Will I need to make a new lvl 60 to use in TBC

I think all they will do is what they did last year, offer transfers away from full realms. They’ve already done it so I think they will do it again. We may get only fresh Classic realms.

It will be the same in sunwell a that’s my point.

Paladins are still heal/buffs bots even in tbc.The only good expention for paladin was and started with Wrath of the lich

Sounds like somebody never raided TBC in his life, here. Might want to check this out, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyooXkH6mT8&ab_channel=hakirak

I won’t even mention tankadins because, if you think tankadins aren’t viable in TBC, you definitely didn’t raid in TBC.


Buff bots - I fully agree. These greater blessings go out like mad.

Heal bots though - not necessarily. They’re really good tanks, and even as dps they’re not bad anymore.

And let’s not forget that a ret brings Improved Seal of the Crusader, which means the juicy +3% raid-wide crit on a target.

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It was becuase it took some time before people got rid of vanila mindset about paladins. Later when most guild realized it changed. And now people will know right from start.

Tbc 4 u its just 1 boss :d ?.This video is a joke-blood elf on screen

I’m sure you can use the Youtube search function to find more videos without me having to post every single link here. But then again as I said before you already proved your ignorance well enough - just try to go ZA or Hyjal without a tankadin and you’ll tell me how easier it feels than with one.

Iam sure that u can use google too and check general dps tier list pve tbc where u can see that paladins(surprise) are still low dps )

Iam talking about ret .I dont care about tanks plzz listen me at once

“Viable” doesn’t mean “the best”.
Also you guys don’t even bring up some context. “Viable” For what kind of content?
Every spec in classic is viable in raids - that doesn’t mean that a 40man raid can consist only of them ^^ There are boomkins and rets who have KT down with their guild.
These classes might not be viable for a Naxx speedrunning world record but that’s just different context.

Is raiding the only thing you care about in this game? Raiding is very one-dimensional where most classes get pushed to do one single task while they also have to move out of the fire…

Depending on the content you want to do, certain classes will be better than others.

Solo gold farming
Leveling speed run
Hardcore leveling
Open world pvp
5man Dungeons

Rogues might not be the greatest for raiding but they are great in arena for example.

And I’m sure you’re aware that in TBC there’s this category called support DPS - which includes not only retradins but also elemental shamans, enhancement shamans, shadow priests and balance druids. They do less DPS than warlocks/hunters because the lower DPS is made up for by the utility they bring. A retradin, for example, brings Sanctity Aura (+2% dmg to his group), a 3rd blessing (assuming you already have a holydin and a tankadin), and the ability to refresh judgments on the target via Crusader Strike. He also brings Improved Judgment of the Crusader, dispensing the tankadin from having to pick up the talent in question. And by SWP, the retradin’s DPS becomes the highest of all support DPS, not far behind pure DPS classes. At least Horde-side.

Maybe you’re the one who should spend more time doing research instead of spitting out this kind of idiocy.

Ret Paladins were still very mediocre in TBC (more so if you are not Blood Elf). Just that they weren’t the obsolete loot sponges that they are in Vanilla.

Prot Paladins on the other hand were awesome. As a healer, I always preferred running Heroics with Prot Pala over Prot Wars or Ferals.

Just play whatever you want. Fury is still decent in TBC, even if they are not far and away the best DPS like they are in Vanilla.

Pull your weight and bring banter to your guild’s Discord and you will get invites.

Yes so i was right lol.Idk why u text me this if i alredy told this before.Wrath of the lich king is the first good expantion where finaly paladins do all 3 thigs very good:heal dps tank as they MUST BE always since vanilla. In classic and tbc paladi s in general are trash.

If you think “support DPS = trash” then you might be better off playing Retail as you have no understanding of how to build raids in TBC

If ret pala dps is no trash plz explain why in raid cant be like more then 1 ,2,3 rets huh?

Did u even play paladin once in classic?

Because they’re support DPS, and since there’s only one melee group in most TBC comps you bring only one. Support DPS aren’t meant to be stacked, they’re meant to be brought as a 1-of for the utility they bring, but a raid with the support DPS still does more overall DPS than one which only stacks hunters/warlocks without all the support they need to shine.

Do paladins in Classic have +2% dmg on Sanctity Aura? Do they have Crusader Strike? No? Then why do you even bring this up? That’s like saying Enhancement Shamans in TBC are trash just because they’re trash in Classic. Thanks once again for proving your ignorance.

So iam right agan.Coz in Wotlk i can be top 5 dps minimum as ret.Also shafow priests dps in classic is no= ret paladin dps at all.In pvp sp just melting ppl in a seconds and are raid bosses

That’s like saying Shadow Priest is trash in TBC because they have the lowest DPS potential of any DPS class in the game. Imagine trying to raid in TBC without a shadow priest though. I dare you.