Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

I just made a character in Shazzrah now, a weekday afternoon which isn’t prime time and there was an army of players in orgrimmar jumping off orgrimmar bank.

I have characters that I play with on 3 different servers. Earthshaker, Gehennas and Firemaw. On all of these, even now, at the very end of the classic content, there is 10 mins lagspikes in capital cities every evening.
And 3 months ago, on all of these servers every single day there was multiple server crashes, 30min+ lagspikes in cities every evening and there were usually 50 players competing for 1 furbolg in winterspring. In vanilla a high pop server had 3-4k players. In classic, a high pop server had 20k+ players and 20k+ queues every day.

When TBC releases, there will be at least a tenfold more players that will play at least first 6 months. It will be a massive lag/dc/crash fiesta. We don’t need to change the game and ruin its core principles for more tourists.
You are the one lying, blatantly.

I had CE on every patch until I quit raiding half of WoD. Also participated in 2 world first kills and 15 world top 10 kills. My opinion is a litle more important than yours.


so when raiding was way easier than today besides what? Ragnaros firelands.

nice try alfredsperg

and if you got a world first mine dad is Vladimir putin and mine mom is Angela Merkel

Have a cup of espresso and relax Benito.

at least i dont say aroud that i got 2 immaginari world first kills. kek

what’s next you created Tesla but that pesky Eolon Musk stole you the company?

Parrydodger doesn’t deserve to be insulted.
He is expressing an opinion.
You need to grow up pal

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what are you his lawyer? girlfriend? High school PE teacher?

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Elon was my wingman in my wedding. Now shoo, these forums aren’t good for your country’s GDP.

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Forum user.
Now run along and vent out that anger on Fortnite

make me if you can.

at least i i dont have to spend 50£ for a half rotten apple.

You have less than 100 character on this screen, maybe even less than 50.If you have lag spikes with this amount of players id suggest check your internet connection.My friend raids since 1 cd of classic and he didnt have any lag spike since phase 5, so yeah whos lying now

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I took the SS in your “empty” server at 4pm on a weekday Bruno.
Check Gehennas at 7pm, this is your first homework.

Second homework: Learn to read. It might not be late.


First. i dont need to check anything since im not the one who tries to prove something.Second id still suggest check your internet connection(I understand that your country probably doesnt have stable internet connection anyways).
3. Check your facts then talk.Shazzrah highly populated by russians which have a holiday today.Then you can check their timezone and discover what time it is 19:15 which is considered prime time in most countries.

Hah. I play with the best possible connection thank you.

You said “Shazzrah is empty”, I proved that it is not. Now you come to me with russian holiday bs.

You lost dude, tried but was not good enough. Take your loss and become better in the future. Good luck!

i said its dead, not empty.You are lying again.You can twist my words however you want.Its still not gonna change the facts

Id say lying became common trait for classic players.Now i understand why Retail players look down upon you.

I found your video on YouTube Bruno.

Am I dead? I didn’t say I’m dead. You can’t kill a dead body. I am no body.

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We all want;
I want 70 Boost!
I want fast track to professions.
I want the removal of attunements.
I want LFG & LFR.
I want personal loot.
I want all gear to be Titanforged.
I want fast track to Honor titles and gear.
I want Paid race/sex/class change.
I want WoW token.
I want Shadowlands content in TBC.
Dont we?


About the boost, I am in the area of most people and don’t care either way, but I would rather it was there in case I wanted to use it than it not being there and wanting it adding. I have never used it, apart from the free ones in Retail. If I had to pay I wouldn’t use one in retail.

It is a hard slog to 60 (58) though, especially in Classic. And yes, I know it’s part of the journey. But some people would like to make that journey by bicycle or on foot and others would use a Bullet Train.

If it was a bought 200-300% XP boost, I think it would be better.

I can see the points of the people who don’t want it though, although some are a bit tenuous.

didnt even read that lol