World PvP Killing Classic?

Lmao why is that something you respect? A burglar could be frank about being a burglar - does that command respect from you? This example isn’t event perfect because being frank about that has some legal consequences whereas this dude admitting he doesn’t give a crap about the game or players has 0 consequences for him.

Edit: my main point is that attitudes like his should be shunned and criticised, not “respected”.


I’m exping a warlock, actually 57, 3 days, ust 1 level, and only in dungeon, is impossible to survive for 5 min. Simply ruining the experience

Dragonfang here, was hard the first 2 days. Yesterday I did not even die going to BRD (2 latecomers did, but only died 1 time).

Dead server ftw.

Absolutely agree. WoW PvP has always been very poorly designed outside of arenas. In the majority of cases the winner is the person with the higher level, the better gear, or brought the most friends. It’s rare to see a fight that’s truly a 1v1 fight where the most skilled person wins. It’s like it’s actually designed to promote ganking.

I’ve always said that combat mathematics should at least normalise the levels of the people involved in PvP so that even a level 60 would think twice about attacking a group of level 10s. That would help a bit.

Well no it wouldn’t but this is a video game.

This is an example of REA (latin phrase) its the process of taking someones point to an extreme and moking the outcome. Ergo i don’t condone running around the forrest with an axe murderering the wildlife either with the sole purpose to get better at wielding said axe.

It is not. I merely applied your logic to another situation to show that it is not reasonable. The point that I was making is that just because someone is honest about a negative action does not make it or the person respectable.

reroll RP servers if you dont like pvp

This is why

He i and loads of other players categorically told as many people that would listen this would happen and provided an alternative

So to use your method, If the general public tell you to not keep your phone on your dashboard when you leave your car, if the police tell you not to leave it there and a burglar tells you that if you do they will steal it. Does all the blame lie with the victim? Well I’m afraid that when you reported said crime a response of why did you leave it there would be very reasonable.

Sure, I get where you’re coming from and I don’t deny that you have a point. It’s just the step farther that I had a problem with, i.e. respecting the ganker for being unapologetic about it.

So let’s pur you in my shoes. What would you do?

In this situation you know this will happen you spend your time explaining this to people what do you get back. PvE is for pansies.

You continue with your point what do you get back, the game is called world of "war"craft, if you roll pve you are only getting half of the game.

The issue is i can’t remember the name of the principal from school but its named after a famous expert of human behaviour and psychology. Essentially 90% of people don’t actually “think” or at least think for themselves they just follow the numbers from the remaining 10% or the most persuasive. And a bunch of youtubers were more persuasive than me, probably due to their platform I’m sure if these people who are now complaining took the time to think they would have come to the same conclusion as me

I don’t know if it was written or not, enter the dungeon in spirit form after being killed once, instead of ressing on your corpse. It should work as far as I remember.

I love it, whenever something doesn’t add up to your idea of what vanilla used to be you automatically assume that he is from pserver community? Kappa clownfiesti we have been there in vanilla, but not to this degree, now all people already know what works best so they go for it. But yeah its ok :stuck_out_tongue: I come from PServers all hide your children and wives we ruling classic stay barricade in stormwind and og dont try to go outside cause PS warriors will camp you till you delete your char.

Better get go play the game than responding here you 54, chop chop away you go.


So many question about race, class, specc, itemization, enchants. So much theorycrafting about how 1% of this is better than 1% of that if X is Y. So many guides and videos about every little aspect that can give your character the edge over others … All that to be ganked 10 vs 1.

Life is strange huh! ^^


Let’s just face it, if you aren’t a nolifer like this guy and treats the game like a job you can either find some way to enjoy the game or complain your heart out and waste your 1 life or quit.

The game belongs to nolifers, they can farm anything for 12 hours a day (zf, winterhold or you) because they have NOTHING else to do.

This isn’t what vanilla was and classic could never have been what vanilla was because the people have changed.


See they are loving all this and we all knew the would and it we told you it would happen.

@ScareKaraaw and @Nageth - I have three questions - no judgement

Do you get a kick out of ruining someones day, will you continue to gank people 10v1 when BG come out for the Lolz and do you care if the server you play on “dies”?

More can you confirm my statements as opposed to “questions”

Decided to reroll easy mode (Horde) on my alts as suggested by players on the forum and looking for the best Horde server to join.

Uh, just avoid the spots where level 60s farm? It’s not like they’re everywhere on the map. Just stack up some rested exp (since you’re not in a rush anyways) and grind mobs in some secluded area (many such areas in Winterspring, EPL, Burning Steppes, etc.).

I cant say that I like or enjoy the state the servers are at the moment, since it reminds me more of road pirates of former Yugoslavia looking for the next meal than Warcraft PvP. Hence my comment.
But depending on the person, I do enjoy ruining peoples days. I rarely, if ever, kill or even bother wasting time on gray targets, or bother to gank/punish a player without reason. I dont get a powertrip from that.
I understand, however, people who lvled throught hell, ganks and abuse pass this favour on. Ive tried to be the bigger person and lived to regret it way to many times.

But I dont expect the servers to be in this “intense” state forever, and even less so when BGs come.


I understand the issue. The honor system is bad…very bad… lvl 60 shouldnt get honor points in killing 50s. There is now way that`s an even fight. Levelling to 60 now, is gonna take ages.

Hopefully it will calm down, or players will stop playing/transfer. If players stop playing, the servers will die.

If u r on a horde/alliance dominated server, i would recomend a transfer. Seeking understanding in forums will just bring agony in the long run.

The players is just playing the game within the rules. There is always the core players on each faction that just dont care. Not all read forums and prepare in the same way. But I never thought that it would be this easy to take down NPCs and wreck flightpaths.

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