World PvP Killing Classic?

I only ever ganked ppl who dared to attack me so yeah this “honor farming” is pathetic, but I’m sure it will get a lot better after BGs, the whole point those players gank like there’s no tomorrow is that right now that is the most efficient way to get honor and after BGs get added then that will be the most efficient way.

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PvP servers are a magnet for grifters. Hateful, vindictive players, would step over your burning body for a buck - (Not every player but enough). And they are all laughing every time you fly into a camped flight path. I know these people I’ve spoken to them “killing other people is what i get out of the game”. They just want to make you rage, they want to force you off the server they don’t care if their server dies as they don’t enjoy the game past making your life miserable.


I really feel for you. The amount of inconsiderate know-it-alls in this thread is unbelievable. If this thread is a reflection of the community, then it is no wonder phase 2 turned the game into this horrorshow.


Totally agree with you here.

Everyone is coming with their conclusions to why things are how they are right now. But they are forgetting the most important difference. The player base.

The mindset of gameplay today is very different from back in vanilla. Back then it was about enjoying the experience now its more of an competing and winning mentality (ofcourse this doesn’t apply to all, but it’s a much bigger part today then 15 years ago).
And as you said, the lack of understanding of other players situation right now shows it clearly.


You my dear sir have no clue what you are talking about. You are talking about pvp still. Post is made for another reason. Like i said, almost 5k answers and still people talk pvp? WHy? Its not about pvp, its about people who are below lvl 60 are stuck. Literally stuck. Do you know what stuck is? No? Well then i understand your ansewers. Go and pvp all you want just give others a chance, a slight chance to lvl at least, is this to much to ask for? O.o jesus!!!

Yes it is, on a PvP server anything that can happen, will happen.

To be honest the clear lack on empathy on the part of all the douches replaying to these posts equates to:

“you picked pvp, herp de herp, you are my honour or you must go pve, lawlzors, I smart”

Forget for a moment that world pvp is inherently unfair, I can put up with that.

I cant however do anything at all to progress my 57 hunter outside dungeons as every flightpath I go to has a horde raid group waiting to farm honour.

That’s not a good experience, in fact its a reason to tell blizzard where they can shove their game and I sincerely hope all of you supporting the current game play enjoy your dead servers.


Yes, it’s all wpvp.

Yes, yes is it does.
People don’t seems to understand that the population on most servers is 3-5x times more then in vanilla. There are raids in nearly all zones, killing everything. That dident happend in vanilla so all people replying “this is the vanilla experience”. No, its not.
And yes you should be ready to be ganked on a pvp server, but right now you can’t even play the game as a low lvl player.

And wtf, this thread is just full of elitist.


Maybe I wasn’t clear, my apologies, I’ll be more direct.

No you will not be able to level your character (or at least not effectively) , this information was available to you before the release but you didn’t take the time to educate yourself on the issues on PvP servers.

Flight paths will be camped
You will be corpse camped
You will be graveyard camped
You will not be able to get to dungeons
The other faction will kill you just to be spiteful, the numbers are not even.

Why am I bringing these PvP issues up - well this is what is making as you say “stuck” - You very much are up the creak without a paddle sunshine.

I know this seems harsh but that is the reality of playing on a PvP server. Is any of this your fault? Well kind of yes, if the information was there and you either chose to ignore it or didn’t take the time to find it, and it was not hard to find.

I terms of what can you do, well you have 3 to 4 options

Carry on playing how you are, you will probably reach 60 eventually but it will not be fun.

Re-Roll on a PvE realm. There are less griefers on PvE realms and they have better things to do than corpse camp you all day. I do know this will result in you loosing weeks or even months of effort.

Quit them game

Wait and hope blizzard release a Realm/Faction transfer - Blizzard do not have a documented history of dealing with these issues and there a strong #nochanges vibe so that’s really your best hope - what to do between now and then - reffer to options 1,2 and 3.

Why am i being so harsh?

2 Reasons, one it’s just the reality of the situation you are in and two is well like i said, players, including my self made every effort possible to inform you of this but our efforts fell on deaf ears and now here we are.

Will PvP servers start dieing - yeah probably, more so to cut your losses and move on.

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I will have to agree with Jajwynfas here. Sure when P3 comes, it will calm down. But by then the servers will be void of Alliance. You can argue that back in the day, this is did not happen, which is true. But the situation now is much, much worse, and today people have a lot of alternatives, and not just retail, but other and maybe better MMO’s. Back when Wow launched, it was the very best (even when it was bad), there really where no, or very few alternatives. So people had no choice but to sit it out. My bet is that this will not happen this time.

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Very honorable also!

Since you brought this problem of yours, what would you do to fix this? Im just curious.

Honor is for rp-pvp only.

Ah Vaeyen, how are you doing? We met ironically in my post about rolling on a PvE realm?

I take it your happy with whichever realm you rolled on?

Hey! I have not been on Classic yet. Just in here because nothing happening in War Mode forum. Good wpvp chat.

Yes they can. On PvE servers.

Ok, since you are deep into details I will provide some more info.

I started classic late. My son was playing on Golemag and I made char there ofc to be able to play with him. Coming from retail pvp server it was natural choice for me.

You my dear sir have no clue why I joined late, why I joined pvp server, why I didnt research before joining… Zero knowledge what so ever still you are pretending to be Dr. Phil and are trying to make me look bad cause I didnt research and I cry over pvp on a pvp server (which I am not).

Well… sorry, you are wrong.

For the 10th time now

  1. I love pvp
  2. I joined pvp server literally over a day for the reason stated above.
  3. I do understand pvp is big if not the biggest factor for people on a pvp server, no problem at all.

Stop talking to me as if I asked for pvp to be removed or something! Hallo?

More details. I work full time job. I got wife and kids to attend to. I usually can find 1-2 hours when I can play and enjoy wow classic, the game I played 2005 and forward until people like you destroyed it. So when I log in, it takes me roughly 40 min to establish full party for BRD. We start moving to BRD and it takes around 25-45 min. BRD takes a while to cpomplete, we are doing full runs since we are lower lvls so we dont just farm it. So my question to you is, what the hell am I supposed to do? Cant quest, cant do dungeons, absolutelly cant pvp yet as my lvl is to low and gear is sh-it. What can I do man? Try and answer it in a constructive way if you can, Im willing to take advice, even from a bully person like you, thats how desperate the situation is.

There’s some good PvP on my server i spent a few hours in old hilsbrought foothills. It was mostly defensive as Alliance have about a 55% 45% advantage honestyl i think you’d enjoy it. There’s the odd small scale skirmish outside OG - level a toon.

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I gotta try sometime! But… the graphics… my kitty form… I’ll get there!