“Hence that”…is suggesting soloq…but then with a group being formed beforehand.
So thats your fix?
You think that ppl will start communicating more if they get grouped up 30 secs prior to a game.
Any form of accountwide MMR is a terrible idea. Some ppl might be terrible melee DPS but good at playing a caster. It’s actually one of the few things I dislike about GW2 soloq system. Im top 50 EU as thief, guardian, holosmith … but probably not even top 5000 as Elementalist or Mesmer. So I can never play those classes unless i don’t mind tanking 500 rating.
I replied to and countered every argument you made. You just don’t like my answers since they dont line up with your ideas.
You keep returning the same fallacies based on assumptions instead of facts. 99% of what you state is based on your personal interpretation of what will happen.
Meanwhile, I’ve seen it happen for 5-10 years.
Ive seen how a PVP scene nearly died due to a lack of soloq and how it transformed since soloq got introduced. We had the same naysayers in GW2 with exactly the same arguments as you’re bringing up. Where are they now? Exactly the same place you’ll be 3-4 months after soloq gets introduced.
I haven’t read all of the post as of yet so apologies if that HAS come up before but
Solo-Q will have to have a separate player pool of people queueing from premade 3s / 2s otherwise you’ll get 3 randoms not on voice vs 3 warmed up on comms sync’d main team.
like… wut? you guys still want this?
Imagine SV hunter/ arcane mage and some healer that isn’t ideal with it?
Yeah Solo-Q would fix ‘some’ issues with the LFG tool
but… there’s still a player drought
Theres still gear-gatekeepers and boosters for lower rating players
Still ridiculous farm and input required to stay current
So many issues, in a rubbish unbalanced season with borrowed power.
Don’t get me wrong , im not hard against Solo-Q. Just trying to be rational and form my own judgement rather than diving face first into it because its current
No offense but you are not, since you obviously barely informed yourself
Yes, this is why your following thought is… well… you get it.
Please, explain to me how boosting would look like via soloq. I am not trolling, I am really interested if you figured out something that everyone missed somehow.
Has actually absolutely nothing to do with soloq. Nobody says “stop working on X because we want soloq”
… You don’t even understand what has been said. That shows you didn’t even understand plain text. Go read it again. All of it. To start with, you’re talking about this: Official petition for SOLO Rated Que - #176 by Bewarê-frostmane which you don’t even understand. Read it. Again. In full.
Nope, all you did was stop answering the things that got countered. You literally stopped mentioning anything about it once what you said got countered, and reverted straight back to your own narrative while “magically” acting like the counters was never mentioned.
Meanwhile, I’ve spent a lot of button presses to go over it in painstaking detail to explain things, but words doesn’t seem to get through to you.
Oh, and the funny part about your counterarguments is that they were mostly irrelevant blanket statements that didn’t even touch upon what was said in the first place, with the only actual counterargument you’ve tried to rely on being GW2. Which has been debunked already, many times over.
To summarize your way of thinking, is that it’s like you’re incapable of understanding the many systems in place revolving around rated solo queues, so you fail to understand simple things like what’s in place to combat social toxicity in those games, and what’s in place to protect the reward scheme integrity as well as the intricate details involved in matchmaking.
As I’ve told you many times over already, it’s NOT SIMPLE.
Yes, that’s a direct result of proper social design. You failing to understand it is not surprising. I hope other people would understand the process better than you at least.
It also prevents the queue timing exploit, and enables the same matchmaking pool as “premade groups” when the matchmaking is more intuitive for matching up teammates. The demerit basically isn’t there in the same way like that.
Btw for anyone curious, this is his history I’m talking about:
^ The back-and-forth in those threads shows he’s not really keen on reading things.
What data are you talking about? I don’t see how data can exists that shows that PvE players are sensitive in general.
You can add them after playing any type of game, not only ranked, and play with them.
Sorry it’s all your experience, therefor you can’t say that it works that way. We need official source about that, can’t make decisions from a player who thinks it works that way, because he blocked a guy and he never met him again.
Need official source to prove that.
