World PvP Killing Classic?

People camping in front of a instance is as old as Vanilla is…
You know how to get in? You resurrect right before the entrance and jump in right away as they aren’t able to touch you for a couple seconds after resurrecting.
Even during TBC, there where literally ALWAYS people waiting in BRM for people to come there to enter a dungeon and back then they weren’t level 60 anymore, they were level 70 instead.

I really wonder if you even played Vanilla back then or just claiming you do cause it appears to me you didn’t start until WotLK probably.


That doesn’t make any sense. PVE servers are still available. They didn’t go away because you came to the game late.

It’s not terrible, it’s a very important question, which you haven’t addressed at all. The issues you mention is why people want to play on PVP servers, and they would be solved by you playing on a PVE server.

You are absolutely welcome to play on PVP servers. But then you also have to accept the PVP ruleset.
What you’re saying is like rolling on an RP server and complain about all the yiffing going on in Goldshire. That comes with the ruleset.

You are blaming everyone who’s trying to understand why you put yourself in this situation. All this talk about starting late has nothing to do with the problem you’re having. You could get killed on a PVP server at any point since launch.


Ok Skiffie, Ill stop here, its clear you are a nobody, who’s only real outlet in life is arguing with other people on the wow forums and pretending you know anything about them, from their opinions. Its been fun messing with you, but keep up your little self esteem posts if it means so much to you.

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Let me give you one last advice, I really suggest you do something with it!
When ever you want to comment on a discussion, it’s very useful to have read all comments before entering the discussion with your own comment/opinion cause if you didn’t you can make yourself look like a idiot.

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People that selected pvp servers, actually don’t mind world pvp. What we have currently isn’t world pvp, its a massacre of any sub 60 players, by mass groups of 60 players who have nothing better to do.

It certainly wasn’t taking place a week or two ago, if anything most horde and alliance just waved as they passed each other doing quests.

Then an early honour system came out.

And the world literally went to shiz.

I cant progress my character at this point outside of dungeons, hell I cant even do various quest hand ins spaced out around the world without a bunch of cowards killing me at every flight point.

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And I wonder if YOU played vanilla. It was never this bad. Not even comparable. A small group camping the entrance to BRD or thorium point exit is not even comparable to what is happening right now in every +50 zone.
To even say or imply something like that is moronic.

For one, servers had 2000-3000 people, now they get 15000. For another, there’s the 2019 “hyperfarm i-want-it-now” mentality that seeped from retail and pirate servers.

People planned for this, planned their server farmed to 60 asap farmed mc(most boring raid ever) so they would have a good chance at world pvp. For the boomer gamer dads to want to stroll in whenever they please months late to the party and have the exact same chance as someone that put in way more effort is some retail bs.

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If you love world PvP, why are you crying over PVP?!

Yeah it’s a sh*tshow atm. i don’t like it, that’s why i rerolled to a pve server. Still waiting on that paid character transfer option to be available and i will join Nethergarde keep :smiley:

Best of luck!

4k comments on my post and still no one gets the issue im talking about. I will write same thing as before, it is really amazing how ignorant and stupid people are.

I dont call people stupid usually, but this… takes the price.

Keep commenting, if you really want to contribute then read my post from the start what the whole thing is about. If not keep writing sh-it, if that is what makes you happy.

Quick reminder:

  1. I love pvp!
  2. Pvp on a pvp server is ofc 100% normal, its how it should be!
  3. World pvp is amazing! It really is!
  4. I have no issues getting killed by someone that is better than me. I try to learn from it.

Now when you know this, I ask you hoenstly, If i cant quest, If i cant do dungeons, if i cant level up, what am i suppose to do? Dont you get what im talking about? Stop askign me why i rolled on a pvp server, try to read before making comments!

you really are a moron…
you simply think 10v1 is real pvp ?..this is just a bunch of non pvp’ers trying to gain all thier honour kills so they can start off with all the best pvp equip when bgs are release…the system in totally broken…explain what honour there is in a 10 v 1 fight if you cant then point proven :slight_smile:


I totally agree, have multiple friends on my list that has mentioned quitting - likely they are not there yet but it will come eventually if it continues.
Yes world PvP is ganking and world raids, but I do not remember it beeing this bad in the old days, though it may just be due to unbalanced factions. Where you get ganked 8 times by groups of hordes just to get to SM…

If there was some kinda system that balanced the fights so it was not 5, 10 or 20 vs 1 every time it would be great, or at least that would give minus honor points to the no lifers that has no idea what honor is.

But well diablo4 comes soon ™ so there is that at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Your Question has been very much answered

Arrogance is such a nice trait! :slight_smile:

I’ll assume that’s directed at me, what would you have me do i literally pleaded with players to not roll PvP. Short of hacking into all your machines on game launch and locking you on PvE servers i’m not sure what more we could have done.

Must be nice to be so proper on your little soap box of “I told you so”. But do keep applauding yourself once we have dead servers and don’t think it wont happen. :smiley:

It was indeed.

You are only telling the story as you see it, there is always multiple nuances and different takes on the same topic. Im hoping it will die down to a sensible level when BG’s comes. Otherwise it must be either due to the imbalance of facitons, or that all the PvP (read gank) lovers choose horde.

Though I admit, as it is now I do also regret the choice of a PvP server (or alliance faction), but never did so in the (original) classic wow. :slight_smile: The only issue i have with the crazyness that is going on right now is the inability to do any quests or go to shared faction cities because hordes are going bananas (allies may be doing the same on other servers, just not seeing it on mine since they get steamrolled everywhere).

Don’t think it won’t happen - I know it will i’ve even stated so multiple times - on PvP servers. This is what happens on all PvP servers

One factions becomes the dominant faction
Players on the under represented faction quit/transfer
PvP dies on the server
Server dies.

The Solution - the PvE server - Full rundown here for your leisure

While some players will be in BGs this won’t solve the problem for you (unless you live in BGs)

Those players ganking you aren’t doing for honor points (well at least not all of them) they’re doing to ruin your day. That’s the game for them. If you’d take the time to read some of the posts in my link you’ll see that was known before release.

I’m trying to sympathise but it’s hard!

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Wow! First Dead servers comment since P2 was implemented - You won bragging rights.

The only point is then that i must have hit a server this time that is worse off than it was 10+ years ago. Need no sympathy, it is what it is - and its not worse that I (and others) can stick to IF and dungen grinding if need be. But if it continues after bg’s then it will just be enough wow for many or it will be a late move to a PvE. Which is also what you say - though the point stand that it was not this bad back in the day - because never considered migrating back then :slight_smile:

And i do believe you are right, for some players it is just the simple fact of ruining it for others that makes their day, I do not think i ever ganked a 5+ lower level horde - that may be a slight indicator that i should have chosen PvE also :smiley: