I won 15 av’s today, only 1 lost, I love it. I don’t complain
You’re Alliance brah, therefor pro. Teach these horde pve carebears a lesson.
Do you not feel the horde domination in the air?
map is not the same, take a look again at spawn points etc
map doesn’t explain how we consistently wipe horde with 5 players before they even reach balinda
But who cares about Honor unless you rly want that R14 weapon or R11 mount? Raid gear is better anyway for the most part, especially for casters (there are a few exceptions like using 2 pieces for mages, but even those eventually wane out as raid loot becomes better and better)
I did 15 WSG games today.
Won 13, lost 2 against a full russian premade.
Horde reilly ixcels it weeseegee
No, it’s not like this since day one. In day one AV had no rushing, you painfully and pushed towards the base and every graveyard cap was a struggle, usually requiring summoning the Ice Lord/ Forest Lord to break a stalemate, or using reinforcements at the right time.
Map advantage was irrelevant, because a 30 second lead didn’t matter in a BG that lasted between hours and days.
The most annoying part is how many clowns here thing the map design was some master plan of Blizz to favour alliance, despite Rob Pardo & Co loving horde and the fact the horde was the underdog faction in vanilla (both in population and PvE progression, lacking blessing of salvation, fear ward and paladin healers in general). It was not until blood elves arrived that horde became the most played faction.
the map design is irrelevent. alliance are more coordinated
Crazy how bad horde are PvP. They win 1 every 200 games or soemthing. ROFL
its ok they are camping our lowbies at tanaris
As Horde we have to wait for AB. WS is only playable with premades and gives no honor. AV is heavily Alliance-favoured (0-6 today). So you’re stuck now with AV. My advice: put on a movie, join all the time and don’t give a sh t what’s happening on your screen. You will lose anyway as Horde, so why bother.
you lose because you have loser mentality
This thread calls for popcorn.
Unless you are doing that mass queue tactic as Alliance you really are out of luck because Alliance pugs often get 600 to 900 bonus honor since they skip objectives. Maybe this will change when more people get their rep grind done but at least for now it is much better to do pugs as Horde.
Forgot to equip their carrots.
There are no flight points to kill afk players.
look bonus honor at end of match. horde got allways 3 x times alliance bonus honor…
does it matter that alliance “won” if they got 700 bonus honor while horde got 3000?
I have 50% winrate in AV… just done 14 so far. But I will track the games and winrate more.
Depends on realm, flamelash ally 700 bonus is great bonus vs 3000 flamelash horde.