I don’t know where did you get the grip that I am feared of toxicity, but you said that you haven’t played mobas so you don’t know what I am talking about probably
Sorry but clearly there are no responds about it, they can come out and say that it is under work, but clearly they don’t like communicating for community. What’s problem to make a post and say that you are working about mentioned bug and say that it will take a time, probably ego.
Also you can’t expect consumer who is paying for your product to tolerate this. You can expect understanding when you communicate with them (which currently isn’t happening), therefor we can demand the fix of those bugs, how long it takes shouldn’t be my problem as consumer.
Not really fixed, rng is still there, you can still get oneshotted.
“There are working on it” sorry but I have heard that excuse a lot of times, and this fixes take months to be delivered, which I personally can’t be justified unless PvP isn’t the N1 priority for company, which is the case I believe. There are cases where it doesn’t matter if player is good or bad, eventho there has been evidences that it happens to top players, some things just shouldn’t be a thing, aka oneshots that can’t be outplayed.
Burst wasn’t 6 sec long clearly, also damage first tick of damage was 60% of hp, still blinding light didn’t break. Video is from february and people still talk about it, therefor issue is still here. Don’t know where did you check about gear too.
People say that 9.1 will come out late july or early august, if it’s fine for you to tolerate this for 3 month best regards to you, I am not fine with it personally.
You shouldn’t create this issue in a first place, that’s a whole point. We are not talking about some indie company who can’t afford to test things, but it has been case for a log time. They release game with absurd things that doesn’t make sense and boggles your mind how it make to live servers.
Ye I also remember getting time outed for mentioning about it in chat with is shameless, it takes times it’s fine, as long as company communicates with you and not just you get a feeling that you are getting ignored. I am personally playing priest and it is very annoying.
And not enough for a lot of people either.
Flagellation recently got buffed in 9.0.5 and dagger in the dark isn’t the only way to oneshot someone on rogue.
I’ve been bombarding support in the feedback section with this topic with the intention of keeping this two options available, similar to what League of Legends or Starcraft 2 has, two individually separated MMR stats.
I allready gave a solution to bypass this problem. Gear cap per rating range:
200 up till 1400 with a minimum of 190 ilvl req to join.
207 up till 1600
213 up till 1800
No cap above that.
That way you can get in to soloq within days after dinging a character. This way you still have gear progress but no crazy gear gaps/requirements to join.
Nope GW2 doesn’t have a lobby. You can swap during the 2 minutes before the gates open but that doesnt happen often. We always have a nice mix of support (healers) roamers and more team fight-oriented classes. The reason for that is ppl tend to play versatile meta specs that fit with as many comps as possible since that gives them the best chance to win. E.g. moonkins in RBGs or firemages in arena.
You cant get rid of toxicity completely. But you have to compare it to the current situation in wow. Imagine being a new player in wow. Every type of PVP content is extremely toxic atm.
Random pvp with a near 100% toxicity rate with constant flaming trolling afking leeching.
Rated pvp with its insane number of boosters, causing false entitlement and false elitism. General chat that is unreadable due to the non stop spam of boost advertisements.
Soloq will see some toxic comments … but it’s not even comparable to the toxic cesspool we’re in now. Toxic comments are caused by a difference in skill, gear level, goals etc. All of these are vastly more dominant in any form of pvp in wow atm than they will be in soloq.
Difference in skill gets eliminated by proper matchmaking. Due to boosting proper matchmaking is no longer a thing between 1600-2100. It will be a lot harder to boost in soloq so matchmaking will be better.
Difference in gear level should be tackled by the gear caps.
Difference in goals is a major factor aswell. With soloq you’ll see more like-minded players. Push your rating up a bit and you’ll notice that most will play hard to win.
That’s an assumption. As i said…i have about a 100 pvp friends online during peak hours in GW2. Are there any wow players that can say the same?
Im not an exception either. The guys ive been talking to all have similar experiences.
While im not against this idea perse i think it wont work since wow players need that carrot. Ppl in wow don’t play for fun … they play for their weekly cookie.
So you really think that pure pvp players will play rated pvp if they can only use their rewards outside of rated pvp?
