as literally no one is playing or achieving anything with that faction.

He counts in the list all the heroes since Warcraft 1 and 2 in the Old Horde, like Blackhand, Doomhammer, Gul’Dan, Grommash, Zul’jin and the chieftains of the other clans too so it’s probably a lot more than 20 actually…

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The old horde? Gul’dan? Im confused, does this guy supports the current horde or the horde full of bloodthirsty draenei genociders that came out of the dark portal?

Me a troll? Why would you say that?

Yes I do. But even without those the list is still pretty long. What did the alliance lose? Varian, wow. That is literally nothing. Just compare these 2 pictures and you will realize how bad the Horde has it with losing their leaders all the time. The game is not fun if all that happens to your faction is one defeat after another. Literally nobody wants to play as a faciton that always loses to the alliance.

Garrosh, Sylvanas, Gallywix and Vol’jin are all gone. The bias couldn’t be more obvious.

If you need any more evidence for Alliance bias, just watch this:

From the alliance only Varian died. All other leaders of them are still around and supporting their faction. Until 20 leaders of them aren’t dead I will continue to trying to get Blizzard changing their way with the lore.

If anything you would make a stronger case about how Horde lost it’s leaders more so than how many, as that’s the real discrepency here.

Varian, Bolvar and even Ronin got a grand sacrifice tragic heroic sendoff. Impressive very nice, now let’s look at the Horde:

There is literally none of that. The only one that got a decent sendoff was bloody Varimathras and the only way to see that is gimmicky 15 years old videos, from original WotLK.

Bolvar is still alive and will continue to get lore now that he has the chance to bond with his daughter.


All dead.

And they died in the most pathetic way possible. Blizzard hates Horde having strong leaders. They tear us down while building the alliance up.

Parading his corpse around, at this point. Could have mentioned that Thrall left like 6 times too. I didn’t go into case by case, because we all know them and know what happened. Nathanos was never a leader or even a major character really and Saurfang was little better than a meme, before he went 180, on his fundamental belief system.

Characters getting killed and/or leaving is not inherently the problem. The way Blizzard did it is fundamentally unfulfilling and leaves much to be desired. On the other hand, when Aliance characters make their exit it’s always a huge deal and treated as a grand heroic sacrifice.

It is. Look at the alliance cast. They have stayed the same since Vanilla mostly.