Skipping parts you don’t like with money? So what if people don’t like attunements or later they will not like being forced to clear old raids to be able to raid current TBC raid? Poor new players can’t go clear Sunwell, Blizzard pls help!
We share the same opinion, People can’t give arguments without talking about what-ifs.
Everyone is talking about More bots more bots more bots, but it hasn’t happend yet.
Blizzard could very well have a solution for the boosted bots. ( Heyyyy, I know also use a What-if, now i’m as smart as the strawman guy)
we are the reason you can actually classic… pretty ungrateful, dont you think ?
those people are the core playerbase of classic… can you start making an effort to bring value to the debate, other than you " No, its not + a passiv agressiv comment " Is this all you got ? ( iam just curious, because i want to decide for myself if i should take you serously )
another uselss claim + an insult and that from a person who claims that it is lost for the anti-boosters anyway. Why do you even feel offended and why even putting energy into that. Are you selfaware of what you do and why?
Ok now i actually think you a troll. if you are: well done
If not… there is only one place where there is no boost, yet. its classic, retail is something YOU should go instead because there is your instantgratification that you crave so badly and your shiny RMT stuff. Is it not fun anymore ? I wonder why this is…
You have the option, we dont.
You know, with What If, you can change the world.
Start to talk about the actual problems, and actual things and actual announcements instead of talking about things that hasn’t happend yet in classic.
You have no proof of what you are saying, you have only talking about the future instead of the present or future that is already announced.
Can’t have a sain debate instead of doing Ad hominems, Strawmans, What-Ifs, Assumptions?
yeah we get it, we cant proof stuff, but hey here is something interessting that was implemeted in the beta client:
yeah it does not prove it, but it kidna looks pretty bad, doesent it ?
If they was no way they do this, why is it on the betaclient then ?
to be fair its not 100% proofen, because blizzard is silent about this, but this is more evidence than any other “this will not happend blabla” ever brought to the table, like ever
These are actually very good points. I specifically like your argument that in an MMO all your actions have meaning, and therefore value (to you). I absolutely get that even a one time boost can diminish this, not only on a personal level but as a whole.
I’m 100% against a cash shop in any Classic version of WoW, or a wow-token.
Again, you assume ( making an a** of u and me, so please stop doing it) this.
Bots isn’t the only problem we are facing in classic, it is one of the problems.
again, nothing official.
If it’s official like that, be sure that i’m against Transmog / Illusions.
Altough Factions change / Guild xfer etc, could and would help alot of factions imbalance at this moment.
We have overal, more horde than alliance on many servers.
If they give server per server, a faction change possibility to the lesser populated faction, then I would be okay with that.
And Stop when there is an equilibrium. ( Like 45/55 being the equilibrium).
ok, you are kinda right, its not. But you on the other hand have nothing to proof anything.
I could show you wow history, where the that thing we fear allready has happend, no its not true, it was slower last time… And the 58 boost is sign in of itself… its 3 exansions prior to before… AGAIN how can you even be sure ? WHY ? because there are thing that are point VERY clearly that it can repeat itself.
Your only way of even beeing in that debate is just claim it doesent happend , yet. Why we should belive you ? Why are you even so sure about that ?
Blizzard has proofen that they not do what they say they will do. So how on earth can you know? … uh wait for it ^^ You think you but you dont.
I sadly have to agree, there are thing you should know to catch up to the state where this debate is right now. I like that you are willing to talk about it, but if so, than do some reading about it before hand.
the problem here is that you dont think to the end and why this is a bad sign. Because it shows, that blizz want or will implement shopservices to classic. i hope you understand now.
(It might seems that way, but i dont try to be mean, it just something that makes me angry because this all could have been avoided, but education first)
so now people will magicly start to forget about the " META " and roll alliance instead ? This thing will create an even bigger imbalance… but yeah, blizz will sell it as something that COULD help with that, you can be sure about it ^^
It is my opinion, But I also stated that it should be controlled.
Like server transfers shouldn’t have been what it is.
It should have been controlled.
Want to transfer to X server as horde? Is horde dominant? No transfer for you.