The past has shown already that standardized PVP gear in wow doesn’t work. Hence my idea of gear caps per rating. You still get progress like that… but in a situation that keeps the gear levels relatively close.
We agree on that. The current situation is a lot worse tho, due to all the boosting rated pvp and the extremely toxic environment in nonrated pvp.
Boosting will be a non-issue in soloq and toxic chat will be a lot less prevalent since more ppl will care about winning. As i said 100 times before…we have random BGs in GW2 which are toxic…and soloq isnt. Why do you think that is?
Except for all the really weird items you’d go for. Even when one assumes you mean the “better” choice of the way to do that, different items have different balances in stats allocations, i.e. the stats budgets are spent differently. An item with haste+versa for example can have more haste than versa yet have the same ilvl as another item for that same slot with haste+versa.
Squishing that makes it extremely vulnerable to exploitation, as BFA showed from start to finish of the expansion.
ilvl req to queue is also dumb as hell, you’re just telling people to accept ilvl differences yet not accept ilvl differences, basically sending mixed messages to people. Every single person unhappy with that system would cry out nonstop about ilvl being scaled up as well, and thus we get the BFA scaling all over again.
That’s literally a lobby, and you’re even saying you can switch in it. WoW is much more limited in that regard, both in time and in what you can switch around.
? Wtf are you talking about? The titles, mogs etc. would all naturally be usable on those “PvP” servers in such a scenario. Why the hell would you assume different? So wtf are you talking about?
Just a fun question: How many do you talk to per day? Per week? Per month? Per season? Not broadcasted messages, I mean direct messages. An actual conversation.
pvp scalling is the worst you can do right now, i agree that ilvl difference is too big right now, yet it should be adressed in 9.1
both pve and pvp gear should not have so many ranks, there is a design flaw here, we have done pvp scaling, never again
then you’ll have an influx of pve gear, both aspects of the game should be adressed.
there can’t be a difference between mythic 0 197ilvl gear and 226 with aprox 30% power creep
What the actual hell? That’s not even close to accurate. It’s caused by emotional triggers, which can be anything from a person expecting more than what they get matched up with (tolerance levels are directly related to this, which better relationships increases by a lot, for example you tolerate a lot more from a friend than you’d tolerate from a drunk stranger in a bar even if they’d do the exact same thing to you), to someone having a really grumpy day and is not equipped emotionally for anything to go badly for him/her.
Emotional triggers is the more typical reason for it, which as explained in many posts already gets more self-centric when removing social awareness.
Its a non stop thing. The number of ppl differs per day.
Ppl play GW2 for fun.
Ppl play wow for weekly lootboxes. Since they play purely for lootboxes the means to that end becomes less important.
So they buy boosts …
Play one arena or RBG game to be eligible for the weekly …
Stop playing once they lose one or two games… since it will drop them below X rating.
See no need in being social outside of asking boosters for their price … or joining a LFG where they dont communicate.
Blizzard doesn’t care about your activity as long as you pay your monthly fees. So the game is designed around that idea. Weekly Skinner boxes to keep you just engaged enough so you pay your fee. The communication follows that same pattern.
You can imagine that a game without weekly resets and a soloq system that is designed to create activity that the social interaction follows that same pattern. In GW2 we communicate with eachother just for fun. Just like we play pvp for fun.
Basically you don’t go raging in a game like pacman the way you’d do in a game like WoW or LoL.
Because the reward scheme is different, and the psychological hooks are different. The existence of comparing yourself to other people is also an influential factor in emotional triggers.
Basically a casual game designed for casuals with no “prestige” like in typical esport games, leads to different player behavior.
^ That’s also laughable. This isn’t that kind of game where rating can quantify ability to such an extent, buddy. Not even with a solo queue.
On top of the premise you stated being wrong as well.
He’s absolutely correct, just overstated his point. Not all toxic comments are caused by differences in skill, etc, but a lot are. Solo queues help with that. (Now, there are other factors relevant for toxicity, some of which get worse with solo queue. That’s true. But on balance, toxicity in current WoW is absolutely miles higher than toxicity in automatic queue could ever be. It just gets miscounted because people don’t count not accepting people into a group as toxicity, which they absolutely should count.)