World PvP Killing Classic?

Without retail players you wouldn’t have gotten Classic. It’s the retail players that have kept this game afloat all these years.

Just an FYI. :slight_smile:

I never cried.
People like me? i´m a scout, waiting to rank with bgs.
Get out of here with your retail toon. We dont need the likes of you here.
#separate retail from classic.


Completely opposite

Classic is only a couple of months old. Prior to this the only WoW players that existed were retailers. Without their subs over the last 15 years WoW would be dead in the dirt.

Please, pray tell, explain to me your logic here. Because I’m not seeing any.

You really want to argue that retail players amazing support of bad decisions and blind loyality without questioning which gifted community with jewels such as Cata, WoD and BfA (soon with addition of Shadowlands) were somehow magically beneficial to a classic? To a game which were petitioned to be created and gained media coverage soley by the deeds of a Nostalrius community? Dont make me laught.

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The retail players who have subbed or been subbed to the game over all these years are the reason WoW is still alive.

There is legitimately no argument against that as it isn’t an opinion - it’s fact. No subs = no revenue = no game.

If WoW had died 10, even 5, years ago due to a lack of paying players you would never have gotten Classic.

You can continue to rag on “retailers” all you want - but you can also thank them for keeping WoW alive all this time. WoW still being as popular as it is was the core component of getting Classic. The campaigners were merely the catalyst.

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Havent you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, if your favorite retail died instead of continuing to decline into irrelevance, it would hause caused creation of something else which could replace it? Like, I dunno, WoW2?

Rest of your post is just absurd, I already provided you with my argument, you did nothing to counter it, but just ignored it and went on.

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Retail is far from my favourite - I’ve only been subbed (not including my time since Classic launched) for about a year out of the last 15.

The rest of your argument was glossed over because it’s redundant - you’re spitting ad hominem and what if scenarios that cannot be debated in fact because they’re philosophical in nature.

“What if this had happened then maybe that would have been the result.”

We simply cannot know what Blizzard’s approach would have been if WoW had effectively died. Cut the cord? Keep it on life support? Make WoW 2? We will never know.

As for the Nostalrius campaign you mentioned - I did address it. I acknowledged that they were a catalyst in Classic becoming a reality. But believing they and other campaigners are the sole reason (and that this gives them some kind of deciding say on what is and isn’t allowed in Classic) is not only false but also embarrassingly arrogant.

if you had any brains your would of read 20 horde sitting at portal and another 20 to 25 running the path betweenfp and brd in searing gorge /steppes is not pvp…when it takes 30 deaths and 45mins to corpse move to entrance to do any instance this is not pvp and this is 24/7…i played pvp server 10-12 yrs ago this is nothing like pvp so yes engage you brain…i rolled on dreamist cause my son plays here no other reason!

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Yes there is a simple solution I just want to be able to make some gold grinding out in the wild and I cant atm


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this is wrong on dreamist i have alts 33 to 45 and they are constantly gank by skulls…horde on this server so not care about dishonor kills they just kill…also even the fp are killed …pls can some one explain how killing a fp is pvp ?..

It has never been like this in vanilla. This is all private server meta, and its terrible. Sappers, faps, zugzug 24/7, game has changed and not for better for some ppl.

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m9ggs this ain’t even pvp…this is 20+ bored little kiddies playing 20 v 1 or 20 v 5…i have seen many times at epl fp horde just “farming the landers” but when 20 allliance turn up to pvp they scatter in the wind…so really they have no interest in pvp clearly

I dont think its just kids, its just people desperate for kills they all want to be R14 for some weird reason and the way blizz made the servers spreading out and ganking everywhere is the only way to max honour until the BGs come out.

Yes agreed, World pvp has broken questing on pvp servers that aren’t evenly balanced horde-alliance (which I’d imagine is most of them)

I think most players are just waiting it out until the the Battlegrounds launch in the hope that it will improve.
I’ve seen a lot of players new to WoW quit already.

Would be nice to tweak it so that 60 players didn’t get honor farming <60s , but I’m guessing that this isn’t going to happen.

I honestly preferred the world pvp in phase one. It showed who was actually interested in wpvp and who is just there to get easy kills when somebody is fighting a mob.

Cata was the best expansion, they ruined it at the end to give you baddies DS, and instead you went to play on pirate servers.

Your post shows just how clueless you are

Catastroclysm was the worst xpac ever. It broke the world and introduced linearity and hand-holdign.

Healing actualy started to require skill due of spell mana requirement being based in your actual mana % instead of a flat amount, showing that some pro healer in TBC or wotlk where actualy bad

Some of the best spec playstile in years, fire mage is a prime example, the best version of combustion was in cata.

Molten front

Tier way more challenging compared to that clowfiesta that was tier 7 or 4.
Also 10 man raid giving same rewards that 25 man allowing guilds to get rid of bad/carried player

Ragnaros HC one of the best 5 bosses in the game till now

And this are just some example, the people that dislike cata is becouse the got benched on Halfus normal, instead of blame the game they should have focused on getting a pair of hands.

Nahhhh you got everything wrong there. The dude you quoted was right.