World PvP Killing Classic?


There is only one solution it’s a PvE server. From someone that knows how this works QED.

Solutions like preventing one faction from logging in is not going to happen, it’s just unrelaisitc. I know you “think” this is a possible solution but I’m going to point out you thought you knew what would happen on a PvP server too.

This is what will happen over the next few months. The below only applies to PvP servers

  1. There is a faction imbalance - usually favouring horde at least on EU Servers
  2. On any server one faction becomes dominate
  3. The under faction will light up the forums
  4. No real solution is going to be able to be implementedfrom a design persepctive
  5. Players will stop playing on the server on the under faction
  6. PvP Dies on the server

Like i keep telling all of you the only solution is the PvE server. I’m afraid anyone who is complaining and moreso didn’t know this was happened was lead to a PvP server by the “PvP is the real game crowd” - This exludes anyone who is happy on a PvP server as they knew what they were getting into and/or took steps to gat themselves on the winning side.

I am not saying they should prevent anyone from logging in? I don’t think that is a solution, but there are many others that can rectify this. People who complain wants to play on a PvP server, a PvE server will not satisfy them. They just want ballance, that is all. Which would benefit all. I know it is hard for horde players to understand the problem without facing them on there own server. But in the end, if blizzard do not work out a solution, classic will slowly die out. When BG’s arrive, there will be no Alliance to play against.

Once again i’ll refer you back to my post. There is PvP on PvE servers. What it does not have or does not cause problems is what you are complaining about. No flight path camping, no graveyard camping, yes the alliance out number the horde but only marginally so it’s not a problem. I don’t know how to keep explaining this. There is no way to force a faction balance and even if there was most of the active PvP would still be unbalanced as i’ve already mentioned in the below. Dude you need to let go, cut your losses and find another way.

Why not let ppl roll the way they want to? It’s OK to think PvP superior. But stop trolling. PvE is the only fun for me, but I’m not constantly telling you that PvP is just spank and gank for green boys.

On PvP servers there is WORLD PvP.

On PvE servers there’s no WORLD PvP, only BG (after it’s implemented.)
This means even if you roll on PvE you can still PvP and there is “world PvP” on PvE servers aswell if ppl feel like it!

Before Classic Launch everyone was talking about “if you want true Vanilla experience you must roll on a PvP server” ignoring the gankfest a PvP server holds for them, and now they cry and whine about it! :laughing:

No one cry about World PvP, they cry about the imbalanced servers. And the fact that the servers limits is way higher than the game world was ever design for. PvP in Classic has nothing to do with Vanilla. Basically Classic is not Classic anymore, but some abomination of a hybrid.

Well, you could just find obscure grinding spots out in the world with mobs about 2 levels lower than you and just farm them for levels. Theres plenty of grinding lists by levels that exist.
Other than that, a lot of us have been looking forward to p2 and didnt start late so while your opinion is valid you dont really have too many options besides suck it up and find a way to 60 until bgs arrive.

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It’s not going to stay like this forever, eventually people will get bored of world pvp and it will die down quite a bit. Next phase we’ll also have BGs, at which point there will be very little world pvp.

Unless your really desperate to get to 60 then the only way is to run dungeons. If your lucky you might sneak in without any trouble but they do like to camp there.

Grinding mobs in obscure areas where its quiet away from FPs and dungeons. This can get tedious but better then corpses running right?

Ask your guild for help, carry you through dungeons, help with quests etc.

If you can’t that then go to the inn, build up your rest bar, unsubscribe, come back when bgs are released.

Fact is when classic was first around, bg’s came out along side the honour system, so yes there was world pvp, but no where near the levels I am seeing now.

You could still level alts mostly in peace with the odd gank here and there, but current version of the game is literally unplayable for anyone wanting to level normally.

Its a joke and they will see subs drop if they keep it up.

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The chaos will reside in time and it’s still possible to level even though people act like it’s impossible to do anything. It’s only impossible to do anything in the game right now if you don’t use your brains.

