Why can't Horde win AV?

ally from 1.12 version of AV have advantage. If they do everything right, they can´t loose

Alliance have an easier route down.
Doesn’t matter though since we get way more honour minus the long queues the Alliance hoped we would get.

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erm no alliance can rush boss and have a small team kill all the lieutenants and they get the W + more honor

It literally makes no difference who gets more honor… u are competing within ur own faction on a percentage base…


Kabe be like “i dont believe in statistical evaluation, i want a logical explanation”
edit: unfortunately Gnomerci is right

Looks like you’ve ran into a couple of premades

Here’s a tip for the Horde players, have a druid/rogue group who stays behind and messes up the GY cap. It buys the main force way more time to win. Its very frustrating for Alliance and they usually afk once that happens.

But not the same map :wink:

Just because of bridge. A few alliance players can wipe horde again and again thanks to strong NPC.

Horde base is just barrel with holes: you can rush to commander and ignore everything. There is no last stand point such as alliance bridge. Because of this, alliance will constantly win AV if there is no good horde premade.

YoU kNeW tHiS wHeN yOu RoLlEd HoRdE

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They doesnt seem to know that then :smiley:
because most of the time Alliance wins and they have 1-1.5k less honor than the Horde. At least in my BGs

If you want to win as horde you need to use the bottleneck at IB gy. Stop them there 10 people will do. Stay close to the flag if you can so thy also agro the defenders. Do not tag SH gy this verry important so all you kill will ress there. Cap SP gy cap reliefhut. Win
That is how we used to play old av in vanilla. It works verry well.

Personally I prefer to be on the side that loses more in AV. Reason is that it makes players focus more on the honor objectives instead of rushing to win. Now you might think that it wouldn’t matter because you don’t compete against the other faction but you would be wrong.

The hardcore Alliance farmers are queuing together to form a semi-premade raid. Those players are doing the honor objectives along with winning. They are getting much more honor than the rest of Alliance players whereas on Horde side pugs are much closer on average. As someone who can’t be bothered to go that hardcore I prefer the more competitive pugs.

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thats cuz horde cant’ premade av. ranking in horde is litteral definition of hell atm

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open world pvp horde: GeT GoOd lOL! (outnumbers you by 40ppl)
bg horde: OmG We cAnT wIN! uNFaIR! (40 vs 40)


nah i’m winning and getting more honor than horde

Because Alliance is obviously better PVP than Horde. It is now proven, even tho you have better racials. We win on equal numbers, often when a little bit outnumbered too. Just not when it’s 40-1. ROFL

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Yea they knew what was coming when they first rolled their char :wink:

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you know whats rly annoying with these instant queues and 100% win ratio? having a mailbox full of marks cuz you don’t have time to turn them in =(

The last few months when people was discussing faction imbalance and how the Alliance don’t stand a chance; often replies ranged from

“Horde are pro, Alliance players are trash and need to l2p”

“Because Alliance are PvE carebears”

So in retort and to answer your question it’s because horde are trash and need to l2p git gud scrubs, don’t be blaming the bridge you just need to l2p…

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