World PvP Killing Classic?

So I did pick up some of your life situations from you original post.

Think of me as a mean army drill instructor who works your butt mercilessly, calls you names and generally makes you feel like crap. Yes I’m doing it but I’m very much of the lesser of two evils and there is some method here.

At the moment you’re in an unwinnable situation, I’m afraid I nor anyone else can fix this for with have you tried X Y or Z. There are only 2 ways of levelling in WoW Classic killing mobs and completing quests and you won’t be able to do either even in dungeons as there is travel involved which is not possible (if you have time restrictions).

Blizzard has not been able to deal with these issues well for years and I’m afraid it’s the chance of them introducing cross-realm wPvP is virutally nil and even if they did it won’t help you as Horde outnumbers alliance of almost every server. Anyone who tells you that BG’s will solve this is incorrect. These people (who are keeping you stuck) just want to make your unhappy it may get slightly better as there will be less of them but 50 v 1 or 25 v 1 - is functionally the same.

My best advice to you is to Re-Roll on either a PvE realm or if you absolutely have to roll on a PvP realm roll on a RP-PvP realm as they tend to be mostly alliance and the faction imbalance will work in your favour. Your only other option is to wait for a realm transfer where you can either try and locate an imbalance that benefits you or role PvE where it doesn’t matter. And yes there is wPvP or PvE servers but players know to “reign it in” or the other faction will just unflag PvP.

PvP servers are “Hardcore” servers your current company is hardcore “no lifers” and griefing hobbyists and it’s not too much of an exaggeration to say they “feed” on your tears. Yes I may be I-told-you-soing you, but I won’t go out of my way to ruin your day for the “lolz” they will.

Get the f-out of dodge! - You’re only available action now is to use the “surrender tactic”

*by you i mean “you and your boy”


Lol yeah in like two years maybe.

Maybe this is not a game for you.

Right so I know getting ganked suck heck even when reaching 60 you’ll still find moments where you’re getting ganked…

My suggestion and its a real one, find a guild, a big one at that or atleast a strong one, I know I myself am helping our low levels when ganking gets to rough, helping them complete their quests and the like.

I wish I could tell you a better way fo going through it, but besides logging on at weird times or waiting for the pvp to head for bg’s in the next phase there are no good alternatives.

People want honor, and they want it at any cost, you’re level 5t0 which means you grant honor to level 60.

So yeah I feel you but besides finding some friends on whatever server you’re on and then by that making those groups not disband afte 5 minutes I have no other solutions.

Also to you trolls out there… just cause a new player is experiencing things harder than they expected doesn’t give you the right to rub it in further… sheesh…

Classic isn’t wpvp it isn’t grinding its the community, so find yourself one and things will be smoother for you, I promiss…

Alex this may be hard for you to realise but I’m the good guy here Karissa is the bad guy, although she probably is unaware of this.

There were dozens and dozens of these players that believed this wouldn’t happen and if this isn’t thr fault of anyone who didn’t take the time to resarch this (sorry to be harsh) it’s theres.

You may find a guild a big one and I’m sure in the 1st day or so they may help you a bit and you’ll think youve got a way now and it will give you hope but this will ware off and you’ll receive less and less help, please ignore any subsequent anecdotal stories that are posted.

Get out off that server for your own sake dude.

Ignore my advice at your own peril. I think I’ve demonstrated well enough i saw this coming and i cam see what else will follow.

Alfredsson, maybe, and maybe this world is not for you. So he can quit wow and you can quit world? Deal?

Says the 60 lvl rogue, lol

Its you basically who don’t understand how this works. Let me help you, we (defined as ppl who have loads of free time) camp you (ppl who started late, dont have loads of time to play etc etc) not for fun, not for increase in e-P****, we camp you as if its our job, cause we want to rank up, and this will get even more brutal since phase 3 will not come any time soon.

Also you talk about long run, how many ppl will be here after naxx is cleared and rank 14 is achieved? Why would we waste our time waiting to get rank 14 when we can farm all the ppl who are 48+ now ? You get my point…

There will be no longevity so we don’t care if we will end up with few ppl in the long run we need our things now, so we camp you now. Long run we might even go TBC or Classic+ noone cares. What we care is achieving our goals in game. We do not care for YOUR goals but ours, you can’t deal with it? change to pve cause you deffo aint gonna change us…

Hope this helps you understand the mentality of ppl who actually farm honor and not just camp ppl for couple of hours.

