World PvP Killing Classic?

I only have 1 question:
What do you propose for Blizzard to solve the problem? Is faction imbalance Blizzard’s fault?
What is your genius solution to the problem you complained?
I see no other solution except rerolling PVE.

hahahahahaha more alliance avatars creating “muh ruined experience” threads because the horde are DESTROYING them in pvp.
git gud.
roll PVE scrub.

I play on Mograine, and i see countless everywhere, gadg, thorium point, zeppelins, blasted lands, wpl,epl its chaotic mate dunno what server you playing on tho seems dead server :stuck_out_tongue:

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you can see my server when you hover the mouse over my name :slight_smile:
My experience is the following: in my guild from 50-70 online players now we have some 10-20 excepting raids. In If there are less and less, maybe 30% of what were online before p2. Alchemy potions are not selling like they used to, etc. And this is what, 5 days into p2?
But I’m sure that you know better, it’s all good, keep up the good work, you’re almost there, rank 14…lol. This game’s community is nothing like it was, now it’s just jerks and chad’s everywhere with few exceptions here and there.

Careful Blizzard. This is the kind of pserver community behavior and entitlement that will destroy your servers if you don’t act.

They don’t mind about the server nor the community not the longevity of classic. They’ve been hopping from pserver to pserver rushing and destroying them in an endless obsessive repetition. Now they’ve come to classic and plan on doing the same.

Blizzard, you’ve never had to deal with this kind of self-destructive player community, and they are going to dmg your income.


You are in a minority so nothing will change for you, there are still queues on the servers so it is not dying.

If you cannot commit a large amount of time to this game(4 hours per day minimum) at least during leveling and gearing phases then this game is not for you, and if you came late to classic then a PvP server is not for you, or you would need to join one of the lower pop realms.

You cannot accommodate everyone because if you do that leads to retail WoW.

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First it was ques killing classic, then layering is killing classic, then phase 2 killing classic, then dire maul rush killing classic and now wpvp killing classic.

Admins should code and make something such that any post title with killing gets insta deleted!!!

So fed up of reading these killing classic posts every 2 hours!

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I have almost the best gear for pve and pvp, almost 5k hp just selfbuffed as a priest. I need raidboss healthpool or I am just too bad at the game, I don’t manage to win 10v1s…

What server are you on? I am browsing mobile and does not seem to be a way to check.

Because on my server there are still queues I see tons of people from alliance going to raid.

Yes Alliance are a bit out numbered but they form larger groups and roam about to kill Horde. Horde are more in 5-10 groups and alliance in 20-40.

Btw what gear do you have to have 5k HP. I am quite well geared priest and I can only get 4.5k self buffed.

Or just make pvp for lvl 60’s. Problem solved.

Information If anyone cares to read it, I am not on Goelmag any longer. I changed to Bloodfang. Its a bit better, just a bit. I can do maybe 2 quests in 1 hour now (its not a joke). It might sound like a long time but still better than nothing, at least I got a chance now. It would take me 1 year to reach lvl 60 at this pace, but as I said,now there is a way at least.

Unfortunately I’m on shazzrah and the problem is that it is getting worse day by day. T1 combined with necropile, hp ench on chest, wrist, head and legs benediction/anathema, pvp quest wand etc. pvp disc spec.

Ok, I have the same gear as that minus the 100hp enchants on legs and head.

The point is…what am I supposed to do against masses of horde. Not even our 40man raid trying to get to raids is able to make a dent. I am just saying that it is a problem and unfortunately, not even the guys having fun now…will have any in not that long.

You should of stayed on Golemagg the alliance is very active on there and should of just held out, the reason the groups are bad is because all the good alliance are out doing wPvP.

You should of just of found a quiet spot to farm mobs till sixty then found a guild that could help you gear up.

you can add another 250 (or whatever the numbers were) from alcohol and foodbuff :slight_smile:

Pity that it is like that on Shazzrah but it seems like most servers are almosted balanced.

But I think it will get better as time goes on, the horde will realize they do not get much honor from raid groups as the honor is split too much and will start forming smaller groups, then as there is more horde alliance can go around in a raid group wiping out the smaller horde groups.

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You are one reasonable guy, thank you.
I rolled pvp because I remembered vanilla pvp and unfortunately I did not play pservers so I had no idea how toxic this would get due to that community.


I am experiencing the exact same and tbh it is putting me off even logging in because I know what’s to come… i mean sure we knew what we signed up for with a pvp server but when it’s making the game virtually unplayable I think something should be done to help like layers which only allow so many horde to alliance ratio in a single zone unless you are in a group or raid… at least until they bring BGs out, or just bring bgs out now!

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Isn’t the issue just huge server sizes? In vanilla, FP and dungeon entrance camping went on, but it would be one or 2 not every single FP. There werent enough players on a server to cover every FP in numbers enough to control them for a sustained period. You could form groups big enough to eventually counter this.You formed up at a near by FP and you headed into the pvp. Or you went via an alternative route to get to your destination. Currently every single FP is camped almost 24/7 if you are on the smaller faction . Every single dungeon entrance. both boats. Graveyards. There is no way to move around the world. You are basically stuck in your main city. people arent going to log on for this. Unless BG’s come soon, players will just stop logging, reroll on other servers or cancel subs until BG’s come out. Even then I,m not sure that it will be a fix.
Alliance will get instant bg’s due to being the smaller faction. but horde will then be forced to continue WPvP as the only way to farm Honour while waiting for thier queue to pop.


Yes the issue is the huge servers, the enormous overpopulation etc. and inddirectly all the peple who have been running around like headless chicken screaming DEAD SERVERS since day one. I think it is some time since we last heard from Dragonfang :slight_smile: I bet they’re all busy enjoying their Vanilla style PvP.

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