World PvP Killing Classic?

FYI please see my post addressing your issue.

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Pretty accurate, yeah.
It sucks for people who don’t enjoy all aspects of PvP now being stuck on PvP realms, but there were plenty of warnings.
Maybe they’ll get lucky and Blizz will take pity on them (or more likely; be worried about them quitting), and open up some realm transfers.

And what did you all expected???

PVE is easy af, other content everybody saw like 1000x times, only thing what you can do is PvP. Bcs everybody know exactly how to do PVE there is no challenge so only saving grace for Classic is PVP, with very very short periods of nostalgic PVE when new dungeon comes out (but still without challenge or without good feel after you complete dungeon). . .

So play PvP or just let Classic rest in peace . . .

I think people just get annoyed by never being able to “win” a battle.

A lot of times there are good battles with pushes going back and forth.
However due to there being more hordes, eventually they just zerg over alliance.

This means quickly getting the hell out of there once a few hordes are dead.
Any sustained battle is always doomed to eventually be lost due to the numbers game.

I think this creates a kind of anti-climax, where pvp feels wrong and often unfair.
Always having to flee or die only due to being greatly outnumbered.

Its probably exaggerated by hordes having to look for alliance players more, causing them to seek out ongoing battles.

If you actually think there’s going to be 600 people fightin in Hillsbrad at 1am server time for the rest of Classic’s lifespan, then I have no words.

Open world, player-made Battlegrounds will disappear when Battlegrounds are added, just as they did in the days of old.

There will still be gank squads roaming around, but enjoy the large scale combat while you can; because it’ll die down soon and people will be able to level again.

I will give you one simple solution on how you can continue leveling and note there are more but I’ll only list one in a couple steps as it’s the easiest during these times.

  1. Look at what dungeons would be good for you, XP and gear wise.
  2. Start looking for people around your lvl or higher that want to go with you (I suggest asking people in your guild first)
  3. Plan with your group on ghost/corpse running to the instance you’re planning to go (since you’re around lvl 50, not really needed on low lvl dungeons) cause if everyone knows it might be a corpse run before getting inside they know what they’re going into.
  4. How to reach the instance? Simple, every time you die, you ghost run to your corps and you keep running till the “revive” button isn’t available and you’ll spawn a bit further from where you died.
  5. Keep repeating nr 4 till you reached the instance and hopefully you’re not in a retard group that keeps dying in the instance making everyone need to repair.

If you’re in a good group, see if they have time to run the instance multiple times to farm xp and you can just keep resetting the instance and keep lvl’ing.
With a solid 5 man group that knows what they’re doing, it’s actually a lot faster to lvl then you would by questing solo or in a group.

When you have a problem with something, look for solutions to your problem but don’t go asking for things like “Make PvP only for lvl 60” for example.
I plan on lvl’ing a Priest later and I would’ve waited for P2 with it if it wasn’t released already, as I really missed PvP while I was lvl’ing cause it felt like a waste of time without any honor and still having the need for at least one lvl 60 character to raid with.

The mass PvP raids we’re experiencing now are temporarily, will go down within time as people will get bored from going all over the world to gain some honor and it will go down further once P3 is launched and BG’s are getting released.
But let’s not ask for BG’s for at least 3 months, as you definitely don’t want to come across R14’s in 3 months from now. (Which I doubt anyone will hit before BG’s get released)

It (the honor system) just got released. People, especially on pvp servers, now finally get rewarded for doing pvp. Ofc there will be a huge ganking phase at the start.

It will be less next week. And even less the week after that.

Right now thats the game. Killing enemy players right now IS the content.

Now it is important to know which faction owns which region of the world. Which dungeon entrance is controlled by whom. You gotta make your choices based on real time situations, not on wether you would like to simply quest wherever because normally you would get more exp or whatever that way.

This isnt normally, this is the launch of the honor system.

So either wait it out or learn to love a playstyle that requires you to think about your choices, makes you watch your surroundings and kinda forces you to work together with your faction to achieve what you want to achieve in game.

If you play solo and dont really care about pvp solutions to pvp problems cause its to inconvenient… cause it takes too much time, because you cant do what you want when you want then

With all dear respect:
You should’ve picked a PvE Server.