Are you alliance tho? You are welcome to transfer to this server and try to make it balance.
Dude, I know the state of the debate. But people are wandering of on WHAT IFs again.
AGAIN, I do not need to prove anything because i’m not stating What-Ifs and other things like those you mentionned.
What I say, Is actual, factual things that happends at this very moment + giving an opinion about it.
Wow retail history isn’t Classic history. Stop comparing both of those games.
One thing is sure, the ‘’ NO CHANGES ‘’ movement made more changes to the actual feel of the game than any other change that they could have made.
I was in this no changes crowd and I deeply regretted since Phase 3. They should have changed the dungeon exp, they should have changed how honor worked, they should have changed the server imbalance ( make it not possible to roll horde on a horde server etc, make it impossible to transfer as a horde on this server etc).
But again, With a What If, you can change the world.
So again, let’s talk about actual and factual things happening to this game and not, yeah but retail showed us, yeahhh Blizzard lost our trustttt, yeahhh You think you do but you don’t.
If you objectivly see what Blizzard is doing, they are actually fixing mistakes that they did in the past and activly work on their communication and spirit.
Instead of trusting or fearing, just talk about things already happening or announcement, not on datamined or fears you have prior this forum post.
Again, I am against any uncontrolled service ( Transfers, Race change, faction change, even boosts).
Everything needs to be controlled.
Make that people can’t change to the dominant faction ( for exemple, you can’t go alliance on your server if it’s 80/20 for exemple. )
Again What-ifs.
Could we stop paraphrasing my sentences without any context?
You mean saying that people didn’t want Classic and having Classic being a huge success ? I mean, yeah that’s him having the last laugh because it made his company a ton of money, but that mainly shows how idiotic he was.
That tons of people are STILL dumb as hell and not realize long-term problems by adding “QoL” features which ruins the underlying philosophy of the game doesn’t change the above at all. It just shows again why retail has become crap and the unability of people to learn from mistakes, not that people didn’t want to play Classic.
“We will create a authentic classic experiance like back in the day” Why should i not compare that ? Its suppose to be the same.
Ok factual stuff… the boost, why is it here than, shouldnt be right ? but you did a 30 min video about why this is a " good " thing.
Drums are good example of that right ? Those one sided statements are allways a problem. “It would be rediclious to force players into having 20ü LW in the raid” -->change is comming and its worse or should i say, its still rediclious
About drums, they are still activly trying to change that. Could we have this conversation when people are doing their first raids in TBC instead of AGAIN a what-if.
It’s not a final change yet.
I talked 30min in this video, hopefully you did listen to why I said it was a good thing.
The boost is here to one :
help newer people catch up to where they want to be : TBC classic and not start in Wow classic. Because remember, some people love vanilla and some people like chocolate.
That’s the only reason, Now, If they didn’t give the possiblity to everyone to get a lvl 58 boost, there will be alot of complain like ‘’ WHY CANT I GET A PAID BOOST, I M A LOYAL CUSTOMER THAT WORKED HARD FOR MY TOONS AND NOW I WOULD ALSO LIKE A PAID BOOST’’.
So that’s why they are not going to only limit it to newer accounts.
So ultimatetly it will also benefit myself and other people to have an extra alt instead of going through the solo experience ( and TRUST ME, I Love leveling, Phase 1 was the best MMO feeling i had in years, but this isn’t phase 1 anymore and finding effective groups to level with is now becoming tedious and hard to find.).
We both know that Classic Wow is hardly as authethic as 2004/2005.
You use this here but why aren’t you using that fact for Mage boosters ? Are they really the lesser evil in this story?
Again, if they removed the exp from dungeon boosting ( AND NOT MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO LEVEL IN A RAID ENVIRONEMENT ‘‘ZG cough cough’’), then I would stand by you and fight against the boost.
But now, the new player experience is at it’s worst. So why not help the newer player to get to lvl 58 as fast as possible so that they actually can play Phase 1 with everyone without going through the classic phase 6 experience?
I’m paraphrasing no one, i’m just answering the whole post and try to give the chance to people to forge an opinion about it instead of forcing them to see what I want to hear.