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It is never too late to reroll. Classic is a crappy game that will have no new content. You can always reroll on a PVE sever at any time.

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At this rate, no Horde will get a Rank14. Cause there wil be no PVP left ^^.
And like you, we will not care about it :smiley:


Good Luck!


You see? Nageth here is a the type of pr$ck you have to deal with but at least he’s open about being a pr$ck and i respect anyone who’s upfront about being a pr$ck. Oh yeah and he probably gets a kick out of ruining your day too. Ask him i bet he’ll tell you.

I’m not the pr*ck here, I hope you can see this. I’m one of a few people trying to help you even if you keep talking to me like i’m the idiot!

Sure bro, sure,

on half balanced servers this may work, but guess what, not every area can be covered by alliance raids when you are HEAVILY outnumbered on servers, thereby all the other areas will be free gank spots. But why am I speaking? You got your idea, I got mine.

I’ll endure this in a way or the other (like naked upon landing and crossing lands, so worth sh!t honor and across the deaths will be worth nothing), horde will endure this when upon (early) release of bgs, there won’t be enought ally to bg with :slight_smile:

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The Hord mostly come at nightmostly !

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There is a very simple solution to all of that crisis which does not involve paid transfers or balancing servers. Blizz please turn off honour in wPVP and release BGs.

  1. Alex will be able to do quests and enjoy wPvP as in phase 1
  2. honour farmers and nothing to do 60s will be farming BGs for epic rewards.
  3. even gankers can still do what they love. Everyone is happy, lets make WoW great again :slight_smile:
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world pvp is the thing on a pvp server.

10 vs 1 is nothing new in WPvP from my experiences back in the day, is it honorable? No. Is it part of the game? Yes.

All those people thinking they can start BG’s all decked out in PvP gear are simply fooling themselves as they’ll soon find out it’s not that easy to rank up and only gets harder the higher rank you get. Especially now with more players then back in the day so a lot more competition to rank up and my guess it’s going to be harder then ever to reach rank 14. (Which no one will reach anyway the next 3 or 4 months)
All the people farming Honor in raids or big groups will find out very soon that it’s absolutely not efficient at all to farm Honor that way and I bet a lot of them think right now they can reach rank 14 with it.

Once I reach level 60 and get a bit of gear, I’ll go solo farming Honor over the world but only to reach rank 2 and get my PvP trinket. (rank 2 isn’t hard to reach at all and I’ll likely get it within a week, without much effort)
After that, I’ll just keep enjoying the game in my own ways and not going to care about ranking at all, as I could reach rank 12 back in the day the same way before it got removed.
Theoretically it’s possible to reach rank 14 with just WPvP alone, but I wish any one that wants to try that all the luck in the world as I won’t see it happen.

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This will get quiet pretty soon…no pvp if all you have left is dueling in front of your city…like now on giant servers :slight_smile: how many alliance do you see online in your efortless hunts for victory, and glory…for the horde!?

Yes because it is completely impossible for me to have alt like everyone else, and after youre level 60 you cant anymorew get ganked or participiated in pvp?

As a long-time MMO developer, there was always a concern with PvP that we had to work around and balance; Players are not NPCs.

The fact of the matter is that once you allocate farmable currency (be it loot, points, etc) to players, they take on the role of NPC’s. The key difference is that NPC’s do not complain over gameplay experience, nor do they pay a montly subscription for the service - only players do.

The current state of the game (on several servers) are simply not sustainable, and have and will continue to harm the one and only thing that Blizzard -really- care about; recurring subscription numbers.

World-PVP pre-honor could not show this any more clear. From big data statistics, we know that very few (<5%) would dedicate time towards PvP if it had no reward-system. Blizzard is well aware of how the current experience is detrimental to the state of the game. This is the reasons behind the stop-gap aka. the diminishing returns system.

However, on certain servers, this is clearly not enough to deter such detrimental behaviour. BG’s will absolutely be rushed because of this, and I expect it to roll out in no more than a couple of weeks (at most).