Why is there more pvp servers?


Cit. A pve player that achieved more than you pve/pvp wise on both version of the game.

Haha it’s so sad. You compare your achievements like you are super proud about them. Maybe other people have multiple accounts, especially when the game is already that old? Look at the dates of the achievements of this account, the oldest one is from 2018 but i played tbc/wotlk etc… You compare yourself against an account that was created to check out a new expansion in 2018 where i had to realized the game is still sh!t :smiley: Reality doesn’t matter to you as long as you can get yourself easy wins without any real competition so you can think great about yourself. That was almost expected…

Let’s see with this character I’m currently

Top 150 world pve wise

PvP wise I’m just a rival but now I’m a 3s team with glad ex people so I will also get it.

And I always played at this level since vanilla.

So unless you have any wolrd first, or 3k rating in a season you are well below me.

100 times less content, hmm… you probably think just wPvP, one minor side-activity, without which players can fully live.
Yet, ppl complaining about faction collusion, griefing, bullying etc. are only from PvP servers, no crying comes from PvE servers.

And this other too that atm is undergeared so not great logs, but after i finsh it i will have no problem getting mine 100 and mine rank 14

surpassing you on classic aswell. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

wPvP is not a minor side activity, it’s the main content on a pvp server. Such things as faction collusion, griefing, bullying, are all part of this content. The whole point of it is the drama and player interaction in all forms. wPvP is not about a fair fight like dueling. Sometimes it can happen if both players act honorable but a lot of players are cowards and only fight when they have better chances. You can do BG’s and duels on PvE servers so that’s not the point of a pvp server! People who complain about it just selected the wrong server type.

On pvp servers you can just run around the world and try to get yourself involved. It makes the world more dangerous and unpredictable which also makes the pve elements in it more exciting. Imagine leveling up a char and entering stranglethorne knowing that nothing bad can happen to you when you are on a pve server… it’s like always playing in a starting zone. To me the first 20-30 levels are boring because there is no world pvp going on in these zones. What does a pve server offer to get involved? It’s just a safe space where not much is going on except the usual pve stuff (which can also be done on pvp servers).
P2 of classic wow was my favorite phase and a lot of people quit the game because of it.

Non a minigame Kay. Look at this list of amazing gear coming from wpvp.


OH wait they come from other activities.

Hey but he played TBC wotlk, if playing means not even being able to do even Kara attunement XD :clown_face:

Players on PvP servers do also raid and pve, it’s just not the only thing they can do :wink:
Is it so hard to understand for you that not everything in this game has to do with getting gear? Not everyone is addicted to collecting/farming pixels, we also do stuff for fun with no ingame rewards for it.

Again… you go in for some stuff where it’s impossible for you to know the truth but assume whatever fits you. Whats even the point of it? Insults would be more effective if they contain at least some truth but this is just laughable… i am just confused what you are trying to do. I still think pve servers are lame and therefore pve players are kinda lame too. It triggered you and therefore you have to show your achievements to prof you are not lame? xD
Flexing with wow achievements is probably one of the most neck-beard things in the world but you already figured out how to think great about yourself.

Becouse its true??? Your wpvp is just a minigame for the poor people bad the actual game like yourself, “hey I do this for fun” is the new “no one wants to play with me”

Even LFR players have more skill than yo.

You have the weirdest responses, not sure how listing activities you do in game on a pve or pvp server justifies blizz making alot more pvp servers than pve ones, when I’m talking about the start of phase 2 when they implemented the pvp system and hundreds of thousands quit the game due to constantly getting farmed and being unable to level or even get to dungeons or raids withotu dying 10 times over. Once bg’s began yes it was easier, but the phase 2 part was predicted and cost blizz millions for their mistake.
And why did you say a person had no experience in arena and not bg’s since it is classic. You don’t have to have any pvp exp to do wpvp or the random bg’s in classic, you don’t even need to have skill to get grand marshal just time and patience.
How on earth did this become an argument between you people about having skill in pve or pvp…

You already wrote it.

The lack of skill.

Do you think all this “pvp server are the only one” come from pirate servers for concicende?

Pirate server are know to be an ecochamber of all this unskilled player that quitted retail especially during cata, where the first raid bosses where 10 times harder than Wotlk ones.

This are the guys that did 2k dps with 5k gears ore in ICC with the 30%buff.
The ones unable to click magtheridon cube in tbc.

Wpvp is the only thing they can do becouse no one wanted to play with them.

Ever heard of battlegrounds?

To you, WPvP is an addition to things you can do. To me, WPvP is an obstacle to things I can do. It’s not an addition, it’s a hindrance.

This would all be fun and good if it were the truth. Unfortunately, you only have to check other forum threads about Shazzrah, Skeram etc. to know what PvP servers rly are about.

I never mentioned anything about “lack of skill” or skill at all in any of my previous posts, I’m asking you why are you arguing with this guy about skill when it doesn’t matter at all in classic.
I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about “private servers, cata raid bosses, icc 30% buffs” wtf has any of this got to do with anythign about there being more pvp servers than pve servers in classic. But I asked that question in my previous comment to you and you ignored it and went on a rant about god knows what you were on about.
I’m sure you’re very skilled in pvp from the sounds of it, since all you’re doing is putting down the others for not being skilled apparently… -_-

I made it clear, if you cant understand it not mine prob but I will try to make it easier

There are more pvp servers becouse most players came from pirate server where wpvp was the only activity they can accomplish becouse the reason they quit retail (most of them on cataclysm when raiding got actually hard) was becouse they where turbo garbage and they got benched/kicked from their guilds.

You do realize around 2 mil people joined classic wow, and the private servers used to have around 12k or prob around 50k people who played them mostly. That is a VERY small percentage of the playerbase who bothered to play private servers.
But again you didn’t answer my only question, why are you arguing about skill with that other guy and putting people down for not being skilled at pvp or whatever when it has nothing to do with it.
In fact your answer has nothing to do with what I asked you, Jesus.

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There’s more pvp servers because there is a bigger demand for pvp servers, easy.

If can’t get it is not mine problem.

Wow so you’re right, we should be arguing about peoples exp in pvp and not about the topic I raised in the main comment. Sorry please continue kicking people down for their lack of pvp exp in arena, with your amazing arena exp^^ never seen such high exp…

Again., I make it kinda clear why there are more pvp servers, if you prefer to stay clueless not mine problem.

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