Why are so many people being pissy about HR?

Ive seen so many people crying on places like reddit, discord and the forums over HR groups and I just cant understand why. Its easy enough to just not join them to begin with.

I always assume its dps players who are too lazy to make their own groups who throw a fit over someone making a group but HR the item they want


because they believe it is main character syndrome incarnate. it detracts from the spirit of an mmo because people are incapable of waiting and enjoying ‘the journey’ and they need their items NOW.

It’s fine for me if people want to HR, i just won’t join that group if i need the HR’d item, but when every single group is a HR group then i think we may as well just have personal loot…


I always suggest to them to create their own group, with their own rules. And if they want a “fair” loot rules system too or join a guild with one and the answer is generally either “wtf are u talking about?” or (lots of insults directed towards me) which I can’t really understand.

My suggestion is pretty much on point to solve their own issue?


This :point_up:

If you can’t or choose to not understand then you are part of the problem… obviously.
Creating a toxic selfish environment in an MMO is unhealthy. It didn’t exist back when an MMO was social and it started surging with a change in the playerbase mindset towards a selfish and egotistical one.
„If you don’t like then don’t join“ is a very lazy excuse and doesn’t stop the phenomenon from killing the social core aspect of the game.
I am a tank, I have a chat filter and ignore list, I’d never join such groups - yet I very much see the disgusting environment they are creating


Criticism of the current loot system is perfectly valid, and the purpose of a forum is to discuss these things. To call such criticism “crying” is rather childish, don’t you think?

Even if you decide to make your own group, you’re flooded with whispers from players requesting to HR loot to join your group. Most of the time, these are tanks and healers, who as you know are already limited in number.

Many players have adopted the mentality that they’re entitled to an item they want when it drops, rather than simply rolling for it normally. As a result, forming a standard group takes a horrendous amount of time.

I have a friend who plays a rogue, and when I sit in a group with him, it’s a nightmare trying to make a group for Strat UD, etc.

Not everyone needs to start or has the capacity to lead a group. Sure, maybe some people are lazy, but it’s frustrating and an overall negative experience for the casual gamer to deal with this type of grouping.


They even added the lfg tool to the game, there is NOTHING preventing someone from forming their own group

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What type of groups and people do you think the tool is full with? Most Tanks don’t want to join normal groups, they want to HR everything they want and forget about everyone else.

How can you make a group with no tank?

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The replies in here pretty much exemplify what im talking about. People dont wanna waste their time running dungeons for nothing for days on end and they choose the most efficient way to reach their goal. There are options out there for people who dont wanna join these groups but lets be real these people crying are the ones who are actually entitled.


What’s the point of opening a thread on the forum if you just want to sit in an echo chamber and ignore the concerns of others?

Which btw you need to change the title of because it’s inappropriate.

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Ive had 0 issues making my own groups and farming all the gear I need. Sounds like a skill issue if anything.

The people who cry about HR groups are the real entitled kids because they dont wanna make their own groups, make friends to run with, join a guild, pay someone gold or anything else. They just want people to spend their time getting them what they want with nothing in return and get pissy when people dont wanna waste their time.

And no the title is not inappropriate, the forum auto flags for that stuff, youre literally just mad because youre being described in this post


That’s great, but not an experience everyone shares. It’s not really a skill issue, its just a frustrating system so I’m not sure why you throwing around terms you don’t know how to use properly. And ofc you’re not having an issue with loot you are a priest lol.

You blab and blab but you forget there are not the tanks and healers to go around these groups, many players are missing out on the game because of toxic loot rules.

It is, but sure play stupid.

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Bro you should really take a minute and scroll up to actually read what I wrote…
No one is crying… we are simply stating the fact that this a new surge of selfish loot greedy mindset that is creating an anti social environment. READ my comments… if you still don’t get it after that, then it’s just you wanting to have a valid excuse for egotistical behavior.
There are many meta sheep that choose the same single player path you are, it’s okay to stay with like-minded individuals… but it seemed like you needed a clarification

Youre just bad at the game and lazy and wanna make it about “the system” and not just you being bad and lazy. I wonder if you approach real life the same way as well

:joy: ha! Thanks for that, you just absolutely proved my point.
Zero valid arguments or intellectual output.
I wondered the same about your IRL… how empty and unfulfilled must it be that you treat a recreational activity as if it were a meaningful responsibility. Trying to compensate a bit? :sweat_smile:
Well, stay in your little hamsterwheel echo chamber with the other meta slaves… what a good little sheep u are! Meeeeh :sheep:


The biggest issue is the fact blizzard made every phase faster and in some dungeons its bad % drop for certain items.
We talking 100 or more runs in some cases and obv im gonna hr thoose set items esp in ubrs.
I did hr mh as warrior tank/some cases dps warrior. And i did join groups without hr aswell, but i lost the sword 3 times.
With hr it still took med 30 runs which is like over 600minutes of doing ubrs + creating a group and finding jed id for the group.
I just dont have the time to do infinite ubrs runs and hope it drops.
Its not about being entitle its more about being able to play the game with the little time you might have.
Infact causals probably benifit more having hr runs if they dont have alot of time to play.
Most ppl ive done hr with are usually ok with it since they are looking for other items in set dung.

Exactly, most people are not 14 years old with an infinite amount of time to spend playing the game. We have jobs and responsabilities outside of the game and wanna get things done efficiently

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I am opening a restaurant and I need 9 other people to cook, do the dishes, wait, clean up etc, essentially run the place. Ofcourse they will not be ENTITLED to any form of compensation, because, let’s be real - I am a grown man with family to feed and I don’t have time for all this, but hey, feel free to start your own business and do the same!

If you don’t see anything wrong with the metaphor above then you are part of the problem.
If you need to enforce your own rules to play a game “efficiently” then perhaps you should try another game. Maybe MMOs are not for you the same way free labour is not for everyone :slight_smile:


Because by HR you say that your time is more precious than mine.
You say that your time is valuable and mine does not matter.
My role in the dungeon is to serve you - for free.

It’s not strictly about HR, SR - being Needy brings the same result: some people get rich by claiming loot while others get less. Take it to a systematic level and you have the bold and the losers.

Hate to say it but the solution is GDKP. If I’m a well equipped tank never taking items, I take your gold or I’m a loser. HR is a workaround.

This is the simple problem of BoP drop based gear progression. Once you get the gear, there is no reason to keep playing. If, however, you keep earning fragments & materials for your alt or gold (cosmetics), it’s totally worth it to keep playing.

Let me explain: you have a group of people. They want to log in, get instant access to groups, with equal opportunity on loot. We’ll call them the slackers.

To make it fair to those who put in effort (those who build dungeon groups, raids, guilds, who RL, who isn’t useless), certain thresholds over time have been implemented to level the playing field on loot, and this has come in different forms.

You had wbuffs, the slackers cried that it took too much time and you saw them removed for SOM. They’ve come back because Blizzard realized listening to teenagers on reddit isn’t always the way forward.

You had GDKP, the slackers cried that there were “goldbuyers” when in reality the problem was it just resulted in fewer SR runs for them to join and slack in. It has nothing to do with RMT, as you can see by the state of the fresh economy.

HR is the current threshold meta. They could have made their own guilds without wbuffs in SOM, they could have ignored GDKP and organized their own runs that are SR, they could build their own dungeon groups that don’t HR.

The core issue is never the loot system, where there are no barriers to creating alternatives. They don’t want to put in effort, and Blizzard will cater to them every time because they operate at room temperature IQ.

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People have a problem with anything nowadays. Av rush? Problem. Hr item? Problem.

Just ignore it and play however you like.