Why AV is ruined at the moment! Why alliance can't win!

It wasn’t. It was a sociological difference, but the numbers are close to equal. (Basically more PvE:ers on the alliance side.)

Many of the problems on the alliance side are actually caused by yourselves. Especially the player perception issues going on.

As for those large premades in AV, they fall under the definition of exploitation as I’ve mentioned many times before in other threads. Just because it’s a new thread doesn’t mean I’ll repeat everything yet again, this would be one too many times for that.

The PTSD from phase 2 however made all the premade players try and defend the exploits as hard as they could and would even go so far as to lie to themselves, and it’s clear to see you haven’t changed your mind at all even now.


You lose 200 bonus honor for every horde tower that is not red as horde. Disputed or lost towers are lost honor

Interesting read.

the part where the horde gy is a through hole and the alliance gy a blind hole.
It makes sense, doubt if something will be done about it.

I do notice that in many games, when the horde are still spawning in the cave after IB capture by alliance. That there are respawning and active fighting alliance who kill horde who try to pass IB.
I can understand a fight mentality, even to the point where you kill everything that moves.
But I would love to let players pass that are going away, instead of killing and respawning them into the choke.

If you are referring to this particular game, all our towers were red. All bunkers were destroyed. Someone even proposed to wait before killing Vandar and get the mine. But that was too much.
PS: played another one last night. Much stronger opponents. We won, but barely. Both teams got almost equal honor. You can estimate if its a good team or not, if they let my Priest healing undisrupted. In this game I was charged, silenced, polymorfed every time. I guess some people joined as group and that made a big difference.

but not feared? :upside_down_face:


You have a very sad existence IRL don’t you?


I like how all the noobs are saying “AV WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE PREMADE, OHH THE HUMANITY” but they have no clue. IN VANILLA, THERE WERE NO CROSS REALM BGS, therefore u had 100% chance to be able to premade av with ur friends considering the 20-30 min queue time each side had and the lower pop per server. Now, just because we have the worst av version ever made, and because no current developer in blizzard has any clue of what went down in vanilla, major nerfs are happening based on horde tears, but that doesn’t mean that any part of these nerfs is happening to retain vanilla experience.
Its happening because the side that had 70% winrate during premade times wants 90% winrate, because they happened to lose in 7 mins once every 3 games, (AND THEY STILL HAD 1,5K-2K BONUS HONOR CAUSE PREMADES NEVER DEFENDED)


nah i’m fine. thanks for care :partying_face:

Correct, now what version of AV are we playing again? Oh ya the 1.12.1 version with cross-realm support the one version THEY REMOVED THE OPTION TO PREMADE/RAID/GROUP SIGN

If this was the old 1.04/05 version of AV and we had no cross-realm premades would be fine because AV would never be the meta WSG would be.

TBH, best thing bout premades gone is the fact that mando is FINALLY quiet…yet we have soo many wannabes like this bootystab dude who wanna take his place :frowning:

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Were/are you a member of premade team? If not, you now have the opportunity to fight 40 vs 40 and not 25 vs 40 because of premades dropping queue (sad little beings).
If you were in a premade, was playing against pug any competitive or fun? Was the win/lose ratio balanced?
Anyone says, Blizzard WANTS Horde to dominate, is stupid or a troll. No one wants to lose at least 35% of his/her customers.
Maybe, changing terrain (choke points for example) or even backdoor is not so easy as we think.
I don’t remember if anyone answered the question “Why in private servers and Vanilla, Alliance did not lose AVs so badly?”. If that statement is true. I never played in private server.

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This is the experience after months of AV, Alliance didn’t use to afk or give up because we could win, but people complained and now we have this. The reason AV ended up how it is in retail is because of how the biased towards Horde the map is.

This seems like a bunch of incorrect excuses to me.
There might be a point in that you have to run a few seconds, not 10-15 more from Stormpike to SH than we do from IB.
But this can simply be solved by you waiting a few seconds lol for you team to catch up and then push instead of going outnumbered for a few seconds, not that it would matter that much.

About Stormpike choke, you cannot be serious that you think that is a disadvantage to you. You literally spawns there while we have to run from IB.

“We can’t climb up the hils from the north and baricade the mountain”

Yes you can, on the side just by the flag. Also you can attack those going up the mountain, it’s possible to shoot THROUGH the mountain which you do all the time. You have the same possibbility to shoot or charge those at the mountain or close behind it as they have.

What I always find strange tho is that you ALWAYS lose the fight in the start or run away. Cause when you charge IB or Galv, we just look where you are going and try to stop you, and many times instead of stopping and fight us, you just keep riding and half your force is killed on the way.

Stop and fight and wipe us like we wipe you instead. Of course you will lose at the start if half of you run away and half of you die.

1st off it is ~10 seconds more from STORMPIKE to SH than it is from FW to IB… and you have a really easy way to check it out - you can do it right?.. Second of all - we are born together - 10 people while another 20/30 fight at Icewing Bunker… if we wait for another 30 secs for the other 10 to be born - more people at icewing will DIE and you will advance NATURALLY even quicker and push us from the bunker down into the valley and TAKE THE BUNKER TOO. So that is such a bad argument, that I am not even sure how you came up with it… Serously…

As for the hills ON TOP of the gravyard - you can get to them if you go through the FLAG first. ANd you CAN’t shoot through the hill which you can get to if you go to the flag and turn right… Again really uneducated about that… Please next time just test these things out before trying to prove someone who has actually done it - is wrong about it :wink:

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Lol more irrelevant excuses and yes you can shoot through the wall. Alliance do it all the time, as I said, obviously tested out.

Lmao did I just read you loved pvp? So is that what you call to your pve rush drek premades? What a knob.

Its really easy to say - its irrelevant… fact of the matter is, you can’t argue facts, so saying they are irrelevant is the best you got :wink:

Nice salt, now cover your open wounds with it and scream For the Horde!

No I just find you obnoxious, so I cannot really be bothered to answer you. I’ve allready answered you and all you had was excuses, not arguments.

what do you call a pve going from thorium point to brd camped by 30 hordes corpse camping a guy trying to farm some pre bis?

I see FACTION imbalance, you are BLIND and numbers have in consideration PVE servers not PVP servers.

STOP hiting that KEY
After the FIX there were no DREK rushs (mabe 1 or 2 out of 20 games), “Premades” were doing 31 min games and filling ALL lobbies with 40 ppl.

THE second FIX was hordes still crying in forum that they couldnt WIN, so blizz fix the WINRATE from 50% against “premades” to 90/99% VS Alliance