You probably started playing back in the day when BG’s where already released and the game was already passed P2.
People did mass battles back in Vanilla when there wasn’t even any gain besides having fun duking it out on each other at certain places. (Hillsbrad was the most popular place back then for the mass battles) There was no honor, no gear to gain or anything but people still did mass battles.
Those mass battles is what lead for Blizzard to introduce Honor gains and make “PvP gear” later on.

No Skiffie. I played on usa servers just after beta, I know what I’m talking about.

What brains? You try to do any and I do mean any content for the zones you can do at 55+ just now and every flight point is camped, every quest hub is camped. All I can see all day are groups of 60s roaming the zones and farming kills and saying things like “hur de hur, you should have got to 60 sooner”. As if they have some special permission to act like dirt bags.

It will only die down once they release BG’s as BG’s are far more efficient for farming HK’s.

The person that released this early, is a moron.

Well if your quest zones are plagued right now with PvP, you can simply do some dungeon runs and get XP in there while also getting gear making your life in PvE and PvP even better.
Or you can QQ about not being able to do anything and do nothing else besides the QQ with nothing changing.

See how both scenarios give different results.

Of course it will, you insufferable moron. A week ago we had none of this, and people were free to WPvP and have been for 3 months. The difference is you now get to grind a new resource, called honor. 99% of that crowd doesn’t give a turd about PvP, they just want to grind honor, like a prostitute doesn’t have sex for fun but for money.

All these hypocrites on their mighty high horse talking trash and claiming WPvP is the pinnacle of classic will be nowhere to be seen once BGs are released as the fastest way to grind honor.
It’s so ironic these same clowns decide to grind honor in a way that involves as little actual PvP as possible - by zerging down desenseless targets in a +10 person group.

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Let’s have a go at this. Think i can get through it without petty name calling?

Well i don’t really pvp a lot i play on pve server and i most certainly do not think pvp is the hight of classic.

You are correct a week a go none of this was happening - gold star for you.

However… I’m as you don’t seem to know (but you should, as you seem like one of these people to me) some people just like to ruin your day and they can’t do that in BG.

I’m sure someone as smart as yourself knows BG take an equal number of players from each side. I’ll connect the dots for you. Unless the numerically outnumbered faction want to spend all day in BGs youre still going to get ganked because the number of players outside said bgs is still slanted.

Some people like yourself are able to say demonstrable inaccurate things QED with complete conviction but are utterly inaccurate.

But i am in agreement with your last statement.

I did it!

you can transfer to pve?

Ok its clear you are a forum troll Skiffie. Running dungeons? Oh gee, no one could have thought of that one. (pretending dungeon entrances aren’t also being farmed is hilarious) .And this isn’t about QQ, its about pointing out what a mess some dev made of the game due to releasing something early for pvp, whilst 99% of the game is pve.

But do keep patting your self on the back about how this is QQ, see the subs drop like a stone and enjoy your dead servers.

So you’re telling me, you never did any ghost/corpse running to enter a dungeon before even though you stated that you’ve played Vanilla?
It was pretty common on the server I played on back in the day, especially when going to BRD, LBRS, UBRS or MC cause there were ALWAYS people there waiting for people that wanted to go to a dungeon to CC them or kill them and prolonging their time getting into the dungeon/raid.

But now it’s a problem all of a sudden and we can’t do anything anymore? GTFO!

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And i want to go back in time and buy black lotuses for 10 gold to resell it for 100 gold so that i can have a ton of consumables and blow people up. Whos problem is that though?

In seriousness though, level 60 will not help you. How many times you felt like you’d win that 1v10 if you were level 60? - Exactly. So you either learn to cope or leave.

Keep prevaricating as much as you like Skiffie. There is a huge difference between 1 or 2 people blocking your way to a dungeon and a group of 10+ doing it.

The only time I would see the numbers I currently do is if you were unlucky enough to run into a actual raid group for MC or UBRS.

I like pvp servers, I don’t like the current levels of roll face across keyboard because some dum dev thought it was smart to release this early without early BG’s as a outlet for all the HK farming.

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