Im legit full on these OP’s tears

Well that is just wrong. When people dont have challenging PvE in classic you have only one second option to do. PvP will be the main (and in 90% of time the only one) reason why will people continuously play this game in future. If you think this will end, it is pretty naive . . .

He never said it will end, WPvP will never end on PvP servers now that Honor can be gained. But yes, as he stated there will be less raids and less groups going all over the world in order to gain some honor as it can get pretty tiresome especially with all the travel time.
Hopefully BG’s won’t be released for at least 3 months from now, so we won’t see any R14’s anytime soon either.

Pve>pvp and it’s the same in classic, retail and will be the same even in the next expac.

Stop trying to make it seems people could have know, we had 4 servers at launch.
The only reason things are this bad is because Blizzard screwed up the launch and server migrations. There is no excuse to defend this imbalance. PvP servers does not mean that you can ONLY do PvP and never has. I am looking forward to all the hordes cry on the length of the BG queues. Then i will refer to your post, that this was know and they should stop crying… Sure going to be fun.

Not much too add. Just cancelled my subscription. I wanted to go PVE this time but was convinced that we should all go PVP. My bad.

You should have known you were told

Here’s me tellin you all The inconvenient truth of world PvP & why to turn War Mode off and roll PvE in Classic

Here’s another

and another

Here’s one in video format

Everyone one of the ‘informed’ crowd knew this and we tried to help you but you wouldn’t listen. We are still trying to help you but you still won’t listen.

Stop lighting up the forums
No it won’t stop
No the game developers aren’t going to prevent the numbers issues

Heres what you need to do take it from someone more informed than you. Cut your losses and re-roll pve and or up vote this post

Is that clear?

To refer to your Horde Crying at BG queues.

I play PvE alliance outnumber horde so no crying for me!

To be honest, I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation for Alliance on a lot, it not all, of the PvP server if you think these descriptions comes even close to show the true status on these servers. They are not even close. I can only recommend that you try a PvP server, to see how it really is. The forum is filled with description so won’t bore you with more. I love PvP, love my PvP server, but this is extreme. Blame rest only on Blizzard, for screwing up the launch and the follow up server transfers. I don’t blame the Horde, if you have a 5:1 ration and try to get honor, camping flights in every 50 zone i basically your only choice. The end results most likely is that Alliance will migrate or reroll, leaving empty servers.

I think it is only fair the people highlight the current situation, even if it is an inconvenient truth. It is what the forums is for. Will Blizzard listen?,that is another story.

If you like PvP, you want to be on the outnumbered side, nothing more dull than riding around looking for someone to fight all day and when you find them, 3 others are jumping on them.

I am happy literally having PvP on my doorstep. As soon as phase 2 enabled, just /join WorldDefense and go find those hordies, utilise other players / guards / potions etc. whatever it takes. Plenty of solo kills or party of 2 kills as a lev 52/53 (against 60s to the person above accusing me of lowbie hunting). Lots to do in game, a reason to finish levelling. It is great to see Azeroth back alive and relevant unlike every point of the game since BGs came in. Where there is just a mass of players at battlemasters or LFG, in cities (shared and not).

Not every game is for everyone, it is clear in this thread a lot of the “players” just chose the wrong game, BFA has PvE, it has questing…if you want it harder, take your gear off, do Ironman etc. over there in your safe space.

No I won’t as I don’t want to be corpse and graveyard camped - I know this as I keep telling you.

Yes as I outlined in my post months before launch

I have a full-time job, no family but that’s practically irrelevant. I chose Normal realm because I knew I will be slow and unable to respond to PvP as much as it deserves.
You try to argue that you like PvP but don’t have much time. You know you can still PvP on normal, even PvE server, RP if you so desire, with the option to still lvl to 60 without constant rape.
Well, you crap on your head mate. And since you knew the kind of replies you will get, it makes your thread even more irrelevant because there is no other answer for you as for anyone else facing the same issue.
You overestimated your capabilities and now have to live up with the consequences.


Then we have consensus :slight_smile: (Well more or less) Still does not change the fact, that Blizzard needs to do something. I have waited many years for the Classic experience, gonna be pissed if it fails due to lag over oversight of a situation many had pointed out.

The easiest way to make a point is to cancel the subscription.

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