Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

good argument. My point is foiled! gosh damn, tactleneck the master debater (get it) at it again…

you call it a timegater, I call it a filter and progression.


false, giving u same kind of energy u give me :confused:

Tomb was hard for the wrong reason. Many top raiders will tell you that tomb was not good. One shot mechanics are cheap

hard =/= fun

speak for yourself. Also, the correct word is ‘were’

wow isn’t a shooter or moba, it’s an MMO deep breath R PEEEEE GEEEEEE. Gear SHOULD play a part in pvp

yes mage tower was good, but it was one micro feature in an entire expansion and it came 2 patches in. Too little, too late.

But I guess you just judge people without knowing them?

For your information, I got curve twice in legion and did mythic nighthold up to guldan within legion and 4 bosses in antorus mythic when it was current.

I’m no god tier player but I played enough for my opinion to be valid.

And I am multi CE with several top 150 world.

Maybe mine is a litle more important.

You had no point to begin with. You spread nonsese for half of the month already.One advice.Try to play a game first and then talk about pros and cons please.You clearly dont understand what are you talking about.monke.


Apologies for the unintelligent caps lock but it seems like the only thing that gets through to people like yourself. The proper arguments haven’t worked. I’ll spell it out like I’m speaking to idiots.

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Nah you are the one, get on mine level manybe I will care of your opinions.


Calling people unintelligent and can’t even understand that It was mine ex main.

coming from the guy with 0 points.

in your opinion

I don’t want your advice, who do you think you are? Some wise old wizard? GTFO here and stop trying to patronise me…

yes because you have evidence of that ofc

the correct phraseology would be ‘‘that it was my ex main’’

‘‘no u’’

But I’m not the one judging thing without playing it.

I playedLegion while you jumped on dalaran roofs LFRandy

Do you even know why it shows 0?Not in mine, lol.You had literally 1 valid point about botters benefit.All this nonsese about mythical 58 lvl character with no gold who somehow will have advantage against 60lvl full geared classic players.


because you have proof of such a claim ofc but I’m the one spouting nonsense? Gotcha, nice bait… yum yum. I’m not responding to your name anymore.

Calling my points nonsense doesn’t make them so. I’m also done responding to you. The pair of you are obvious trolls, calling people ‘monkey’ and so fourth. And for now on, I’ll do the most I can when you name call by reporting you.

Yeah that brings back some memories. If you were hanging around the forums around 2012 you’ll recall the massive 250±page Classic Realms thread. I wasted hour after hour on that thread on my Grupp character constantly undergoing the same, identical circular or knee-jerk arguments with people who mostly rejected the idea on the grounds that they personally liked retail and didn’t like the idea of other people wanting to play a different version. Though they used different words, different bad ‘2+2=5-style’ analogies, and constant appeals to emotion they all basically said the same, provably false thing.

After maybe 15 pages of tireless rebuttal I eventually grew weary of it. Constantly arguing with people who have no real position really does sap the soul, and drain the energy from you.

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2 years after classic release on most server there is massive lag in SW+orgrimmar every day and hundreds of players every day. There was multiple layers in almost every server first 1 year and on high pop servers there were 8 hour+ queueus every day to play the game.

The game will never need more tourists at the start of TBC. It will be five times more overpopulated than it is capable of hosting. There will be 8 hour queues every day.
The only thing needed is a bring long-term, permanent playerbase. Which already exists there is no need for more tourists at the start of the expansion, at all.


yeah big agree, very true dude. I said this in a reply to another boosting thread which is that the pro boost arguments can pretty much be summed up as follows:

‘It makes blizzard money’ (shouldn’t matter to a player, many changes blizz make can only benefit them and not us)

‘My friend is going to use it so that means it must be good for the game’ (anecdotes don’t make good arguments)

’ You’re just a nochanges idiot’ (assumption, insulting and also not a good argument against nochanges, whether you believe in it or not)

‘You’re not good enough at the game to have an opinion’ (trying to find non-relevant ways to invalidate the view points of their opposition without actually attacking their arguments)

‘Just leave if you don’t like it’ (basically like old racist folks when minorities complain about racism. Also, with wow specifically, we just might and that’ll be the actual cause of server merges in TBC. Eventual loss of your core audience.)

‘I don’t have enough time to play, I have 50 children, 9 wives and 10 jobs so the game must change to suit me’ (Bullsh*t, it’s not that you don’t have enough time to play, it’s that you don’t have enough time to play as competitively as you would like which the game shouldn’t and can’t solve for you. Let the new generation enjoy the game as it was because that experience is not being provided by any modern products in the market rn)

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Noboby wrote that. Many people just try to say that this boost is convenient for them and not game breaking.

I play on shazzrah and its dead so stop lying.Its better to play with 8hr q than playing on a server with 10-15 tops characters in popular zones.

Game always in need of tourists because without them game will eventually die.Also best time in classic was first two phases which had alot of so-called tourists

you’re kidding…

obviously they didn’t write 50 children, 9 wives and 10 jobs but they say the non-exaggerated version of that 100%. Just read this thread top to bottom dude.

And there is the problem.



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Throwing around insults makes people not treat you seriously

i insult who desvers to be insulted.

it’s simple

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